Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation
Title: RFQ No. 20-21/05 Professional Architectural Services District-Wide
Deadline: 9/8/2020 4:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: RFQ No. 20-21/05
The Peralta Community College
District (“District”) is requesting qualified persons, firms, partnerships,
corporations, associations, or professional organizations to provide full
architectural planning and design services to the District for the Measure A
and Measure G Bond Programs (“Program”) and projects identified in the
District’s Bond Project List and Long-Range Facilities Master Plan
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/26/2020 11:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,99560273644# or +12532158782,99560273644# Or Telephone: Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll) +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll) +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 995 6027 3644 International numbers available: Or Skype for Business (Lync):
Addition 1
Posted: 8/31/2020
Type of Addition: RFQ 20 21 05 Responses to Questions 28 thru 74
Solicitation #: RFQ 20-21/05
Addition 2
Posted: 8/9/2021
Type of Addition: Award Information
Question 1
Posted: 8/14/2020
Question: On page 1 of the RFQ, it says that SOQs are due on 'Thursday, September 7.' As September 7 is a Monday (and Labor Day), I just wanted to clarify the due date.
Response: Addendum No. 1 was issued August 19, 2020 moving the due date for this RFQ to September 8, 2020 by 4:00 PM.
Question 2
Posted: 8/14/2020
Question: In Section III.A. Format Requirements, it states to limit proposals to no more than twelve (12) pages. Is that 12 single-side pages or 12 double-sided pages?
Response: The 12 page limit refers to single-sided pages.
Question 3
Posted: 8/14/2020
Question: Are Exhibits (specifically B-G) expected to be completed and included in our RFQ submission? If so, do they count towards the 12 page limit?
Response: Yes, the Exhibits B-G are expected to be completed; however, they are not counted as part of the 12 page limit.
Question 4
Posted: 8/14/2020
Question: Do covers and divider tabs count towards the 12 page limit?
Response: No, tabs and covers are not counted as part of the 12 page limit.
Question 5
Posted: 8/17/2020
Question: 1. We understand that the SOQ is due on a national holiday (labor day), 9/7/20. Is this the correct submission date? 2. The schedule summary shows a pre-proposal meeting on 8/26/20 at 11:00 AM. Will this be a physical or virtual meeting? Also, will the District be providing instructions as to the location/time/virtual link?
Response: Addendum No. 1 was issued August 19, 2020 moving the due date for this RFQ to September 8, 2020 by 4:00 PM.
Question 6
Posted: 8/18/2020
Question: Can the District please confirm the deadline? Page 1 of the RFQ says it is due on Thursday, September 7, 2020. The 7th is a holiday (Labor day) and Thursday, would be 9/10/20.
Response: Addendum No. 1 was issued August 19, 2020 moving the due date for this RFQ to September 8, 2020 by 4:00 PM
Question 7
Posted: 8/18/2020
Question: 1. If the AE team is selected to join the pool of Architectural teams, will the AE team be precluded from competing in future Design Build opportunities? 2. If the AE team is selected to join the pool of Architectural teams, AND is selected to complete criteria documents, will the AE team be precluded from competing in future Design Build opportunities? 3. If the AE team is selected to join the pool of Architectural teams, AND is selected to complete bridging documents, will the AE team be precluded from competing in future Design Build opportunities? 4. On all future Design Build projects, will GCs only be allowed to select their design team based on the selected AE team Pool?
Response: 1. No, by simply being selected as part of the pool of architects; this will not in itself preclude a team from competing in future Design Build opportunities. 2. If the firm is selected to complete criteria documents for a specific project, they will be unable to be part of the DBE for that specific project. 3. If the firm is selected to complete criteria documents for a specific project, they will be unable to be part of the DBE for that specific project. 4. No
Question 8
Posted: 8/19/2020
Question: In the RFP it states to identify roles and quals of subconsultants. Then it states that if the architect is selected that this is the time to submit resumes of subconsultants. I just want to make sure that resumes for subconsultants is not needed at this time.
Response: This is a RFQ to establish a bench of prequalified Architects. No listing of subconsultants nor associated resumes are required at this time. Future RFP’s for projects will require subconsultant information based on the proposed scope of work.
Question 9
Posted: 8/19/2020
Question: Does the District have their own hazardous materials consultant or should we list one in our submittal?
Response: At this time the District plans to do separate procurements for HAZMAT consultants.
Question 10
Posted: 8/19/2020
Question: Is there a list available of firms interested in this project that we can obtain?
