Child Care Group Quote

Title: Compensation Study and Analysis

Deadline: 1/20/2022 12:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Quote Number: 2021-20

Description: ChildCareGroup (CCG) is seeking a company to conduct a compensation study and analysis to evaluate current market pay rates in each of the markets in which it operates, as well as provide recommendations on current positions and structure.


Documents as of 12/30/2021
2021-20 Solicitation Issued.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 1/14/2022

Type of Addition: Addendum

Overview: Greetings!!

Please find attached Addendum #1 for the above referenced solicitation.

Responses are due by January 20, 2022 at 12:00pm (central time) in electronic form only. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Thank you in advance!

Deadline: 1/20/2022 12:00 PM


Posted: 1/14/2022

Type of Addition: Addendum

Overview: Greetings!!

Please find attached Addendum #1 for the above referenced solicitation.

Responses are due by January 20, 2022 at 12:00pm (central time) in electronic form only. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Thank you in advance!

Deadline: 1/20/2022 12:00 PM
