Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation
Title: Laney College Library & Learning Resource Center
Deadline: 6/6/2024 2:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Status: Cancelled
Solicitation Number: 23-24/03
Description: Selective demolition and construction necessary for a new academic library and learning resource center on the Laney College campus. The project is a 75,622 square foot, three (3) story concrete and steel structure, Type IIA construction and consists of Type A-3 and B occupancies. Work includes site utilities and landscaping. The project is estimated at $85,000,000.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 4/9/2024 10:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Two non- mandatory pre-bid conferences will be held virtually on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 10AM To register in advance for this meeting. Only one of the two meetings needs to be attended. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. and on Thursday, April 22, 2024 at 10AM To register in advance for this meeting:
Addition 1
Posted: 4/19/2024
Type of Addition: Addendum One
Overview: Addendum One contains response to RFI and other project information.
Addition 2
Posted: 5/3/2024
Type of Addition: Addendum Two
Overview: Responses to RFI and an updated pre-qualified list.
Addition 3
Posted: 5/16/2024
Type of Addition: Addendum Four
Overview: Addendum Four changes the final date that questions can be submitted.
Addition 4
Posted: 5/24/2024
Type of Addition: Addendum Three
Overview: Answers to RFI and extending the bid due date to June 6th, 2024.
Addition 5
Posted: 6/10/2024
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: See attached bid results.
Addition 6
Posted: 6/10/2024
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: Rodan subcontractor list
Addition 7
Posted: 6/10/2024
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: BHM subcontractor list
Addition 8
Posted: 7/1/2024
Type of Addition: Reject all bids
Overview: The district is rejecting all bids.
Question 1
Posted: 4/10/2024
Question: Can I get a copy of the attendees on the pre-bid call April 9th? Thank you!
Response: The sign-in sheet was posted here this morning. Thank you.
Question 2
Posted: 4/11/2024
Question: Can you please confirm, that only bidders whom have been prequalified at our above the project value, will be eligible to bid the project? Additionally, will the district be providing an approved contractors listing that includes the prequalification limits for each firm?
Response: Response can be found in Addendum One.
Question 3
Posted: 4/16/2024
Question: Should RFIs be individually submitted or can we attach an RFI Log with compiled questions?
Response: RFI should be submitted individually.
Question 4
Posted: 4/19/2024
Question: Addendum #1 states that "Bidders are required to meet the District's twenty-five percent (25%) goal." Please confirm this means that the bidder will be considered non-responsive if this requirement is not met, and not just that they will not receive the discount.
Response: Yes, bidders who do not meet the District’s twenty-five(25%)goal will be considered non-responsive. Here is the link to the board policy.
Question 5
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Specification table of contents lists spec 321316 - site concrete however the spec provided was 311316 - Site Concrete. Please clarify which is correct and make consitent.
Response: The correct spec number is 321316. Title Number on page 1 of the section will have "311316" corrected to "321316" in Addendum 02.
Question 6
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify where spec 070921 - Site water repellents is applicable and where 071900 - water and Graffiti repellents is applied differently. These appear to be redundant specs with conflicting direction
Response: 071900 applies to the building exterior, and 070921 applies to the exterior site concrete elements.
Question 7
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Reference A/5.12 Spec 062023 - wood slat return louver is listed on the plans but not in the spec book. Please provide
Response: See 16/A8.16 for custom Wood Slat Wall Panel WP-3. See Addendum 02 where Wood Panel Type 3 (WP-3) is added to 06 20 23 and reference to WP-3 is added to 09 54 26. See forthcoming Addendum 03 for revisions to 09 00 00 Interior Finish & Materials List.
Question 8
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify where spec 054000 - cold-formed metal framing is applicable and where 092216 -Non-structural metal framing is applied differently. These appear to be redundant specs with conflicting direction
Response: 092216 applies to cold-rolled furring channels and 054000 applies to all other cold-formed metal framing.
Question 9
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify where spec 066400 - plastic paneling is applicable and where 102600 - Wall and Door Protection is applied differently. These appear to be redundant specs with conflicting direction
Response: Plastic Wall Paneling is fiber-reinforce plastic panel (FRP) per 066400 and indicated in interior elevations and A9.10 Finish Schedule. See Addendum 02 where wall protection is removed from 102600. See forthcoming Addendum 03 for updates to A9.10 Finish Schedule
Question 10
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Clarify where spec 102213 - Wire Mesh Partitions is applicable. The basis of design appears to more for of a fixed cage used for storage.
Response: Wire mesh partitions and gates are located at the IT Delivery Cage at Level 1 Rm 180A - see interior elevations 1E+1S/A5.16 and IT Cage Gate (Door # 180A.1 on A2.51)
Question 11
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify the overhead coiling door vs the overhead wire mesh security curtain. A2.31 shows two curtains. A2.51 shows two curtains. A9.31 shows 1 of each. Was the Overhead coiling door switched for a curtain?
Response: "Doors 105.3 & 120.4 are wire mesh security curtains per section 108211 PRE-ENGINEERED SECURITY GATES AND SCREENS and details on A8.36. Note for GRILLE on A9.31 to be deleted."
