City of Dublin Sealed Solicitation
Title: Gasoline Dump Truck
Deadline: 6/1/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: Bid #18-05-001
Description: The City of Dublin is accepting bids for the purchase of a gasoline dump truck, 19,500 GVWR, with a 12 foot dump body for use in the Gas Dept. The attached specifications are the minimum and must be met or exceeded in order to be considered.
Documents as of 5/18/2018 |
bid -Gas dump truck 2018.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 5/22/2018
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: A change to the specifications has been issued for this bid. Please be sure to include with the original bid form.
Solicitation #: Bid #18-05-001
Posted: 5/22/2018
Type of Addition: Addendum
Overview: A change to the specifications has been issued for this bid. Please be sure to include with the original bid form.
Solicitation #: Bid #18-05-001