Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation
Title: Campus Television Services RFP
Deadline: 12/1/2017 2:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Cancelled
Solicitation Number: Bid No. 2K18-02B
Description: Alabama A&M University is soliciting proposals from television service providers to develop a Television Services Plan for the institution. Alabama A&M University has the desire to upgrade its existing Digital Cable Television Plan to Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) and establish campus-wide Wi-Fi services. In order to do so, there must be a major overhaul of Alabama A&M University’s current network infrastructure.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 11/2/2017 9:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A pre-proposal conference with a subsequent site walkthrough will be held at the Morrison Building, Room 209 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 2, 2017. The purpose of this pre-proposal conference is to review the RFP process and proposal requirements, and answer any questions, with respect to the requirements and execution of the RFP. NOTE: Clarifying responses provided verbally at the pre-proposal meeting shall not be considered official. If an addendum is deemed necessary, one will be released and made available to all parties. One representative from each participating vendor must be present at the pre-proposal meeting in order to be deemed responsive to participate in this Request for Proposal. Attendance at the pre-proposal meeting is mandatory. Proposals will only be accepted from those Proposers who are represented at the meeting. Attendance will be evidenced by each representative’s signature on the attendance roster.
Documents as of 11/6/2017 |
Bid No. 2K18-02B Campus Television Services.pdf |
Campus TV Services RFP - Pre-proposal Meeting Attendee Sign-in Sheet.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 4/30/2018
Type of Addition: Cancellation Information
Overview: No award was made from this RFP.
Question 1
Posted: 10/18/2017
Question: Could you please provide any unique addresses for the buildings that will need to be apart of the WAN. Please include any buildings outside of the residence halls that will need to be apart of the RFP ie Administrative buildings, student union, etc. Most likely the unique address will be what is listed with 911 or USPS.
Response: 4900 Meridian St. Normal, AL 35762 AND 453 Buchanan Way Normal, AL 35762
Question 2
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - What is the expected date of activation? (recognizing that must be coordinated with the University's academic calendar, major events, and available staff)
Response: Currently not available but once contract is awarded to successful bidder. More information will definitely follow.
Question 3
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Mandatory vs. non-mandatory items? (signified by "Must"?) ? Does "will" mean affirmative obligation or discretionary request?
Response: Everywhere the term "must" is used should be considered mandatory, affirmative obligation on the vendor to uphold.
Question 4
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Total number of units or outlets to be bid? ? How many of those units/outlets are dormitories? How many offices? How many common area outlets? Etc. ? Should RFP responses be outline on a per unit or per outlet, no preference, or both?
Response: Information not available. Purchasing requested this data from internal stakeholders but current volume and breakouts are not known.
Question 5
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Is the total bed count 3,000 (same as the number of residential students outlined in this document?)
Response: Yes
Question 6
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - What are the total number of buildings that need to be included in an RFP response? Eight dormitories?
Response: All buildings not crossed out on campus map. For the sake of uniformity, the total number of buildings for each bidder to consider in the RFP response should be fifty-nine (59). This number is accumulated from the 70 buildings identified on the AAMU Campus Map RFP attachment minus the nine buildings crossed out/excluded from the RFP plus the two boiler rooms identified on the AAMU Campus Map identified as numbers 5 & 6.
Question 7
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - When were the buildings constructed? ? Is there asbestos in the buildings?
Response: Asbestos in buildings? - Yes in some, will be a case-by-case basis : Feedback provided by Facilities Dept. Date of construction for each bldg. not readily available.
Question 8
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Is Alabama A&M tax-exempt?
Response: Yes
Question 9
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Are the ceilings plenum-rated?
Question 10
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Are the ceilings plenum-rated?
Question 11
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Are the ceilings plenum-rated?
Response: Plenum-rated cabling is a requirement in all new construction. Case-by-case basis : feedback when discussed with Facilities Dept.
Question 12
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - This RFP mentions off-campus buildings - we request additional information regarding these buildings. What type of connectivity currently exists between the buildings?
Response: At this time no connectivity with University cable infrastructure will exist at off-campus locations. All references to off-campus locations will be removed from the solicitation.