Response: No; however, we post list of all attendees that attended the pre-proposal meeting?
Question 11
Posted: 8/19/2020
Question: On page 12 of the RFQ, under Selection Criteria, the final bullet mentions a proposed fee and fee schedule. Can the District clarify if proposer's need to include a hourly rate schedule for their firm and/or proposed subconsultants? Or is a fee proposal required? As this is for an on-call contract with unknown scope of work it is difficult to provide a fee at this time.
Response: Hourly rates schedule only.
Question 12
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: Can the District please clarify if it is acceptable to utilize a senior staff member’s experience under another firm to help fulfill this requirement regarding (5) K-14 educational projects there were designed and completed and successfully closed out with DSA within the last 10 years?
Response: No, the qualifier is the firm not the individual
Question 13
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: Will Exhibit's B-G need to be fill out by the entire architectural team? Should these be attached to the RFQ as an appendix?
Response: Only the Prime proposing firm.
Question 14
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: Because of the page limitation, could you tell me if the divider pages, cover letter, and Proposal cove and blank pages count towards this page limitation
Response: No, tabs and covers are not counted as part of the 12 page limit.
Question 15
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: If prime or sub-consultants provide bridging documents or criteria documents services for any of the anticipated projects for this contract, would they be precluded from proposing on upcoming design-build projects?
Response: If the firm is selected to complete criteria documents for a specific project, they will be unable to be part of the DBE for that specific project.
Question 16
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: In the RFQ, it states to show any State of California certification for your firm indicating Small Business or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise status. If we show you a one page print out, will that count towards the 12 page limitation, or will just the certification and expiration dates be good enough. It also states that you need the same information for subconsultants. Please explain because of page limitation.
Response: No, the one page is not included in the 12 page limitation.
Question 17
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: Should subconsultant resumes be included in the SOQ?
Response: No, subconsultant information is not required at this stage.
Question 18
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: Please confirm the 12 page limit and 12 point font requirement. The amount of information requested in this RFQ does not easily fit within those parameters.
Response: Yes, 12 pages and 12-point font is the requirement.
Question 19
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: If you include a firm that is a DVBE certified firm with Peralta CCD, but do not comply with the SLBE requirements of the Peralta CCD, does this count as part of the percentage for the SLBE because there is a 3% percentage for DVBE? They are however certified with Alameda County as a SLBE firm.
Response: No, it does not count as part of the percentage for the SLBE.
Question 20
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: Does the 12 page limit mean 12 single-sided pages, or 12 double-sided pages?
Response: The 12 page limit refers to single-sided pages.
Question 21
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: Is the cover sheet counted as one of the 12-pages?
Response: No, it is not included.
Question 22
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: Are covers and tabs excluded from the 12 page limit?
Response: No, tabs and covers are not counted as part of the 12 page limit.
Question 23
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: The 12-page limit and font requirements may limit our responses due to lack of space for all questions (14 questions in just tab 3). Will the Peralta CCD consider expanding the page count?
Response: No, 12 page limit is the requirement.
Question 24
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: Does the 1-page cover letter count as part of the 12-page limit?
Response: No, it is not included.
Question 25
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: A proposed fee and fee schedule is included the evaluation criteria, but not mentioned in the SOQ CONTENT REQUIREMENTS. Would the District like us to include a fee/fee schedule in an appendix?
Response: Only provide the hourly rate table.
Question 26
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: Would the Peralta CCD like respondents to include completed exhibits C through G? If so, will this be excluded from the total page limit?
Response: Yes, and they do not count towards the 12 page limit.
Question 27
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: We have a couple of questions regarding the RFQ that was issued for the pool of Architects. The first has to do with the Local Small Business Enterprise requirement. Is there somewhere you can point me to that has the requirements for being a LSBE? We have an office in Alameda County, in Pleasanton, but would like to know if we qualify for that designation. The other question I have is about partnering with another architectural firm for some of the larger projects. I assume that at this point in the RFQ process, we would not be required to identify any firms that we might be interested in doing that with. Further, If we were to partner with another firm, would that firm also have to be part of the qualified pool? If you could please confirm I’d appreciate it.
