Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation
Title: Agricultural Supplies for AAMU Winfred Thomas Agricultural Research Station - CALNS
Deadline: 2/22/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: Bid No. 2K18-12B
Alabama A&M University
(“University”, “Awarding Authority”) is seeking bids from qualified vendors to provide
the University’s Winfred Thomas Agricultural Research Station, a division of
the College of Agricultural, Life, and Natural Sciences (CALNS), agricultural
supplies, specifically chemicals, seeds and feeds, and fertilizer and lime. Bidders should quote the unit price to provide
each of the items requested on this Invitation to Bid. The unit pricing offered through
this Invitation to Bid shall be honored for one calendar year after notice of
bid award. Alabama A&M
University reserves the right to terminate a contract for cause or convenience
at any time.
Bidders may offer comparable
agricultural supplies that meet or exceed the standards of quality provided by
the brand names of product mentioned specifically in this Invitation to
Bid. Comparable, substitute items are
allowable per Alabama Attorney General’s Opinion 2006-098. The Awarding Authority reserves the right to accept
or reject a product substitution as an approved equal. Please also refer to the “General Conditions
& Guidelines” Bulleted No. 19:
Standards of Quality for pertinent information and guidelines in regard
to these provisions.
Documents as of 5/30/2018 |
Bid No. 2K18-12B.pdf |
2K18-12B - Agricultural Supplies - Awarded Bid - Madison-Coop.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 2/22/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: Please refer to winning bid file for unit prices. Madison County Cooperative was found to be the lowest responsible bidder for Bid No. 2K18-12B (Only one bid respondent).
Posted: 2/22/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: Please refer to winning bid file for unit prices. Madison County Cooperative was found to be the lowest responsible bidder for Bid No. 2K18-12B (Only one bid respondent).