Question 13
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - What kind of monthly fluctuations is the school expecting in the number of units or outlets?
Response: No anticipated monthly fluctuations in number of units, outlets, or usage expected. Demand should be steady with minor, unforecasted increases over time.
Question 14
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Page 26-28 - May we receive a copy of an update campus map?
Response: Discussed with Facilities Dept. and no such updated campus map nor fire escape map of entire campus are available.
Question 15
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 1: - Pg. 6, Section 3 - What does the university mean by "portable" re: interactive channels? Do you mean on-campus or off-campus?
Response: The remote modulators equipment must have frequency range 54-860 MHz and work throughout the University's cable infrastructure.
Question 16
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 1: - Pg. 7, last paragraph - We request clarification on this paragraph
Response: Alabama A&M University will carry all channels that the vendor provides to the University and will not delete channels unless TV Channel(s) create conflict with the University.
Question 17
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 1: - Pg. 8, Cost Page ? We request clarification on what the quantity means? (Does a quantity of "1" signify 1 month, 1 year?) How many units/outlets should be considered in this RFP response?
Response: Quantity of one represents one month of service per outlet. In the discovery phase for this RFP, Electronic Media Communication Department personnel were not able to provide a defined number of outlets for the University's plant. For the sake of vendor comparison, please provide the unit cost per month for one outlet.
Question 18
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 2: - Page 13 - The RFP refers to off-campus housing in the 2nd paragraph. We are requesting clarification on this point. Does this RFP seek to includ current off-campus housing, or merely would like to have the option to add additional buildings that the university may acquire in the future at the bulk rate? What services are under consideration for these off-campus properties? Would those buildings be on the university's network already?
Response: This will be updated in an amendment. Currently, there is no off-campus housing nor plans to add off-campus housing. However, off-campus buildings under direct AAMU management may be added into the scope of the contract at a future time. Therefore, we would like to have the option to add additional buildings that the University may either acquire or already own and/or manage into the scope of the agreement. These additional buildings should also be added at the same bulk rate provided within the agreement. If added in the future, those buildings would be on the University's network and would likely require the television service plan and installation methods agreed upon for the main campus.
Question 19
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 2: - Page 16, Cost Page ? We request clarification regarding the quantity - does that refer to 12 months?
Response: Yes, the 12 refers to 12 months so as to collect annual pricing.
Question 20
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: RFP Requirements Section: ? Section 1J: Are 3 or 5 references required in an RFP response?
Response: Five references are required. The RFP reference to three references will be updated to reflect five references.
Question 21
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: RFP Requirements Section: ? Section 2I: This section actually refers to Section 3M, not 3K, correct?
Response: Correct. Amendment will correct the section reference.
Question 22
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: RFP Requirements Section: ? Section 3K: Does the school have any rules and regulations currently?
Response: No. Vendor, vendor's representatives, and vendor's subcontractors, if applicable, should exhibit professional conduct on premises at all times. No further rules and regulations necessary.
Question 23
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: RFP Requirements Section: - Certification Pursuant to Act No. 2006-557 - Does this certification have to be included in our services agreement?
Response: No
Question 24
Posted: 10/31/2017
Response: We have answered this question. Please see the Public Solicitation
Question 25
Posted: 10/31/2017
Question: How many units and outlets are in the new residence hall slated for opening in January 2018?
Response: 572 units and outlets for new residence hall slated for opening in January 2018
Question 26
Posted: 11/7/2017
Question: Please confirm: This RFP will focus specifically on providing service to residence halls
Response: Yes, the scope of the RFP will be amended to focus on providing IPTV services to residence halls. However, please note that bulk cable television services are currently being provided to more than just the residence halls. For this reason, the awarded vendor of this RFP will also have the opportunity to provide services to the rest of the campus via the cooperative agreement with the State of Alabama or the NCPA. Since the three participating vendors, AT&T, Comcast, and Apogee offer services through cooperative agreement that will be the method of choice to provide services to the remainder of campus.