Response: We have a couple of questions regarding the RFQ that was issued for the pool of Architects. The first has to do with the Local Small Business Enterprise requirement. Is there somewhere you can point me to that has the requirements for being a LSBE? It is located in the RFQ Exhibit C. We have an office in Alameda County, in Pleasanton, but would like to know if we qualify for that designation. Pleasanton is not one of the SLBE market areas. The other question I have is about partnering with another architectural firm for some of the larger projects. I assume that at this point in the RFQ process, we would not be required to identify any firms that we might be interested in doing that with. We are only prequalifying Prime firms at this stage. Further, if we were to partner with another firm, would that firm also have to be part of the qualified pool? If you could please confirm I’d appreciate it. No, as long as the Prime firm is qualified.
Posted: 8/31/2020
Type of Addition: RFQ 20 21 05 Responses to Questions 28 thru 74
Solicitation #: RFQ 20-21/05
Posted: 8/9/2021
Type of Addition: Award Information
Posted: 8/14/2020
Question: On page 1 of the RFQ, it says that SOQs are due on 'Thursday, September 7.' As September 7 is a Monday (and Labor Day), I just wanted to clarify the due date.
Response: Addendum No. 1 was issued August 19, 2020 moving the due date for this RFQ to September 8, 2020 by 4:00 PM.
Posted: 8/14/2020
Question: In Section III.A. Format Requirements, it states to limit proposals to no more than twelve (12) pages. Is that 12 single-side pages or 12 double-sided pages?
Response: The 12 page limit refers to single-sided pages.
Posted: 8/14/2020
Question: Are Exhibits (specifically B-G) expected to be completed and included in our RFQ submission? If so, do they count towards the 12 page limit?
Response: Yes, the Exhibits B-G are expected to be completed; however, they are not counted as part of the 12 page limit.
Posted: 8/14/2020
Question: Do covers and divider tabs count towards the 12 page limit?
Response: No, tabs and covers are not counted as part of the 12 page limit.
Posted: 8/17/2020
Question: 1. We understand that the SOQ is due on a national holiday (labor day), 9/7/20. Is this the correct submission date? 2. The schedule summary shows a pre-proposal meeting on 8/26/20 at 11:00 AM. Will this be a physical or virtual meeting? Also, will the District be providing instructions as to the location/time/virtual link?
Response: Addendum No. 1 was issued August 19, 2020 moving the due date for this RFQ to September 8, 2020 by 4:00 PM.
Posted: 8/18/2020
Question: Can the District please confirm the deadline? Page 1 of the RFQ says it is due on Thursday, September 7, 2020. The 7th is a holiday (Labor day) and Thursday, would be 9/10/20.
Response: Addendum No. 1 was issued August 19, 2020 moving the due date for this RFQ to September 8, 2020 by 4:00 PM
Posted: 8/18/2020
Question: 1. If the AE team is selected to join the pool of Architectural teams, will the AE team be precluded from competing in future Design Build opportunities? 2. If the AE team is selected to join the pool of Architectural teams, AND is selected to complete criteria documents, will the AE team be precluded from competing in future Design Build opportunities? 3. If the AE team is selected to join the pool of Architectural teams, AND is selected to complete bridging documents, will the AE team be precluded from competing in future Design Build opportunities? 4. On all future Design Build projects, will GCs only be allowed to select their design team based on the selected AE team Pool?
Response: 1. No, by simply being selected as part of the pool of architects; this will not in itself preclude a team from competing in future Design Build opportunities. 2. If the firm is selected to complete criteria documents for a specific project, they will be unable to be part of the DBE for that specific project. 3. If the firm is selected to complete criteria documents for a specific project, they will be unable to be part of the DBE for that specific project. 4. No
Posted: 8/19/2020
Question: In the RFP it states to identify roles and quals of subconsultants. Then it states that if the architect is selected that this is the time to submit resumes of subconsultants. I just want to make sure that resumes for subconsultants is not needed at this time.
Response: This is a RFQ to establish a bench of prequalified Architects. No listing of subconsultants nor associated resumes are required at this time. Future RFP’s for projects will require subconsultant information based on the proposed scope of work.
Posted: 8/19/2020
Question: Does the District have their own hazardous materials consultant or should we list one in our submittal?
Response: At this time the District plans to do separate procurements for HAZMAT consultants.
Posted: 8/19/2020
Question: Is there a list available of firms interested in this project that we can obtain?
Response: No; however, we post list of all attendees that attended the pre-proposal meeting?
Posted: 8/19/2020
Question: On page 12 of the RFQ, under Selection Criteria, the final bullet mentions a proposed fee and fee schedule. Can the District clarify if proposer's need to include a hourly rate schedule for their firm and/or proposed subconsultants? Or is a fee proposal required? As this is for an on-call contract with unknown scope of work it is difficult to provide a fee at this time.
