City of Battle Creek Sealed Solicitation
Title: AOMF Drainage Improvements 2017-036B
Deadline: 12/21/2016 2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: 2017-036B
Description: Accepting sealed bids for the AOMF Drainage Improvements project. This project is to improve the drainage around the airport administration office building. Once complete set may be obtained by calling the Purchasing Department at 269-966-3390.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 12/12/2016 1:00 PM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Airport Administration Office 15551 S Airport Rd., Battle Creek MI
Documents as of 12/6/2016 |
2017-036B Adv.docx |
Addition 1
Posted: 12/16/2016
Type of Addition: Addendum 1 AOMF Drainage Improvements
Deadline: 12/21/2016 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: 2016-036B1
Addition 2
Posted: 12/21/2016
Type of Addition: AOMF Drainage Improvements Bid Tabulation 2017-036B
Overview: Bid Tabulation 2017-036B
Addition 3
Posted: 7/12/2018
Type of Addition: Hunter Prell Company
Amount: $65,000.00
Posted: 12/16/2016
Type of Addition: Addendum 1 AOMF Drainage Improvements
Deadline: 12/21/2016 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: 2016-036B1
Posted: 12/21/2016
Type of Addition: AOMF Drainage Improvements Bid Tabulation 2017-036B
Overview: Bid Tabulation 2017-036B
Posted: 7/12/2018
Type of Addition: Hunter Prell Company
Amount: $65,000.00