Question 12
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please confirm the floor finishes of the Stairs are correct on the Finish Schedule A9.10. The Floorplans A9.11, A9.12, and A9.13 are not consistent with the schedule. Such as RF-1
Response: Stair A - sealed concrete in steel pan Stair B - sealed concrete in steel pan Stair C - precast epoxy terrazzo treads & landings
Question 13
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please confirm all appliances are OFOI, as per the drawings. Spec 113100 identified CFCI.
Response: See Addendum 02 Detail 5/A8.75 showing procurement for the Staff Room kitchen appliances.
Question 14
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify SecureALL Corporation is the existing system to tie into.
Response: SecureALL is the product used at the Laney campus.
Question 15
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: "The finishes noted in specification 090000 are not shown in plan or elevation views. Please confirm the following: PL-1 – Laminate - Typical at all P-Lam Casework? SS-1 – Corian Quartz - Typical at all Solid Surface Counters? SS-2 – 3form Chroma - Not Used? WV-1 – White Oak - Typical at all Veneer Casework/Paneling/Trim? WD-1 – White Oak - Typical at all Solid Trim?"
Response: See Addendum 03 for updates. See revised finish schedule, A9.10, for updates. See revised A8.75 for clarification of which casework is PL-1 and WV-1. See Finish Plans, A9.11-A9.13, for callout of solid surface types. Yes, WV-1 and WD-1 White Oak are typical wherever veneer and solid wood are called out. See spec sections 064023, 066116, 115123
Question 16
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: A rectangular object is depicted in “Coffee Cart 101A” but is not shown in elevation or detail. Will there be millwork scope at Coffee Cart 101A? (A2.31)
Response: Coffee Cart is Not In Contract.
Question 17
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: The plan view of “Tutoring Space 170” appears to depict a millwork item on the west wall. However, no millwork is shown on elevation 2W/A5.15. Will there be millwork in this location? If so, please clarify configuration and finishes.
Response: Furnishing at front of Rm 170 is NIC.
Question 18
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Atrium elevations on A5.12 depict solid wood slats at the return louver assembly at the penthouse level. Will scaffolding be provided at the at the atrium for access?
Response: During construction, the bidder is to provide scaffolding to install and access the return louver assembly at the penthouse level.
Question 19
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 4E/A5.14 depicts a cubby below the tackboard. Is this a millwork item? If so, please clarify the finishes.
Response: Cubbies shown in Rm 140 are NIC.
Question 20
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 7S/A5.14 depicts tall cabinets with a unique shading pattern that is not represented on the legend. Will these tall cabinets be millwork item? If so, please clarify the finishes.
Response: Movable cabinets in Rm 133A are NIC.
Question 21
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 8/A5.14 depicts what appears to be a credenza. Will this be a millwork item? If so, please clarify finishes.
Response: Credenza in Rm 131 is NIC.
Question 22
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 2S/A5.18 depicts tall cabinets with a unique shading pattern that is not represented on the legend. Will these tall cabinets be millwork item? If so, please clarify the finishes.
Response: Movable cabinets in Rm 202A are NIC.
Question 23
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 6W/A5.18 depicts tall cabinets with a unique shading pattern that is not represented on the legend. Will these tall cabinets be millwork item? If so, please clarify the finishes.
Response: There is no 6W/A5.18. Assume 6W/A5.22 is was meant. Movable cabinets in Rm 311 are NIC.
Question 24
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Detail 24/A7.11 shows sheet waterproofing only at elevator wall and vapor retarder at elevator underslab. Please clarify sheet waterproofing is not required at elevator underslab. Please provide a map/ highlight sheet showing WP extents.
Response: See updates to 24/A7.11 and 1/A4.21
Question 25
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Detail 6/A7.81 shows self-adhering sheet waterproofing at entry door sill. Please clarify that the sheet waterproofing is required only at entry door area or all along the grid line 2. Please provide a map/ highlight sheet showing WP extents.
Question 26
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: In detail 3/A7.11, the call-out mentions that Two layers of sheet membrane at below grade wall adjacent to planter wall. Please clarify if the two layers of sheet membrane is required only at perimeter wall adjacent to planter wall or at all the perimeter walls. Please provide a map/ highlight sheet showing WP extents.
Question 27
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Per detail 25/A7.11, please provide the locations of the columns base which needs PMMA waterproofing.
Question 28
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please clarify if HRA waterproofing is needed at the planter along grid line 1 and at the planter along grid line D1 between grid line A1 & B1. Please provide a map/ highlight sheet showing WP extents.
Question 29
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please provide the waterproofing detail for rainwater pop-up at planter.
Response: See updates on A7.11
Question 30
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: The detail 6/A7.81 shows traffic coating at interior of entry door sill. Please clarify that the traffic coating is needed only at entrance grilles area or at the whole public entrance & lobby area. Please provide the specification and details for traffic coating.
Question 31
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please clarify if the traffic coating is required at level 2 overhang concrete area per 4/A7.21. Please provide the specification and details for traffic coating.
Question 32
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please clarify if the reading room (255) at level 2 has HRA waterproofing and Pavers over pedestals per the call-out on slab plan 1/A2.12.