Response: Hourly rates schedule only.
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: Can the District please clarify if it is acceptable to utilize a senior staff member’s experience under another firm to help fulfill this requirement regarding (5) K-14 educational projects there were designed and completed and successfully closed out with DSA within the last 10 years?
Response: No, the qualifier is the firm not the individual
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: Will Exhibit's B-G need to be fill out by the entire architectural team? Should these be attached to the RFQ as an appendix?
Response: Only the Prime proposing firm.
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: Because of the page limitation, could you tell me if the divider pages, cover letter, and Proposal cove and blank pages count towards this page limitation
Response: No, tabs and covers are not counted as part of the 12 page limit.
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: If prime or sub-consultants provide bridging documents or criteria documents services for any of the anticipated projects for this contract, would they be precluded from proposing on upcoming design-build projects?
Response: If the firm is selected to complete criteria documents for a specific project, they will be unable to be part of the DBE for that specific project.
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: In the RFQ, it states to show any State of California certification for your firm indicating Small Business or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise status. If we show you a one page print out, will that count towards the 12 page limitation, or will just the certification and expiration dates be good enough. It also states that you need the same information for subconsultants. Please explain because of page limitation.
Response: No, the one page is not included in the 12 page limitation.
Posted: 8/20/2020
Question: Should subconsultant resumes be included in the SOQ?
Response: No, subconsultant information is not required at this stage.
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: Please confirm the 12 page limit and 12 point font requirement. The amount of information requested in this RFQ does not easily fit within those parameters.
Response: Yes, 12 pages and 12-point font is the requirement.
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: If you include a firm that is a DVBE certified firm with Peralta CCD, but do not comply with the SLBE requirements of the Peralta CCD, does this count as part of the percentage for the SLBE because there is a 3% percentage for DVBE? They are however certified with Alameda County as a SLBE firm.
Response: No, it does not count as part of the percentage for the SLBE.
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: Does the 12 page limit mean 12 single-sided pages, or 12 double-sided pages?
Response: The 12 page limit refers to single-sided pages.
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: Is the cover sheet counted as one of the 12-pages?
Response: No, it is not included.
Posted: 8/21/2020
Question: Are covers and tabs excluded from the 12 page limit?
Response: No, tabs and covers are not counted as part of the 12 page limit.
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: The 12-page limit and font requirements may limit our responses due to lack of space for all questions (14 questions in just tab 3). Will the Peralta CCD consider expanding the page count?
Response: No, 12 page limit is the requirement.
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: Does the 1-page cover letter count as part of the 12-page limit?
Response: No, it is not included.
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: A proposed fee and fee schedule is included the evaluation criteria, but not mentioned in the SOQ CONTENT REQUIREMENTS. Would the District like us to include a fee/fee schedule in an appendix?
Response: Only provide the hourly rate table.
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: Would the Peralta CCD like respondents to include completed exhibits C through G? If so, will this be excluded from the total page limit?
Response: Yes, and they do not count towards the 12 page limit.
Posted: 8/24/2020
Question: We have a couple of questions regarding the RFQ that was issued for the pool of Architects. The first has to do with the Local Small Business Enterprise requirement. Is there somewhere you can point me to that has the requirements for being a LSBE? We have an office in Alameda County, in Pleasanton, but would like to know if we qualify for that designation. The other question I have is about partnering with another architectural firm for some of the larger projects. I assume that at this point in the RFQ process, we would not be required to identify any firms that we might be interested in doing that with. Further, If we were to partner with another firm, would that firm also have to be part of the qualified pool? If you could please confirm I’d appreciate it.
Response: We have a couple of questions regarding the RFQ that was issued for the pool of Architects. The first has to do with the Local Small Business Enterprise requirement. Is there somewhere you can point me to that has the requirements for being a LSBE? It is located in the RFQ Exhibit C. We have an office in Alameda County, in Pleasanton, but would like to know if we qualify for that designation. Pleasanton is not one of the SLBE market areas. The other question I have is about partnering with another architectural firm for some of the larger projects. I assume that at this point in the RFQ process, we would not be required to identify any firms that we might be interested in doing that with. We are only prequalifying Prime firms at this stage. Further, if we were to partner with another firm, would that firm also have to be part of the qualified pool? If you could please confirm I’d appreciate it. No, as long as the Prime firm is qualified.