Okaloosa County Sealed Solicitation

Title: Repair, Replacement & Rehabilitation of Wastewater Lift Stations & Infrastructure

Deadline: 9/11/2024 3:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: ITB WS 65-24

Description: Work under this contract covers the replacement of pumps, removal and replacement of discharge piping,
replacement/removal of valve pit (or above ground assembly) with above-ground piping/valve assembly,
replace MCC panel and all electrical components (excluding SCADA panels) at the station to meet OCWS
Electrical Standards and Specifications. Rehabilitation of Existing wetwells by cementious repair and/or
reinforcement and installation of a liner coating installed inside the wet well. When completed, the newly
rehabilitated lift station will have all new components per the standard drawings & specifications and a liner
coated wetwell per Section 09811.
Contractor shall provide qualified personnel to perform rehabilitation, replacement and/or repair on any of
these 10 wastewater lift stations identified in Technical Specifications by Okaloosa County Water & Sewer
(or authorized designee). This repair and replacement contract can be used on a recurring basis as need by
Okaloosa County for future repairs and/or replacement of sanitary sewer lift stations and wastewater
infrastructure. Contractor personnel may work alongside or in conjunction with county personnel for PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/22/2024 9:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A non-mandatory meeting to see the 6 remaining stations will take place, meeting at 9:00 AM at the Okaloosa County Water & Sewer Field Op Building FL 32548 – Conference Room. Immediately following meeting contractors and OCWS representatives will visit 3 representative lift stations (contractors have option to visit others by request).


Documents as of 7/30/2024
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Addition 1

Posted: 8/16/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum

Overview: Addenum 1

Deadline: 9/11/2024 3:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A non-mandatory meeting to see the 6 remaining stations will take place, meeting at 9:00 AM at the Okaloosa County Water & Sewer Field Op Building.

Solicitation #: ITB WS 65-24


Addition 2

Posted: 8/30/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Deadline: 9/11/2024 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB WS 65-24


Addition 3

Posted: 10/11/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information


Question 1

Posted: 8/8/2024

Question: I do I transfer a pre approval for pumps submittal. It is 297Kb file.

Response: If you are asking if an alternative pump can be approved/provided please provide the information in question form through Vendor Registry.

Question 2

Posted: 8/9/2024

Question: Please consider Raven 405 or DuraPlate 6100 as an approved epoxy.

Response: The DuraPlate and Raven products are not compatible to the current coating system OCWS uses as their standard coasting system used on concrete manholes. Additionally, these epoxy systems required extensive preparation and downtime for the station. For this bid, we need to remain consistent with our products, to avoid disparity in the bids.

Question 3

Posted: 8/12/2024

Question: Can you confirm what structures require the interior protective coating, NuKote?

Response: For the stations requiring coating, they all would need to be coated.

Question 4

Posted: 8/15/2024

Question: Would you approve Quadex Structure Guard as an approved Epoxy coating for wet wells and manholes per Section 09811 Part 2.1-B? Quadex® Structure Guard® is a 100% solids, high-build epoxy coating that provides both long-term corrosion protection and structural enhancement for critical wastewater infrastructure. This includes manholes, pump stations, treatment plants, and any other facilities that experience high levels of corrosion and abrasion. Whether in municipal or industrial applications, Structure Guard is formulated to withstand the most aggressive and turbulent environments, ensuring that your infrastructure remains reliable and effective.

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 5

Posted: 8/19/2024

Question: Will Hydromatic be an approved equal for the submersible pumps on this project?

Response: OCWS has standardized on the pumps listed. The County will not modify current standards by adding additional pumps to the list as the process is very time consuming.

Question 6

Posted: 8/22/2024

Question: Are the duplex pump stations two individual hatches? Not joined into one? The sites visited are joined. Please confirm.

Response: There is a separate hatch door for each pump with a common frame as shown and noted on the drawings.

Question 7

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: The drawings detail six “types” of lift station layouts. The existing lift station survey drawings do not indicate which of the six types on the new detail plans are to be used for which site. Please specify which detail or type drawing is to be used to rehab the following sites: • Lift station #9 • Lift station #15 • Lift station #16 • Lift station #20 • Lift station #37 • Lift station #39 • Lift station #547 • Lift station #555 • Lift station #556 • Lift station #557

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 8

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: The drawings indicate that a ATS and generator may be required on each site. Please clarify which site will require a new ATS and Generator and what sizes are required per site?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 9

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: The drawings show a Scada panel and antenna that is “Client provided”. Please clarify if the “Client” will be installing these items also or if the contractor has to install.