Question 33
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: In roof plan A2.35, the call-out mentions that the modified bituminous roofing assembly w/ sloped structure below for skylight atrium roof. Please clarify if the skylight atrium roof is with tapered insulation or with lightweight concrete.
Question 34
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please provide the R-value of Main Roof, Penthouse Roofs, Stair Roof, and Skylight Atrium Roof.
Question 35
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please clarify that the penetrations shown on P2.03M are penetrated through the penthouse roof.
Response: If the comment is referring to the roof drains at gridlines A2.5/4 and gridlines A2.5/6 on the penthouse roof P2.03M, yes, these drains serve the penthouse roof and will require penthouse roof penetrations.
Question 36
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: I am reviewing the 18 page Peralta Community College District Approved Contractor List Updated 04/25/2024 that is available on the Peralta Community College District web site. Please clarify if the district requires the general contractor to award contracts to PCCD prequalified Mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors and if this document is to be used to verify if the Mechanical, electrical and plumbing subcontractors are prequalified.
Response: No, the district does not require the general contractor to award contracts to PCCD prequalified mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors. However, it is to the benefit of the MEP subcontractor to be prequalified with the district but not required.
Question 37
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Formed Aluminum Panels Drawings: A6.11, A7.22, A7.61 Spec Section: None Question: There is "FORMED ALUMINUM PANELS" noted on detail drawing but there is no spec section provided. Please provide spec section.
Response: REFER TO SECTION 07 42 13
Question 38
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawings: E2.41; E2.42; E2.43 Spec: None Questions: "Sheet Note 35 on E2.41, Note 18 on E2.42, and Note 23 on E2.43 all state to “See power plans for fan and light circuit” but these circuits are not shown on the power plan. Please indicate paneland circuits."
Response: The circuits are indicated on drawings E3.6, E3.7, and E3.8. The light and the fan are on the same circuit per 8/E5.03.
Question 39
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical, Low Voltage Drawing: T304; E304 Spec: None Question: Low Voltage – Drawings T304 and E304 (Instructional Media Room 130). The outlet floor boxes do not match between the electrical drawings and telecom set. Which set are we to follow for floor box quantities and locations, the "T" drawings or "E" drawings? In addition, Tech Drawings show floor boxes with AV locations but Electrical drawings do not, please clarify.
Response: See Addendum 03 for updates to Power & Signal plans, Telecom/AV plans and arch slab plans coordinating floor boxes. If conflicts remain use the folloing rules for scope: - AV floorboxes per the T plans - Power & Data floorbox quantity per the E plans - Layout locations per Arch Slab Plans
Question 40
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawings: E3.31; E3.32; E3.33 T2.01, T2.02: T2.03; T5.12; T5.19; T5.21A Spec: None Question: The outlet floor boxes do not match between the Electrical Drawings and Telecom Drawings. Which are we to follow, Electrical or Telecom?"
Response: See response to Bid RFI #39
Question 41
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: None Specs: 27 15 13, Section 2.1 Question: Spec Section 27 15 13 – 2.1 Products – References the required manufacture be Berk-Tek Leviton Technologies. Whereas the Indoor/Outdoor cable calls for General Cable Part Number (7141001). Would it be acceptable to use Berk-Tek/Leviton for the In/Out CMP cable Part Number (11142753)?
Response: No exceptions taken to proposed Berk-Tek/Leviton Indoor/Outdoor CAT6A cable.
Question 42
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T9.03 Spec: None Question: T9.03 – WAP Procurement – Per detail 8 on T9.03 Note 3 – “WAP unit and mounting brackets are shown as examples. These may differ from owner furnished components” – are the WAP devices Owner Furnished Contractor Installed?
Response: WAP devices along with brackets are Contractor furnished and Contractor installed per specification 272133.
Question 43
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.22 Specification: 27 41 16, Section 1.1E Question: Low Voltage/Audio Visual - Specification 27 41 16 1.1 E calls for the contractor to provide “Network Switches with Power over Ethernet (PoE).” Drawing T0.22 Diagram – Audio Paging Sheet Note one states, “The owner will provide the network, including network switches in equipment rooms.” Is the owner to provide all network related switches and equipment, and if so, is the Owner’s IT department responsible for the racking and stacking of that equipment?
Response: "The network switch for the audio paging system is CFCI per 274116/2.2/M and there is a comment that the contractor needs to coordinate model selection with owner IT. Room schedulers and the other AV components are connected to the campus network, as needed. Meaning these devices will connect to the main campus switches provided by IT. "
Question 44
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Metal Decking Drawing: None Specification: 05 30 00 & 00 11 16 Question: Specification section 053000 Steel Deck allow for Epic Metals and Verco Manufacturing Co. products; however, NOTICE TO BIDDERS Document 00 11 16 section 17(1)(a) states "Division 05, Metal: Epic Structural Deck; no known equal." Confirm Epic Structural Deck is the only manufacturer to be used for specification section 05 30 00.
