Barton County Sealed Solicitation

Title: Architectural & Mechanical Engineering Services for Courthouse Heating & A/C Replacement

Deadline: 10/22/2021 12:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded


Request for Qualifications

Mechanical Engineering Services for Barton County, Kansas


Section 1

Introduction and General Information


Barton County is seeking an experienced and qualified engineering firm, licensed in the State of Kansas, to perform architectural, mechanical, and related professional services for completion of unfinished office space and/or the replacement of the heating and air conditioning system for the Barton County Courthouse located at 1400 Main Street, Great Bend, Kansas 67530.  This expenditure could be supported, in whole or in part, by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, awarded to Barton County by the U.S. Department of Treasury.


The County serves a population base of approximately 26,000 people, and is served by 200 employees, 120 of which are located at the Courthouse.  The current Barton County Courthouse was originally constructed in 1917, with portions being modified over the years.

The County seeks to enter into a Personal Services Agreement with the chosen engineering firm or consultant team that can provide the design and project oversight for completion of unfinished office space and/or the update of the boiler/chiller forced water heating and cooling system.   The County anticipates upgrading the current heating and air system to a VRF system.

The County’s selection process may include a two-step process.  The first step will be an evaluation of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) submitted in response to this solicitation.

In the second step, the County may proceed with negotiations with the primary consultant or invite the top three or more firms to make oral presentations to the Barton County Commission.  Instructions will be provided regarding the desired content of the presentations.  A firm’s ability to follow directions will be considered as part of the evaluation of the RFQ and oral presentation.  Notice of intent to award will be posted on the County’s website.

Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Submittal

The deadline for submission of the complete SOQ in response to this RFQ is 12:00, noon, October 22, 2021.  Postmarks and late proposals will not be considered.  Facsimiles and electronic proposals are not accepted.  If the proposal is forwarded by mail or messenger service, it is the responsibility of the proposer to get the proposal to the location below by the submission deadline.


The RFQ submittals should be directed to the following:


Donna Zimmerman

County Clerk

Barton County

1400 Main, Room 202

Great Bend, KS 67530


Provide 10 copies of your RFQ submittal.


County’s Role

The County’s project manager for this project is Phil Hathcock.  The role of the project manager is to work closely with the engineer to answer questions, provide guidance, and assist in the coordination where needed.  The project manager’s tasks do not include performing research or design for the consultant team.


All available information that the County has will be available to the consultant(s) selected for this project.  This information includes aerial photos, current facility layout and available plans.


Additional Information

All questions or clarification related to this RFQ must be submitted to Phil Hathcock, via email to: All requests must be submitted before 12:00, noon, October 15, 2021.  All questions and the County’s response will be posted on the County’s website:  Individual and consultant firm names will be removed from the posted response.  It is the consultant’s responsibility to check the website for information; no individual responses will be made.


Cancellation- The County reserves the right to cancel this RFQ at any time.  The County reserves the right to waive minor informalities or discrepancies contained in any Proposal.


Expenses- Consultants responding to this RFQ do so solely at their expense and the County is not responsible for any consultant expenses associated with responding to this RFQ.  The consultant’s billable time will start after the signing of the contract to perform the work.


Pre-Proposal Meeting- No pre-proposal meeting will be held.


Evaluation Process- After ranking all proposals, the County may proceed with negotiations with the primary consultant or proceed with interviews of the top ranked architect.  The County will begin negotiating the final project scope, cost, and contract conditions with the primary consultant.  If these negotiations are unsuccessful, the County will release the primary consultant and begin negotiations with the secondary consultant.

Section 2

Statement of Qualifications Requirements

Please provide the following information about your firm or members of the team you wish to propose for the Personal Services Agreement.  Your firm’s or team should respond to all requirements of this RFQ to the maximum extent possible.


For consistency in proposals, please arrange content in the order listed below.

1.       Introductory letter

2.       Information about your company and firm qualifications

3.       Project team

4.       Project experience/References

5.       Supporting information including key personnel resumes



Introductory Letter

The introductory letter shall name the person or persons authorized to sign contracts and represent the consultant in any negotiations.


Information About Your Company

Please provide the following:

·         Name, address, phone number, fax number and e-mail of the firm office which would be providing the service to Barton County as well as the location of the firm’s home office if other than the above.

·         Number of years in business.

·         Former names (if any).

·         Corporate structure and names (if applicable).