Question 27
Posted: 11/7/2017
Question: Please confirm: The RFP proposal is designed solely to determine the vendor who will be selected, and there will be a time for contract negotiation following the award of bid? Will the amended RFP clarify that contract negotiations will take place after award of bid?
Response: The RFP process does select the awarded vendor. The rates provided by the awarded vendor in the RFP are binding upon the vendor. If it is determined that cost considerations not explicitly defined in the RFP are necessary in order to fulfill the scope of the project as determined in the RFP, negotiations must take place in order for the scope of work to be fulfilled.
Question 28
Posted: 11/9/2017
Question: Appears of this date, there is no updated RFP, will the university extend the proposal deadline to January 15, 2018 to ensure compliant responses?
Response: The University will extend the proposal deadline past January 15, 2018 in order to give the AAMU IT Department time to provide answers to the IT-centric questions and the vendors adequate time to have the amendment reviewed by their Legal Departments and respond appropriately to the solicitation.
Posted: 4/30/2018
Type of Addition: Cancellation Information
Overview: No award was made from this RFP.
Posted: 10/18/2017
Question: Could you please provide any unique addresses for the buildings that will need to be apart of the WAN. Please include any buildings outside of the residence halls that will need to be apart of the RFP ie Administrative buildings, student union, etc. Most likely the unique address will be what is listed with 911 or USPS.
Response: 4900 Meridian St. Normal, AL 35762 AND 453 Buchanan Way Normal, AL 35762
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - What is the expected date of activation? (recognizing that must be coordinated with the University's academic calendar, major events, and available staff)
Response: Currently not available but once contract is awarded to successful bidder. More information will definitely follow.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Mandatory vs. non-mandatory items? (signified by "Must"?) ? Does "will" mean affirmative obligation or discretionary request?
Response: Everywhere the term "must" is used should be considered mandatory, affirmative obligation on the vendor to uphold.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Total number of units or outlets to be bid? ? How many of those units/outlets are dormitories? How many offices? How many common area outlets? Etc. ? Should RFP responses be outline on a per unit or per outlet, no preference, or both?
Response: Information not available. Purchasing requested this data from internal stakeholders but current volume and breakouts are not known.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Is the total bed count 3,000 (same as the number of residential students outlined in this document?)
Response: Yes
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - What are the total number of buildings that need to be included in an RFP response? Eight dormitories?
Response: All buildings not crossed out on campus map. For the sake of uniformity, the total number of buildings for each bidder to consider in the RFP response should be fifty-nine (59). This number is accumulated from the 70 buildings identified on the AAMU Campus Map RFP attachment minus the nine buildings crossed out/excluded from the RFP plus the two boiler rooms identified on the AAMU Campus Map identified as numbers 5 & 6.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - When were the buildings constructed? ? Is there asbestos in the buildings?
Response: Asbestos in buildings? - Yes in some, will be a case-by-case basis : Feedback provided by Facilities Dept. Date of construction for each bldg. not readily available.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Is Alabama A&M tax-exempt?
Response: Yes
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Are the ceilings plenum-rated?
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Are the ceilings plenum-rated?
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Are the ceilings plenum-rated?
Response: Plenum-rated cabling is a requirement in all new construction. Case-by-case basis : feedback when discussed with Facilities Dept.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - This RFP mentions off-campus buildings - we request additional information regarding these buildings. What type of connectivity currently exists between the buildings?
Response: At this time no connectivity with University cable infrastructure will exist at off-campus locations. All references to off-campus locations will be removed from the solicitation.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - What kind of monthly fluctuations is the school expecting in the number of units or outlets?
Response: No anticipated monthly fluctuations in number of units, outlets, or usage expected. Demand should be steady with minor, unforecasted increases over time.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: - Page 26-28 - May we receive a copy of an update campus map?
Response: Discussed with Facilities Dept. and no such updated campus map nor fire escape map of entire campus are available.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 1: - Pg. 6, Section 3 - What does the university mean by "portable" re: interactive channels? Do you mean on-campus or off-campus?
