City of Avondale Sealed Solicitation
Title: Court Ordered Counseling Services
Deadline: 4/1/2021 5:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Arizona
Status: In Review
Solicitation Number: CT 21-034
The City of Avondale is issuing this Request for Proposals seeking proposals from qualified, licensed firms interested in providing professional services consisting of court-ordered treatment and educational services.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 3/16/2021 9:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 664 123 5408 Passcode: CT21-034 One tap mobile +12532158782,,6641235408# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,6641235408# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 664 123 5408 Find your local number: Topic: Pre-Submittal Conference Time: Mar 16, 2021 09:00 AM Arizona
Documents as of 3/3/2021 |
21-034 Court Ordered Counseling Services FINAL.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 3/17/2021
Type of Addition: Pre-Submittal Conference RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling Services--Additional information
Overview: Please find attached the Pre-Submittal Agenda and Attendance List, the Questionnaire format, and the RFP Checklist.
Deadline: 4/1/2021 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling Services
Addition 2
Posted: 3/25/2021
Type of Addition: Addendum 1to RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling
Overview: Addendum 1 will be issued later today and will revise the submittal due date.
Deadline: 3/29/2021 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling
Addition 3
Posted: 3/26/2021
Type of Addition: Addendum 1to RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling
Overview: The RFP Submittal due date remains as Thursday, April 1, 2021. The Addendum 1 revises the points allotted for each section of the RFP Selection Criteria.
Deadline: 4/1/2021 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling Services
Addition 4
Posted: 4/1/2021
Type of Addition: Questions and Answers
Overview: This document is a compilation of the questions we received. It is merely informational and NOT required to be added to the submittal RFP response.
Deadline: 4/1/2021 5:00 PM
Addition 5
Posted: 4/2/2021
Type of Addition: Confirmation of Submittals Received 04/01/2021
Overview: The City is in receipt of submittals from the following 4 firms, that were provided by the 5:00PM Proposal deadline (listed alphabetically). 1) Estrella Counseling Services, 2) Lifeline PCS, 3) Sage Counseling, and 4) Western Judicial Services
Addition 6
Posted: 4/20/2021
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: The Technical Evaluation meeting is slated for Thursday, April 22, 2021. The Shortlist will be posted as soon as it becomes available. Thank you for your interest in the City of Avondale.
Addition 7
Posted: 5/10/2021
Type of Addition: Notice of Intent to Award Announcement
Overview: The Selection Committee has recommended a Multiple Award(s) from this RFP. Please see attached.
Question 1
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: What is the volume of referrals expected for the screening, counseling, and education services?
Response: Approximately 30 plus a week (all types of counseling – i.e. DV)
Question 2
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: What is the volume of referrals expected for alcohol and home detention monitoring?
Response: Would be very infrequent for alcohol monitoring - Very rare. No Detention Monitoring – the city does not have a detention home monitoring program.
Question 3
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: On Section B: Experience and Qualifications of the Vendor; Question 2: Vendor must demonstrate successful completion of at least three similar projects within the past 60 months. For the purpose of this Solicitation, “successful completion” means completion of a contract and “similar services” that resemble this project in size, nature and scope. Does this mean that if the contract has not completed its full term at least one time, that the agency should not be included as a reference? In other words, if a contract is still in its initial term, then it could not be considered a “successful completion” and should not be included, correct?
Response: The City typically issues contracts in 1 year increments for up to a total of 5 years. For intents and purposes of this RFP, a successful “project completion” the City would consider any contract within the last 60 months that vendor successfully fulfilled and/or contract term that was not terminated early due to poor vendor performance or litigation issues.
Question 4
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: Will there be any diversion cases or non-convicted clients or are these only with people who have been convicted?
Response: Yes there will be diversion or potentially State deferred prosecution cases.
Question 5
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: Do you rely on AZ statutes for all of the criminal charges or are there city specific Avondale City codes you’re wanting providers to follow?
Response: Yes there will be diversion or potentially State deferred prosecution cases. Yes – some convictions may come from some city code violations but the providers would be following state statute.
