Town of Mooresville Sealed Solicitation
Title: US 21/Connector Road Waterlines Project
Deadline: 7/18/2019 2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: 301-19-02
work will consist of constructing complete in place approximately 4,525 LF of
16” PVC waterline along Connector Road and approximately 4,650 LF of 24” PVC waterline
along US HWY 21, including connections to existing system, fire hydrants, and
appurtenances, in Mooresville, North Carolina.
The work shall be sequenced such that the 16” waterline along Connector Road is completed (installed, tested, and operational) prior to beginning installation of the 24” waterline along US HWY 21.
Documents as of 6/13/2019 |
301-19-02 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - US 21 - Connector Rd Waterlines.pdf |