Response: "The decks exposed in the final view for Laney LLRC have been designed for Epic Metals products, but we are open to review substitutions provided the following is true: 1. The proposed decks have current 3rd party evaluation reports (ESR, IAPMO). 2. Calculations by a structural engineer licensed in Calif are provided confirming the proposed decks match the gravity and seismic capacity of the Epic decks in the CDs. 3. Design Team approves of the decks architecturally, including for acoustic performance. 4. DSA provides full acceptance of the product and engineering. 5. Design Team review and the product substitution process as required by section 01 25 13 occurs after bid is awarded.
Question 45
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: ACT Drawing: None Specification: 09 51 13-2.6 Question: Spec section 095113 2.6 I Ceilings Hangers calls out for Mason Industries INC. "WHD" (isolators), but there are no details in the plans showing said isolators, confirm if these are required.
Response: WHD spring isolators are not required for the typical suspended ceilings.
Question 46
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: ACT Drawing: 16/A8.30 Specification: None Question: Due to the current design being atypical - Referencing the mentioned detail, can the grid ceiling be installed with expansion anchors/pin and clip wires (shot to the deck) in lieu of wedge anchors and isolators?
Response: Expansion anchors do not work for the acoustic deck in the drawings: see detail 9/S5.10. If a shot pin system for support of grid ceiling is submitted per the substitution request process listed in the Bid Documents, the Design Team will review. Note that the shot pins would be connected to perf metal at the deck soffit, and unless the 3rd party evaluation report for the shot pin addresses perf metal, it is likely that reduced capacities will have to be assumed. The substitution would be subject to DSA approval.
Question 47
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Pantry Appliances Drawing: None Specification: 11 31 00 Question: Please confirm specification 11 31 00 pantry appliances does not apply to this project as all appliances are denoted as OFOI.
Response: See Response to Bidder Question #13; Addendum 02
Question 48
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Item: Substitutions Specification: 01 25 13-2, Section 1.02, D Questions: Since we cannot upload documents in the Submit Question platform, what is the protocol for submitting request for substitution forms and/or any supporting documents to RFIs?
Response: See Document 01 25 16, Substitution Request Procedures in the Documents section of this project and in the forthcoming Addendum Two.
Question 49
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Insulated Metal Panels Drawing: A7.41 Specification: 07 42 13 Question: Contract documents do not specify color for Exterior Metal Panels. Please specify the color for Insulated Metal Wall Panels and Corrugated Metal Wall Panels.
Question 50
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Coiling Doors Drawings: A2.51, A2.31, A8.36 Specification: 083326 2.1 A Question: Per Finish Schedule on A2.51, Doorways 120.4 and 150.3 are commented as "OVERHEAD WIRE MESH SECURITY CURTAIN" but specified as Type V Side Coiled Wire Security Door. Please confirm Doorways 120.4 and 150.3 are Side Security Curtain mesh under Spec 10 81 11 for Pre-engineered Security Gate and Screens."
Response: Confirmed.
Question 51
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Coiling Doors Drawing: A2.51 Specification: 08 33 26 2.1 A Question: Please confirm that there are no Overhead Coiling Doors with Spec 083326 2.1A.
Response: Confirmed
Question 52
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawings:T0.03, T2.01, T2.02, T2.03, T9.10 Specification: None Question: Drawing set T0.03 does not identify the Security Detail required for each door listed below. Should we follow the security detail listed for each door on drawing sets, T2.01, T2.02, T2.03? 105.1 205.3 280.1 284.1 289.1 294.1 350.1 383B.1 390.1 116.1 217.1 281.1 285.1 289.2 270.1 380.1 383C.1 391.1 161.1 241.1 282.1 286.1 290.1 270.2 380.2 383D.1 181.1 242.1 282.2 288.1 291.1 310.1 381.1 386.1 183A.1 250.2 283.1 289A.1 292.1 317.1 383A.1 388.1
Response: Door numbers 100.1, 100.2, 180.1, 183.1, 294.1, 280E.1, 211.1, 350.1, 311.1 shall use door detail T9.10/5, door numbers 112.1, 270.3 shall use door detail T9.10/4 and everything else shall be T9.10/6. See Sheet T0.03 Security Door Schedule. See Item ADD-3.06
Question 53
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.03, T2.01 Specification: None Question: Door 112.1 on drawing set T0.03 calls for a Security Detail 6, which is a Wireless Integrated lockset. However the security detail on drawing set T2.01 calls for a wired door contact. Which drawing set (T0.03 or T2.01) reflects the correct security detail?
Response: Sheet T2.01 reflects the correct security detail for door number 112.1, which shall use door detail T9.10/4.
Question 54
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.03, T9.10 Specification: None Question: Door 161 on drawing set T0.03 calls for a Security Detail 7. However Security Detail 7 does not exist or is not identified on drawing set T9.10. Which security detail do we identify this door as?
Response: Sheet T2.01 reflects the correct security detail for door number 161.1, which shall use door detail T9.10/6.