Question 6
Posted: 3/20/2021
Question: Hello, can you please clarify the scoring? On P. A-10 it indicates the proposal is worth 100 points. However, I'm only calculating 80 points: General Information: 10 points Experience and Qualifications: 20 points Key Positions: 20 points Project Approach: 20 points Pricing: 10 points Total: 80 Points Where are the other 20 points coming from? Thanks, Brandy
Response: This will be corrected in the form of an Addendum. Please see Addendum 1 posted 3/25/2021.
Posted: 3/17/2021
Type of Addition: Pre-Submittal Conference RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling Services--Additional information
Overview: Please find attached the Pre-Submittal Agenda and Attendance List, the Questionnaire format, and the RFP Checklist.
Deadline: 4/1/2021 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling Services
Posted: 3/25/2021
Type of Addition: Addendum 1to RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling
Overview: Addendum 1 will be issued later today and will revise the submittal due date.
Deadline: 3/29/2021 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling
Posted: 3/26/2021
Type of Addition: Addendum 1to RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling
Overview: The RFP Submittal due date remains as Thursday, April 1, 2021. The Addendum 1 revises the points allotted for each section of the RFP Selection Criteria.
Deadline: 4/1/2021 5:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFP CT 21-034 Court Ordered Counseling Services
Posted: 4/1/2021
Type of Addition: Questions and Answers
Overview: This document is a compilation of the questions we received. It is merely informational and NOT required to be added to the submittal RFP response.
Deadline: 4/1/2021 5:00 PM
Posted: 4/2/2021
Type of Addition: Confirmation of Submittals Received 04/01/2021
Overview: The City is in receipt of submittals from the following 4 firms, that were provided by the 5:00PM Proposal deadline (listed alphabetically). 1) Estrella Counseling Services, 2) Lifeline PCS, 3) Sage Counseling, and 4) Western Judicial Services
Posted: 4/20/2021
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: The Technical Evaluation meeting is slated for Thursday, April 22, 2021. The Shortlist will be posted as soon as it becomes available. Thank you for your interest in the City of Avondale.
Posted: 5/10/2021
Type of Addition: Notice of Intent to Award Announcement
Overview: The Selection Committee has recommended a Multiple Award(s) from this RFP. Please see attached.
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: What is the volume of referrals expected for the screening, counseling, and education services?
Response: Approximately 30 plus a week (all types of counseling – i.e. DV)
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: What is the volume of referrals expected for alcohol and home detention monitoring?
Response: Would be very infrequent for alcohol monitoring - Very rare. No Detention Monitoring – the city does not have a detention home monitoring program.
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: On Section B: Experience and Qualifications of the Vendor; Question 2: Vendor must demonstrate successful completion of at least three similar projects within the past 60 months. For the purpose of this Solicitation, “successful completion” means completion of a contract and “similar services” that resemble this project in size, nature and scope. Does this mean that if the contract has not completed its full term at least one time, that the agency should not be included as a reference? In other words, if a contract is still in its initial term, then it could not be considered a “successful completion” and should not be included, correct?
Response: The City typically issues contracts in 1 year increments for up to a total of 5 years. For intents and purposes of this RFP, a successful “project completion” the City would consider any contract within the last 60 months that vendor successfully fulfilled and/or contract term that was not terminated early due to poor vendor performance or litigation issues.
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: Will there be any diversion cases or non-convicted clients or are these only with people who have been convicted?
Response: Yes there will be diversion or potentially State deferred prosecution cases.
Posted: 3/16/2021
Question: Do you rely on AZ statutes for all of the criminal charges or are there city specific Avondale City codes you’re wanting providers to follow?
Response: Yes there will be diversion or potentially State deferred prosecution cases. Yes – some convictions may come from some city code violations but the providers would be following state statute.
Posted: 3/20/2021
Question: Hello, can you please clarify the scoring? On P. A-10 it indicates the proposal is worth 100 points. However, I'm only calculating 80 points: General Information: 10 points Experience and Qualifications: 20 points Key Positions: 20 points Project Approach: 20 points Pricing: 10 points Total: 80 Points Where are the other 20 points coming from? Thanks, Brandy
Response: This will be corrected in the form of an Addendum. Please see Addendum 1 posted 3/25/2021.