City of Carlsbad Sealed Solicitation

Title: Cavern Theatre Alterations - Phase 3

Deadline: 5/7/2020 2:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: 2020-06


Complete sets of the bidding documents may be obtained at the office of the Architect of Record  Mitchell and Cruse Architecture, LLC  102 N. Canyon, Carlsbad, NM  88220.  Documents may be obtained for a deposit of $200.00 for each set.  Checks should be made payable to Mitchell and Cruse Architecture.  

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 4/16/2020 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A Pre-Bid meeting will be held at the job site located at 210 N. Canyon Street in Carlsbad, NM at 2:00 p.m. on 4/16/20. In the event that restrictions related to the COVID-19 outbreak at that time, arrangements will be made to tour the job site and discuss questions with the project architect in smaller groups.


Documents as of 3/26/2020
Addition 1

Posted: 4/16/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum

Overview: The pre-bid meeting for this project has been rescheduled for April 30, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the job site located at 210 N. Canyon St., Carlsbad, New Mexico.  The bid opening date has been rescheduled for May 7, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Carlsbad Municipal Building located at 101 N. Halagueno St., Carlsbad, New Mexico. 

Deadline: 5/7/2020 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 4/30/2020 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Meeting is to be held at 210 N. Canyon Street, Carlsbad, New Mexico

Solicitation #: 2020-06


Addition 2

Posted: 4/20/2020

Type of Addition: Planholder List

Overview: The Planholders list for this bid has been released.  Please see attached


Addition 3

Posted: 5/7/2020

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: Bids have been received and are currently under review by the project Architect. The apparent low bidder is Greer Construction in the amount of $906,116 including bid alternates.


Addition 4

Posted: 5/27/2020

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: This bid has been awarded to Greer Construction

Amount: $906,116.00

Posted: 4/16/2020

Type of Addition: Addendum

Overview: The pre-bid meeting for this project has been rescheduled for April 30, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the job site located at 210 N. Canyon St., Carlsbad, New Mexico.  The bid opening date has been rescheduled for May 7, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Carlsbad Municipal Building located at 101 N. Halagueno St., Carlsbad, New Mexico. 

Deadline: 5/7/2020 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 4/30/2020 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Meeting is to be held at 210 N. Canyon Street, Carlsbad, New Mexico

Solicitation #: 2020-06


Posted: 4/20/2020

Type of Addition: Planholder List

Overview: The Planholders list for this bid has been released.  Please see attached


Posted: 5/7/2020

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: Bids have been received and are currently under review by the project Architect. The apparent low bidder is Greer Construction in the amount of $906,116 including bid alternates.


Posted: 5/27/2020

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: This bid has been awarded to Greer Construction

Amount: $906,116.00