Question 55
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.03, T2.01, T2.02, T2.03, T9.10 Specification: None Question: Drawing set T0.03 calls for each door listed below to have a hard wired/cabled Security Detail 8. However the security detail on each floor plan calls for for a wireless security system, ""symbol IL"". Which drawing set (T0.03 or Floor Plans T2.01, T2.02, T2.03) reflect the correct security detail? 120.1 141.1 166.1 203.1 263.1 321.2 364.1 120.2 142.1 167.1 203.2 264.1 331.1 383.1 130.1 143.1 168.1 221.1 265.1 332.1 383.2 130.2 150.2 169.1 221.2 270.4 341.1 383E.1 131.1 160.1 183B.1 231.1 283A.1 342.1 392.1 133.1 160.2 183B.2 232.1 286A.1 351.1 393.1 133A.1 162.1 183C.1 251.1 303.1 351.2 394.1 135.1 163.1 201.1 251.2 303.2 361.1 396.1 135A.1 164.1 201.2 261.1 304.1 362.1 140.1 165.1 202.1 262.1 321.1 363.1"
Response: Floor plan sheet T2.01, T2.02 and T2.03 shall reflect the correct security details. Additional door detail references clarifications as follows. Door numbers 100.1, 100.2, 180.1, 183.1, 294.1, 280E.1, 211.1, 350.1, 311.1 shall use door detail T9.10/5, door numbers 112.1, 270.3 shall use door detail T9.10/4 and everything else shall be T9.10/6. See Sheet T0.03 Security Door Schedule. See Item ADD-3.06
Question 56
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.03, T2.01, T2.02, T2.03, T9.10 Specification: None Question: Drawing set T0.03 calls for each door listed below to have a hard wired/cabled Security Detail 8. However the security detail on each floor plan calls for for a wireless security system, ""symbol IL"". Which drawing set (T0.03 or Floor Plans T2.01, T2.02, T2.03) reflect the correct security detail? 120.1 141.1 166.1 203.1 263.1 321.2 364.1 120.2 142.1 167.1 203.2 264.1 331.1 383.1 130.1 143.1 168.1 221.1 265.1 332.1 383.2 130.2 150.2 169.1 221.2 270.4 341.1 383E.1 131.1 160.1 183B.1 231.1 283A.1 342.1 392.1 133.1 160.2 183B.2 232.1 286A.1 351.1 393.1 133A.1 162.1 183C.1 251.1 303.1 351.2 394.1 135.1 163.1 201.1 251.2 303.2 361.1 396.1 135A.1 164.1 201.2 261.1 304.1 362.1 140.1 165.1 202.1 262.1 321.1 363.1"
Response: Design Team will response to this RFI 056 in RFI 055. This is a duplicate of RFI 055. See response to RFI 055.
Question 57
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Landscaping Drawing: L6.11 Question: 1). Please clarify plant sizes. 2). Please clarify soil import quantities.
Response: 1) See L6.11 and L6.12 for clarifications of plant sizes. 2) Landscape Architect does not provide quantities for soil. See L5.01 in Addendum 03 for detail key clarifications on soil depth by plant type and area.
Question 58
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: ACT Question: Will we receive any CAD files for this project? Specifically, any depicting the specialty ceiling, ACT-3?
Response: Once Bid is awarded, CAD files can be provided.
Question 59
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Waterpoofing Drawing: 6/A7.81 Specification: None Question: Detail 6 calls for traffic coating at the walk-off mat. Their is no specification for traffic coating? Should this be one of the products listed in Water and Graffiti Repellents? If so please confirm or provide the specification for this Traffic Coating.
Question 60
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Structural Steel Drawing: None Specification: 05 12 00 Question: In the specifications it calls for AISC Certification for Structural Steel fabrication and AISC Advanced Certification for Installation. Please confirm if this is a required.
Response: It is required.
Question 61
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 section the wording of this section “To have contractor’s insurance limit apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought" is not possible. No insurance company can/will comply with this as written. We request this section to be removed.
Response: The intent here is that the Contractor’s insurance limit would apply separately to each insured listed on the policy against whom a claim is made or suit is brought. For example, if the ABC Construction policy lists ABC Construction, the owner as an individual and an employee, claims brought against each of the three would able to access the full policy limit. Any insurance proceeds available to Contractor that are broader than or in excess of the specified minimum insurance coverage and/or limits shall be available to the College as an additional insured. Furthermore, the requirements for coverage and limits shall be (1) the minimum coverage and limits specified in the Contract or Agreement, or (2) the broader coverage and maximum limits of coverage of any insurance policy or proceeds available to the Named Insured, whichever is greater.
Question 62
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 section We request approval for Contractor’s deductible or self-insured retention for its Commercial General Liability Insurance policy shall not exceed $1M.
Response: Contractors requesting approval to change the Commercial General Liability Insurance deductible from not exceeding $25,000 to a higher amount will need to provide their deductible and additional information to Peralta College. To ensure the General Contractor is able to meet the higher deductible financially, the College will request financial information and/or deductible funding details.
Question 63
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 section 13.1.3- it is uncommon to hold subcontractors to the level of insurance coverage to that of the General Contractor. This would be a financial burden on subcontractors that would require them to secure a one time policy for this project. It is requested that the District reconsider their position on this matter.
Response: The College has reviewed the insurance coverages and limits required for the General Contractor and believe those amounts are appropriate for the subcontractors as well.
