Las Cruces Public Schools Sealed Solicitation
Title: Category Two (2) – Broadband Technology Infrastructure Upgrade Project/E-rate
Deadline: 3/13/2018 10:00 AM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: RFP NO. 17-18-04P
This RFP seeks the interest of qualified experts in the technology field to provide (1) turnkey technology infrastructure upgrade and installation to the existing District technology infrastructure. Turnkey installation and pricing shall be based off on the provided LCPS Technology Equipment/Item Pricing List (TEIPL) developed by the Technology Support Services enclosed as Exhibit 1.
Documents as of 3/2/2018 |
RFP NO. 17-18-04P LCPS CAT2 REVISED 02-13-18.pdf |
EXHIBIT 1. LCPS Item List F021218WAM.xls |
AMENDMENT ONE. Q&A MAR1-2018.pdf |