City of Carlsbad Sealed Solicitation
Title: 2021 Polaris Ranger XP 1000 Crew UTV
Deadline: 11/30/2020 2:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Solicitation Number: 2020-25
Description: The City of Carlsbad Fire Department desires to purchase one 2021 Polaris Ranger XP 1000 Crew EPS to be used for their wildland fire response team. Specifications have been provided in the bid documents.
Documents as of 11/13/2020 |
Bid2020-25 UTV.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 12/15/2020
Type of Addition: No Submissions
Overview: No bids were received. The City will seek to procure this product through other means.
Posted: 12/15/2020
Type of Addition: No Submissions
Overview: No bids were received. The City will seek to procure this product through other means.