City of Alamogordo Sealed Solicitation

Title: Engineering Services for Water and Wastewater Master Planning

Deadline: 10/3/2022 3:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: RFQ 2022-09

Description: The City of Alamogordo Utilities Department is seeking proposals from qualified firms or collaborating firms to provide professional engineering services to comprehensive master planning services for its water and wastewater conveyance systems, i.e., distributed assets including pipelines, lift stations, pump stations, elevated and ground storage tanks, and appurtenant structures and components. The purpose of the plan is to guide the Utilities Department in the provision of water and wastewater services over a range of time frames (short, mid, and long-range) to plan for meeting future growth and demands; improve system performance, efficiency, and resiliency; and maintain or improve service levels to existing customers. It is also intended that the master plan consider longer-term planning for buildout involving major elements, including siting of additional treatment plant(s), regional lift stations, elevated/ground storage and pumping, large-diameter interceptors, and transmission mains, and associated conveyance system re-configurations.


Documents as of 8/31/2022
RFQ 2022-09 Engineering Services for Water & Wastewater Master Planning.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 9/19/2022

Type of Addition: Addendum #1

Overview: Addendum Number 1 is issued to provide responses to written questions. The date, time, and location for proposals to be received remains unchanged.


Addition 2

Posted: 5/2/2023

Type of Addition: Award Information RFQ 2022-09

Overview: RFQ 2022-09 was awarded to CDM Smith at the October 25, 2022 commission meeting


Posted: 9/19/2022

Type of Addition: Addendum #1

Overview: Addendum Number 1 is issued to provide responses to written questions. The date, time, and location for proposals to be received remains unchanged.


Posted: 5/2/2023

Type of Addition: Award Information RFQ 2022-09

Overview: RFQ 2022-09 was awarded to CDM Smith at the October 25, 2022 commission meeting
