Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation

Title: 2K24-01B Promotional Products, Monogrammed, Screen printed & Embroidered Apparel & Services, Awards of Recognition and/ or Merit Bid

Deadline: 8/28/2024 2:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 2K24-01B

Description: Alabama A&M University (“University”, “customer”) is seeking bids from qualified vendors to provide promotional products, awards of recognition and/or merit, monogrammed, screen printed and embroidered apparel and the services to provide such for an initial term of 3 years after notice of bid award to be automatically renewed once for an additional two years contingent upon a record of satisfactory performance within the initial term. Notice to continue the relationship for an additional two years after the initial term will be communicated in a formal letter via USPS mail. Alabama A&M University reserves the right to terminate a contract for cause or convenience at any time.


Documents as of 8/20/2024
Question 1

Posted: 8/21/2024

Question: Hello, Are online submissions fully valid, or is it necessary to submit the response both online and by email? Thank you.

Response: We have already responded to this question. Please see the public solicitation.

Posted: 8/21/2024

Question: Hello, Are online submissions fully valid, or is it necessary to submit the response both online and by email? Thank you.

Response: We have already responded to this question. Please see the public solicitation.