Pittsburg Community Schools Unified School District 250 Sealed Solicitation

Title: Fuel Bid 2021-2022

Deadline: 5/26/2021 2:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired


May 14, 2021

 The Board of Education of Unified School District 250, Pittsburg, Kansas, will receive fuel bids for the 2021-2022 school year.  Bids will be received, at the Bevan Education Center, 510 Deill Street, Pittsburg, Kansas, 66762, no later than May 26, 2021 at 2:00 PM CST.


If the quote is mailed, please indicate on the outside of the envelope that a ‘Fuel Bid’ is contained.  Please allow mailing time for bids to arrive by the specified date.


Thank you for your interest in the District’s fuel bid invitation.  For further information or clarification, please contact Vince Johnston at (620)235-3190 or Lita Biggs, Director of Business Operations at (620) 235-3100.  The Board of Education reserves the right to accept reject any or all quotes. 


Your company will remain on our list of vendors for next year’s bids unless you notify us that you do not wish to receive this information or if the contact information in the heading is inaccurate.





Lita Biggs

Director of Business Operations/Treasurer


Documents as of 5/14/2021
proposal fuel bid 21.pdf
deviations fuel bid 21.pdf
ltr invitation fuel 21.pdf