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 10

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: The drawings show a pump control panel, flow meters, pit floats etc. Who is responsible for supplying these items and who is responsible for installation of these items?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 11

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: FP&L may require the new service drops to be changed from overhead feed to underground fed from a pedestal at the bottom of the power pole. Has this been discussed with FP&L?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 12

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: Who is responsible for the FP&L fees at each site?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 13

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: Who will supply and perform the tapping and valve bypass?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 14

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: What size discharge piping will be used for each lift station?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 15

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: Which stations require SCADA and which do not, and what is the responsibility of the contractor for the SCADA system?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 16

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: If the integrity of the wet well appears to be subpar what is the procedure to address if it should be replaced, repaired or just coated. Who makes that call? If it is deemed unsuitable for just coating will the contractor be responsible for the additional work outside of the original scope?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Question 17

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: LS #39 : Can you provide more details for this lift station, with the different variances can there be more details provided for how to handled the guide rails, stairs, elevated hatch, and the removal of the above ground top.

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/16/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum

Overview: Addenum 1

Deadline: 9/11/2024 3:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A non-mandatory meeting to see the 6 remaining stations will take place, meeting at 9:00 AM at the Okaloosa County Water & Sewer Field Op Building.

Solicitation #: ITB WS 65-24


Posted: 8/30/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Deadline: 9/11/2024 3:00 PM

Solicitation #: ITB WS 65-24


Posted: 10/11/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information


Posted: 8/8/2024

Question: I do I transfer a pre approval for pumps submittal. It is 297Kb file.

Response: If you are asking if an alternative pump can be approved/provided please provide the information in question form through Vendor Registry.

Posted: 8/9/2024

Question: Please consider Raven 405 or DuraPlate 6100 as an approved epoxy.

Response: The DuraPlate and Raven products are not compatible to the current coating system OCWS uses as their standard coasting system used on concrete manholes. Additionally, these epoxy systems required extensive preparation and downtime for the station. For this bid, we need to remain consistent with our products, to avoid disparity in the bids.

Posted: 8/12/2024

Question: Can you confirm what structures require the interior protective coating, NuKote?

Response: For the stations requiring coating, they all would need to be coated.

Posted: 8/15/2024

Question: Would you approve Quadex Structure Guard as an approved Epoxy coating for wet wells and manholes per Section 09811 Part 2.1-B? Quadex® Structure Guard® is a 100% solids, high-build epoxy coating that provides both long-term corrosion protection and structural enhancement for critical wastewater infrastructure. This includes manholes, pump stations, treatment plants, and any other facilities that experience high levels of corrosion and abrasion. Whether in municipal or industrial applications, Structure Guard is formulated to withstand the most aggressive and turbulent environments, ensuring that your infrastructure remains reliable and effective.

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/19/2024

Question: Will Hydromatic be an approved equal for the submersible pumps on this project?

Response: OCWS has standardized on the pumps listed. The County will not modify current standards by adding additional pumps to the list as the process is very time consuming.

Posted: 8/22/2024

Question: Are the duplex pump stations two individual hatches? Not joined into one? The sites visited are joined. Please confirm.

Response: There is a separate hatch door for each pump with a common frame as shown and noted on the drawings.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: The drawings detail six “types” of lift station layouts. The existing lift station survey drawings do not indicate which of the six types on the new detail plans are to be used for which site. Please specify which detail or type drawing is to be used to rehab the following sites: • Lift station #9 • Lift station #15 • Lift station #16 • Lift station #20 • Lift station #37 • Lift station #39 • Lift station #547 • Lift station #555 • Lift station #556 • Lift station #557

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: The drawings indicate that a ATS and generator may be required on each site. Please clarify which site will require a new ATS and Generator and what sizes are required per site?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: The drawings show a Scada panel and antenna that is “Client provided”. Please clarify if the “Client” will be installing these items also or if the contractor has to install.

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: The drawings show a pump control panel, flow meters, pit floats etc. Who is responsible for supplying these items and who is responsible for installation of these items?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: FP&L may require the new service drops to be changed from overhead feed to underground fed from a pedestal at the bottom of the power pole. Has this been discussed with FP&L?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: Who is responsible for the FP&L fees at each site?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: Who will supply and perform the tapping and valve bypass?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: What size discharge piping will be used for each lift station?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: Which stations require SCADA and which do not, and what is the responsibility of the contractor for the SCADA system?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: If the integrity of the wet well appears to be subpar what is the procedure to address if it should be replaced, repaired or just coated. Who makes that call? If it is deemed unsuitable for just coating will the contractor be responsible for the additional work outside of the original scope?

Response: Please see Addendum 2.

Posted: 8/27/2024

Question: LS #39 : Can you provide more details for this lift station, with the different variances can there be more details provided for how to handled the guide rails, stairs, elevated hatch, and the removal of the above ground top.

Response: Please see Addendum 2.