Response: The remote modulators equipment must have frequency range 54-860 MHz and work throughout the University's cable infrastructure.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 1: - Pg. 7, last paragraph - We request clarification on this paragraph
Response: Alabama A&M University will carry all channels that the vendor provides to the University and will not delete channels unless TV Channel(s) create conflict with the University.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 1: - Pg. 8, Cost Page ? We request clarification on what the quantity means? (Does a quantity of "1" signify 1 month, 1 year?) How many units/outlets should be considered in this RFP response?
Response: Quantity of one represents one month of service per outlet. In the discovery phase for this RFP, Electronic Media Communication Department personnel were not able to provide a defined number of outlets for the University's plant. For the sake of vendor comparison, please provide the unit cost per month for one outlet.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 2: - Page 13 - The RFP refers to off-campus housing in the 2nd paragraph. We are requesting clarification on this point. Does this RFP seek to includ current off-campus housing, or merely would like to have the option to add additional buildings that the university may acquire in the future at the bulk rate? What services are under consideration for these off-campus properties? Would those buildings be on the university's network already?
Response: This will be updated in an amendment. Currently, there is no off-campus housing nor plans to add off-campus housing. However, off-campus buildings under direct AAMU management may be added into the scope of the contract at a future time. Therefore, we would like to have the option to add additional buildings that the University may either acquire or already own and/or manage into the scope of the agreement. These additional buildings should also be added at the same bulk rate provided within the agreement. If added in the future, those buildings would be on the University's network and would likely require the television service plan and installation methods agreed upon for the main campus.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: Option 2: - Page 16, Cost Page ? We request clarification regarding the quantity - does that refer to 12 months?
Response: Yes, the 12 refers to 12 months so as to collect annual pricing.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: RFP Requirements Section: ? Section 1J: Are 3 or 5 references required in an RFP response?
Response: Five references are required. The RFP reference to three references will be updated to reflect five references.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: RFP Requirements Section: ? Section 2I: This section actually refers to Section 3M, not 3K, correct?
Response: Correct. Amendment will correct the section reference.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: RFP Requirements Section: ? Section 3K: Does the school have any rules and regulations currently?
Response: No. Vendor, vendor's representatives, and vendor's subcontractors, if applicable, should exhibit professional conduct on premises at all times. No further rules and regulations necessary.
Posted: 10/25/2017
Question: RFP Requirements Section: - Certification Pursuant to Act No. 2006-557 - Does this certification have to be included in our services agreement?
Response: No
Posted: 10/31/2017
Response: We have answered this question. Please see the Public Solicitation
Posted: 10/31/2017
Question: How many units and outlets are in the new residence hall slated for opening in January 2018?
Response: 572 units and outlets for new residence hall slated for opening in January 2018
Posted: 11/7/2017
Question: Please confirm: This RFP will focus specifically on providing service to residence halls
Response: Yes, the scope of the RFP will be amended to focus on providing IPTV services to residence halls. However, please note that bulk cable television services are currently being provided to more than just the residence halls. For this reason, the awarded vendor of this RFP will also have the opportunity to provide services to the rest of the campus via the cooperative agreement with the State of Alabama or the NCPA. Since the three participating vendors, AT&T, Comcast, and Apogee offer services through cooperative agreement that will be the method of choice to provide services to the remainder of campus.
Posted: 11/7/2017
Question: Please confirm: The RFP proposal is designed solely to determine the vendor who will be selected, and there will be a time for contract negotiation following the award of bid? Will the amended RFP clarify that contract negotiations will take place after award of bid?
Response: The RFP process does select the awarded vendor. The rates provided by the awarded vendor in the RFP are binding upon the vendor. If it is determined that cost considerations not explicitly defined in the RFP are necessary in order to fulfill the scope of the project as determined in the RFP, negotiations must take place in order for the scope of work to be fulfilled.
Posted: 11/9/2017
Question: Appears of this date, there is no updated RFP, will the university extend the proposal deadline to January 15, 2018 to ensure compliant responses?
Response: The University will extend the proposal deadline past January 15, 2018 in order to give the AAMU IT Department time to provide answers to the IT-centric questions and the vendors adequate time to have the amendment reviewed by their Legal Departments and respond appropriately to the solicitation.