Question 64
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 sections & & & & & 14.2.6; it is requested the reference to “Architects(s)” be stricken from each noted section.
Response: The College will be maintaining the requirements within sections 00 72 13 sections & & & & & 14.2.6.
Question 65
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 section It is recommended that subcontractors be able to provide insurance with insurance companies with an A.M. Best rating of no less than A:V1. General Contractors no less than A:V11
Response: The College will be maintaining its requirement within section that “all of Contractor’s insurance, shall be with insurance companies with and A.M. Best rating of no less than A:VII.
Question 66
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Insulated Metal Panels Drawings: None Specification: 07 42 13 Question: The Spec calls out the panel material to be 20-gauge aluminum, but the finish on the same Spec - Section 2.9, is called out to be stainless steel, which is not available according to Kingspan. Please help clarify what should be the correct panel finish.
Question 67
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Flooring Drawing: A9.10 Specification: 09 00 00 Questions: Finish schedule A9.10 shows multiple 1st floor rooms receiving flooring RSF-1 (Rubber sheet flooring) Spec 09 00 00 Material list does not include RSF-1 but does show an RTF-1 which is a Rubber tile product and not a sheet product. Please clarify.
Response: All resilient flooring to be tile and type RTF-1.
Question 68
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Plant Legend and Shrubs on L6.11 do not show the sizes of the plant material. Please provide plant material size for each shrub.
Response: See response to Bid RFI #57
Question 69
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: L6.11 and L6.12 Planting plan sheets and plant layout sheets have groundcovers, perennial, cactus and shrubs planting intermingled together within the planters. Detail 2 on L5.01 shows 6" depth for groundcovers, 12" depth for perennials and 18" Depth for cactus, perennials and shrubs. Please confirm the following depths. Planter on detail 3 L6.11 is 18" depth soil, Planter on detail 2 L6.11 is 12" depth soil, Planter on detail 21 L6.11 is 18" depth soil, and Planter on detail 3 L6.12 is 18" depth soil.
Response: See Bid Addendum 3, Detail 2/Sht L5.01 for clarification on required planting soil depths by plant type. Landscape Architect takes no exception to contractor setting a uniform soil depth for planters based on plant type that will require the deepest soil profile versus varying the depth within the planter at each individual plant.
Question 70
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Structural Concrete Drawing: 2/S4.21 & 1/S4.23 Specification: None Question: Architectural details has put limits on tie spacing and tie sizing. Currently when incorporating Self Consolidating Concrete with the wall height from TOF to level 2 pan deck elevation, it results in formwork pressure in excess of 3,750 PSF. To reduce formwork pressure on the architectural walls, closer to 2,250 PSF, it is recommended to pour from top of footing to top of SOG (all non-architectural). Please confirm that terminating wall pour from top of footing to top of slab on grade is acceptable. Additionally, are CJ locations required to be located as shown or is there flexibility in location?
Response: Cold joints at the top of slab at shear walls will not be acceptable. Follow design documents.
Question 71
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Specialty Doors Drawing: None Specification: 08_33_26 or 10_81_11 Question: Please clarify the correct dimensions of Door 105.3, 120.4, & 205.2. Per Floor Plans these doorways separate spaces, however the door schedule only provides a dimension less than 2 feet wide.
Response: Door 105.3: For Width, see 16/A8.36, Height = 12'-4"""" Door 120.4: For Width, see 14/A8.36, Height = 11'-6"""" Door 205.2: For Width, see 1/A8.37, Height = 9'-7"""
Question 72
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Storefront Door Hardware Specification: 08 71 00, 08 44 13, 08 41 28 Drawing: None Question: a. Please provide hardware set for door 250.3 b. Doors 392.1, 394.1, and 396.1 call for hardware group 15. Hardware group 15 says “not used” in the spec. Please provide hardware group 15 or specify a different hardware group for these doors c. Door 280.1 calls for hardware group 30. Hardware group 30 says “not used” in the spec. Please provide hardware group 30 or specify a different hardware group for this door. d. Please confirm all “SecureAll” door hardware can be provided by Div 28 or owner. Manufacturer is nonresponsive and we are unable to get pricing on these items. "
Response: Reference Addendum 03 revisions to A2.51 Door Schedule. a. Door 250.3, Hardware Set = ## (See additional notes on A2.51) b. Door 392.1, Hardware Set = 11 Door 394.1, Hardware Set = 11 Door 396.1, Hardware Set = 11 c. Door 280.1, Hardware Set = 31 d. SecureAll door hardware is to be CFCI (contractor furnished, contractor installed). The local SecureAll representative is Rick Schaffzin, 650-704-2725
Question 73
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Interior Storefront Specification: 08 41 28 Drawing: A8.52 Question: Please confirm the frame type/manufacturer for fixed window W1 on A8.52
Response: Fixed window type W1 to be system GS-4, reference 08 11 16 and 09 00 00
Question 74
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Interior Storefront Specification: 08 41 28 Question: Frame marks SF19 and SF9 call for G7 glass type (3/8” clear tp) but have 5/8” shown in frame type column. Please confirm if these frames are to receive 5/8” (G9 or G10) laminated or 3/8” clear TP glazing (G7)"
Response: SF9 to have G7. SF19 to have G9.