·         Insurance coverage.  Provide a statement indicating that the firm has in effect or can obtain insurance required by the County (do not provide insurance certificates with the proposal).  Insurance coverage includes the following:

1.       Comprehensive general liability

2.       Professional liability

3.       Automobile liability

4.       Workers’ compensation


Project Team

This section should provide information regarding the Firm’s project team who are likely to work on the project.  Provide the names and resumes of the project team including the project manager and all key support professionals, include applicable registrations where appropriate.  Include a description of the team’s experience with comparable projects, what role each team member provided for these projects, and the role expected on this work.  Indicate in which office each team member is located.  Include the number of experienced staff available to perform the requested services including specific qualifications and experience.


If a multi-firm or team approach is proposed, clearly identify the responsibilities of each party and the assurances of performance offered.  Please describe your history of working with members of the team.


Barton County will contract with just one primary firm.


Project Experience/References


This section should provide information regarding the Firm’s qualifications and experience in relation to this requirement.

·         Discuss firm’s qualifications to perform the work of the size and nature described in this RFQ.

·         Provide specific Firm qualifications to perform the specific work described in this request including available resources, recent, current and projected workload.

·         Discuss similar services and provide references concerning past performance including ability to meet schedules, cost control, and contract administration.

·         Discuss Firm’s familiarity with the area.

·         Discuss avoidance of conflict of interest.

·         Describe any special capabilities of your firm, such as technical innovations, community outreach, financial assistance, cost effectiveness, permitting, etc.


Please provide a list of 5 clients of your company, preferably cities or counties in the State of Kansas, who have used your services in the design and/or remodel of municipal facilities or other related projects. Describe the service provided, the approximate total project cost and the cost of your services.  List architect’s estimate of construction versus final construction cost.  Include the name, address and telephone number of the client’s contact person who is familiar with both the project and your firm’s role on the project.


Supporting Information


Examples of supporting materials that should be included with the proposal include:

·         Graphs, charts, photos, resumes, plans, reports or similar documentation.

·         Narrative explaining potential Barton County challenges.

·         Experience with local agency projects

·         Experience with each discipline

·         Project examples and materials that illustrate innovative solutions.

·         Any litigation to which the firm is a party.

·         Any bankruptcy settlements or unpaid judgments against the firm or its principals.

·         Any previous contracts that the firm defaulted on and/or was terminated and reasons for the default(s) and/or termination(s).


Conflict of Interest


Please list any current or potential clients or projects which may be (or cause) a conflict of interest in working for Barton County and describe the possible extent of the conflict.

Section 3

Selection Process


The Barton County Commission shall evaluate the proposals based on the criteria and weight given to each as set forth below.  Submitted proposals will be judged on the completeness and quality of its content.  If necessary, based on evaluations, a select number of firms may be invited to respond to a detailed request for an oral presentation.


Proposal Content and Evaluation Criteria                                             Maximum Score

Introductory Letter                                                                                         Pass/Fail

Information about your company and firm qualifications                20

Project Team                                                                                                     35

Project Experience/References                                                                  25

Supporting information including key personnel resumes              20

Total Possible Points                                                                                      100        






Additional Evaluation Criteria


The firms will be evaluated upon the following general criteria:

·         Experience and expertise of project team members both individually and as a group.

·         History of previous experience with similar projects.

·         Results of reference checks.

·         Consultant’s record for completing a task on time, within budget, estimating construction costs, and designing to a budgeted capital cost.

·         Any special capabilities the team may bring to the project.

·         The consultant’s ability to follow directions.

·         Conciseness and completeness.


False or misleading Statements

If, in the opinion of the County, any Statement of Qualification contains false or misleading statements or references which do not support a function, attribute, capability or condition as contended by the firm, shall be rejected.


Clarification of the RFQ

The County reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in the firm’s RFQ or to obtain additional information necessary to properly evaluate a particular RFQ.  Failure of the firm to respond to such a request for additional information or clarification required may result in the rejection of the firm’s RFQ.




Documents as of 9/29/2021
RFQ Courthouse construction heating ac.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 11/29/2021

Type of Addition: In Review

Addition 2

Posted: 7/5/2022

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: December 14, 2021 - Accepted the bid from OSE Engineering and DMA Architects for $4,400.00 to conduct a feasibility study and make recommendations for services related to the replacement of the existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Payment to be made from the ARPA Fund supported in the whole by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, awarded to Barton County by the United States Department of the Treasury. Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion.

Amount: $4,400.00

Posted: 11/29/2021

Type of Addition: In Review

Posted: 7/5/2022

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: December 14, 2021 - Accepted the bid from OSE Engineering and DMA Architects for $4,400.00 to conduct a feasibility study and make recommendations for services related to the replacement of the existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Payment to be made from the ARPA Fund supported in the whole by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, awarded to Barton County by the United States Department of the Treasury. Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion.

Amount: $4,400.00