Whitfield County Schools Sealed Solicitation

Title: Facilities - New North Whitfield Middle Furniture

Deadline: 2/24/2021 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: WCS-PR-2020-022


Provide furniture for the new North Whitfield Middle School


Documents as of 1/29/2021
NWM RFP Product Pricing Sheet - 2.xlsx
NWM Furniture RFP 2021 - 3.pdf
Question 1

Posted: 1/26/2021

Question: Will there be serve lines in the cafeteria space? If so, where? Media Center: Need ceiling height Number of books you’ll need shelving for “ Mixed shelving on walls” #1 and #2 together? CAD will hopefully verify power and locations

Response: 1. Serving Lines in Cafeteria - Yes. The CAD files show the location. It is listed as 1209 on the RFP. 2. Media Center - All shelving will be built in and are covered elsewhere. This RFP is only for seating, tables, desks, etc. 3. CAD files have been requested and will be available by emailing me at jim.fugate@wcsga.net to make request.

Question 2

Posted: 1/28/2021

Question: In section 6.3.4 (page 21), it says you want multiple shaped tables. Are those tables to have attached seating? Could you send me a CAD file for the cafeteria? Also, in regards to the drawing, do you have a particular color scheme you want to use? Thank you

Response: All cafeteria tables should have attached seating except the Bistro height tables/chairs. CAD files - Email request to me at jim.fugate@wcsga.net The building color scheme will be included as PDF files.

Question 3

Posted: 1/30/2021

Question: Can you please provide the actual dimensions of the L shaped desk(desk (30x60,30x66 or 30x72) and return(24*42,24x48 or 24x36)) and the small round conference table (36,42 or 48)

Response: We expect the vendor to determine the best fit with their products based on the CAD drawings. You must ensure the furniture will fit in the room and still maintain adequate clearances for comfortable foot traffic in the room.

Question 4

Posted: 2/3/2021

Question: Can you please provide a link for the CAD?

Response: CAD files - Email request to me at jim.fugate@wcsga.net The building color scheme will be included as PDF files.

Question 5

Posted: 2/4/2021

Question: Is Wilsonart Kingswood Walnut 8218 the only acceptable laminate or will a similar color be acceptable?

Response: The principal has selected that specification. You would have to send a sample of other laminate for approval. You would need to provide specifications and warranty information on it as well.

Question 6

Posted: 2/4/2021

Question: Can you please provide a contact name and address on who and where to send a sample laminate to for approval? Thank you.

Response: Jim Fugate 1030 Hill Road Dalton, GA 30721 Please mark package as "Sample approval for RFP WCS-PR-2020-022".

Question 7

Posted: 2/5/2021

Question: In consideration of an online submittal and COVID, do we need to have a notary certify the e-verify affidavit?

Response: I think yes. This is a legal document.

Question 8

Posted: 2/8/2021

Question: • What percentage or number of attached seats is desired in the Cafeteria (please note if stools or benches are preferred)? • What percentage or number of Cafeteria seats should include tables that seat less than 8? • In specifying the pub-height furniture (6 tables and 12 stools) as “Additional” can you clarify whether these should appear in the plans as part of the 320 seats or only in the quote?

Response: 1. 100% of tables (other than bistro height) should be attached seats. 2. Less than 8 seats. I don't have any knowledge of cafeteria tables with attached seating less than 8. So I guess the answer would be 0%. If you know of something else that I am not aware of and want to include it, that will be fine. 3. The bistro height (6 tables and 12 stools) needs to be represented in the cafeteria. These are for teachers and are in addition to the 320 student cafeteria seating.

Posted: 1/26/2021

Question: Will there be serve lines in the cafeteria space? If so, where? Media Center: Need ceiling height Number of books you’ll need shelving for “ Mixed shelving on walls” #1 and #2 together? CAD will hopefully verify power and locations

Response: 1. Serving Lines in Cafeteria - Yes. The CAD files show the location. It is listed as 1209 on the RFP. 2. Media Center - All shelving will be built in and are covered elsewhere. This RFP is only for seating, tables, desks, etc. 3. CAD files have been requested and will be available by emailing me at jim.fugate@wcsga.net to make request.

Posted: 1/28/2021

Question: In section 6.3.4 (page 21), it says you want multiple shaped tables. Are those tables to have attached seating? Could you send me a CAD file for the cafeteria? Also, in regards to the drawing, do you have a particular color scheme you want to use? Thank you

Response: All cafeteria tables should have attached seating except the Bistro height tables/chairs. CAD files - Email request to me at jim.fugate@wcsga.net The building color scheme will be included as PDF files.

Posted: 1/30/2021

Question: Can you please provide the actual dimensions of the L shaped desk(desk (30x60,30x66 or 30x72) and return(24*42,24x48 or 24x36)) and the small round conference table (36,42 or 48)

Response: We expect the vendor to determine the best fit with their products based on the CAD drawings. You must ensure the furniture will fit in the room and still maintain adequate clearances for comfortable foot traffic in the room.

Posted: 2/3/2021

Question: Can you please provide a link for the CAD?

Response: CAD files - Email request to me at jim.fugate@wcsga.net The building color scheme will be included as PDF files.

Posted: 2/4/2021

Question: Is Wilsonart Kingswood Walnut 8218 the only acceptable laminate or will a similar color be acceptable?

Response: The principal has selected that specification. You would have to send a sample of other laminate for approval. You would need to provide specifications and warranty information on it as well.

Posted: 2/4/2021

Question: Can you please provide a contact name and address on who and where to send a sample laminate to for approval? Thank you.

Response: Jim Fugate 1030 Hill Road Dalton, GA 30721 Please mark package as "Sample approval for RFP WCS-PR-2020-022".

Posted: 2/5/2021

Question: In consideration of an online submittal and COVID, do we need to have a notary certify the e-verify affidavit?

Response: I think yes. This is a legal document.

Posted: 2/8/2021

Question: • What percentage or number of attached seats is desired in the Cafeteria (please note if stools or benches are preferred)? • What percentage or number of Cafeteria seats should include tables that seat less than 8? • In specifying the pub-height furniture (6 tables and 12 stools) as “Additional” can you clarify whether these should appear in the plans as part of the 320 seats or only in the quote?

Response: 1. 100% of tables (other than bistro height) should be attached seats. 2. Less than 8 seats. I don't have any knowledge of cafeteria tables with attached seating less than 8. So I guess the answer would be 0%. If you know of something else that I am not aware of and want to include it, that will be fine. 3. The bistro height (6 tables and 12 stools) needs to be represented in the cafeteria. These are for teachers and are in addition to the 320 student cafeteria seating.