Question 75
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Interior Storefront Specification: 08 41 28 Drawing: A8.51 Question: Multiple frame marks on schedule chart (A8.51) call out for G10 glazing type, but do not show frit pattern on elevation view. Please confirm if these can be bid as G9 or if frit pattern at lower 2’6” should be included to match elevation such as SF7, SF8, etc. "
Response: See Addendum 03 for clarification of glazing film scope on frame types on A8.51 and A8.52. SF6 glazing changed to G10. Note the frosted glass is window film per 088733. See Addendum 03 for 090000 for updates to glazing film product.
Question 76
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Sound Control Windows Specification: 08 51 15 Drawing: A8.52 Question: a. Please provide the STC rating required at interior acoustical window type W2. Section 08 51 15-1.6C-1 is missing this requirement. b. Please provide clarification on “tilted glass” callout on interior glazing system schedule (W2/A8.52)
Response: a. Acoustical window type W2 shall be minimum STC 42. See 08 51 15. b. Acoustical windows often have sloping glazing within the frame.
Question 77
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Glazing/Glazing Film Specification: 08 80 00, 08 87 33 Question: Please confirm whether ceramic frit is needed on glazing type G10, or just glazing film. Drawings call for frit which is different than glazing film.
Response: Glazing Type G10 is to receive glazing film. Glazing film also to be at typical G8 glass guardrail at Atrium and Stair C. See Addendum 03 for elevation revisions for film scope.
Question 78
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Signage Question: Please provide the missing drawings for AW3 (Building Directory), AW4 (Directional Signs), and W5.1 (Exterior Letters)
Response: AW3 = W3 AW4 = W4 W5.1 and W5.2 sign types not used
Question 79
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Waterproofing Drawing: 9, 4/A7.71 Question: The Roofing details reference PMMA Waterproofing for several details, but there is no specification for PMMA Waterpoofing. Please provide this specification or clarify if one of the other specified waterproofing products should be used in these locations?
Response: Section 075216 Article 2.07.A.1 covers the fully reinforced PMMA flashing as an auxiliary material to the modified bitumen roofing.
Question 80
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Signage Drawing: W4.1 Question: The Sign Message list provided on sheet W4.1 references Sign Type R1. No Sign Type R1 is found on sheets W2.1 to W3.4.
Response: Clarification to Sign typos: W1.3.1 = W1.3 W2.1 = W2 W.13.1 = W13 R1.1 = R1 R.11 = R11 R.13 = R13 R.14 = R14 See also response to Bid RFI #78
Question 81
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Structural Steel Specification: Spec Section 05 12 00 – Structural Steel. Contractor Qualifications 1.4.E, Question: Spec Section 05 12 00 – Structural Steel. Contractor Qualifications 1.4.E, The Erector shall have 10 years of successful experience erecting structural steel for structures of this type and complexity in the region of the project. At the time of bid the Erector shall be an AISC Certified Steel Erector (CSE) and must submit documentation of this qualification. At the time of bid the Erector shall be an AISC Advanced Certified Steel Erector (ACSE) and must submit documentation of this qualification.” Researching the AISC website, there is no ACSE certification offered and there are no AISC Advanced Certified Erectors (ACSE) in California. In accordance with our findings, is an AISC Certified Steel Erector (CSE) acceptable?
Response: An AISC Certified Steel Erector (CSE) is acceptable.
Question 82
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of work: Ceiling Systems (ACT) Drawing: A9.10, A5.11-A5.24 Question: AWP-1 locations shown on the finish schedule on A9.10 differ from locations visually shown on elevation sheets A5.11-A5.24. Please confirm elevation sheets supersede finish schedule.
Response: Confirmed, elevation sheets supersede finish schedule
Question 83
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Tile Drawing: A9.11, A5.16 Question: A9.10 Finish Schedule shows room 116 to have floor and wall tile. A9.11 Finish plan does not indicate floor tile in rm 116, 8S/A5.16 wall elevation does not show wall tile only indicates Resilient Base. Does Rm116 receive any wall or floor ceramic tile?
Response: Room 116 does not have ceramic tile.
Question 84
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Tile Drawing: A8.75 Question: 3&5/A8.75 show what appears to be a tile back splash with no indication of what the material is. Is the material to be ceramic tile?
Response: Back splash is ceramic wall tile 2 (CWT-2).
Question 85
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Tile Drawing: A4.31 Question: 3S, 3B & 3E/A4.31 these walls are shown without ceramic grid lines, please verify that they only receive tile base and not 9' high wainscot.
Response: CWT-1 Wall Tile to 9'-0" throughout restrooms.
Question 86
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Mechanical Drawing: M4.11, M5.01 Question: The Heating Hot water system has 2 pumps located on the 1st floor as shown on M4.11 to pump water up to AHU's on the roof. The chilled water system does not show any pumps. Are there supposed to pumps on the chilled system?
Response: No. The chilled water system does not require tertiary pumps at the building.
