City of Foley Sealed Solicitation

Title: Magnolia Circle Drainage Improvements Project

Deadline: 3/9/2018 10:00 AM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: ENGR-030918

Description: Project consists of installing 200 L.F. of 29"x18" RCAP with headwalls, riprap and junction box.

Drawings & Specifications may be obtained for a $25 non-refundable fee at Foley City Hall, 407 E. Laurel Avenue, Foley, AL 36535.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 3/2/2018 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A voluntary pre-bid meeting will be held in the council chambers at Foley City Hall.


Documents as of 2/23/2018
Bid Packet - Magnolia Circle Drainage Improvements.pdf
2018Feb23-203922-Bid Packet - Magnolia Circle Drainage Improvements.pdf