Question 87
Posted: 5/7/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Fireproofing Drawing: A2.43, 1,2/A7.71 Question: The Details call for Intumescent Fireproofing at exposed S. Steel, and Spray Fireproofing at concealed S. Steel. Based on the RCPs, there are steel members that cross between exposed and concealed. Please confirm at these locations the fireproofing will need to change between Intumescent and Spray fireproofing and provide a detail that meets code for this condition
Response: The basis-of-design manufacturer of intumescent coating confirms this is a common occurence in the construction industry. Apply the intumescent coating first and then apply the spray fireproofing upto and overlapping the intumescent coating by 6 inches. Locate the overlap so that the transition is fully concealed from view. The typical condition where this occurs has a gyp soffit up to deck that conceals the transition.
Question 88
Posted: 5/7/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Concrete Drawing: 5/S4.25, S2.02 Question: Drawings call for welding to steel of epoxy coated rebar at the Cantilevered tapered slab locations (reference 5/S4.25 & S2.02). epoxy coated rebar cannot be welded. Would it be acceptable to coat the welded sections of rebar with epoxy repair kit post installation/welding?
Response: The proposed approach is acceptable.
Question 89
Posted: 5/7/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Curtain Wall Drawing: A2.22, A2.23, A6.13, A7.31 Question: The Curtain Wall on South Elevation span from Level 2 to Level 3 shows a line on each mullion of fins projected out from mullions on floor plan A2.22 and A2.23. Sheet 2/A6.13 also shows a line along the mullion that looks like a fin. I found a detail on 8/A7.31 show Aluminum Fin mounted on mullion. Please confirm detail 8/A7.31 is for South Elevation Curtain Wall? What is the width size of the Fins projected out?
Response: The shade fins per 8/A7.31 exist where shown on the plans/elevations. The fins are to project out 10" with a width of 1/4"
Question 90
Posted: 5/7/2024
Question: Reference the Bid Form and Proposal Document 00 41 13-1 item #2- Allowance; states "The bidder's Base Bid and each alternate shall include a ten percent (10%) allowance for Unforeseen Conditions and complying with applicable federal, State and local requirements relating to COVID - 19 or other public health emergency/epidemic/pandemic. This direction leads to an ambiguous calculation. It is recommended the District provide a dollar amount for the value of the Allowance.
Response: Delete 10% allowance requirements, Item 2, Document 00 41 13, Bid Form and Proposal.
Question 91
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - Low Voltage Question: Please confirm if Low Voltage contractor is to provide and install patch cables? If so, are we to install (2) patch cables for every cable installed, one for switch (IDF) side and one for station side?
Response: Patch cords will be provided and installed by Owner.
Question 92
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Spec Section: 272133 Question: Spec section 272133 requires the LV contactor to provide and install wireless access points. Does this include programming of the WAP’s as well? Also, is the LV contractor required to provide any other type of network equipment? (switches and routers, etc.)
Response: Equipment within 272133 contractors scope: 1. WAPs 2. Mounting brackets 3. Licenses 4. In-line lightning arrestors (for exterior WAPs or antenna) Spec 272133 section 3.2 describes the scope of the installation effort of the contractor. They include the following: 1. Procure WAPs and mounting brackets 2. Deliver the Wireless Access Points (WAPs) to project site 3. Coordinate installation 4. Mount the WAPs 5. Patch the WAPs (patch cords provided by others) 6. Coordinate WAP patching with wired network integrator and owner a. Which switch port does the owner want WAPs connected? b. Licensing for the Owner’s existing controller c. Location, MAC and label of each WAP for the controller configuration 7. Coordinate WAP information with owner/network integrator a. The owner or wire network integrator will configure their existing Wi-Fi controller to add all the new WAPs b. Configuring the WAPs are excluded from the 272133 contractor’s scope 8. Verify WAPs are functional a. Review visible and communicating WAPs with owner and network integrator b. Help troubleshoot any non-functional WAPs 9. Assemble As-built information a. Inventory b. Warranty c. Maintenance contracts
Question 93
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Question: Is the LV contractor required to provide and install any UPS’s or PDU’s in the equipment racks? If so, can you please provide manufacturer and part numbers.
Response: UPS’s will be provided and installed by Owner. Contractor to provide and install PDU’s in the equipment racks. The PDU part number is: Leviton – 5500-192
Question 94
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Terracotta Wall Panels Specification: 07 42 29 Question: 1. Spec section 074229 calls out Terreal Piterek XS terracotta for the panels to be used for the project. This product is currently discontinued, can the architect provide an alternate product to be used for this scope of work? 2. If an alternate product is specified for the terracotta panels, will the cladding support system change as well? Horizontal & Vertical supports, installation clips & fasteners.
Response: See Addendum 03 updates to spec section 07 42 29, including additional manufacturers. Cladding attachment shall be per manufacturer specifications, backing structure designed by SEOR.
Question 95
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Spec 271513 section 2.3-H Question: Spec 271513, section 2.3-H calls out to use Berk Tek LanMark SST Cat6A blue plenum cable, # 11101842. Is it acceptable to use Berk Tek RDT Cat6A blue plenum cable?
Response: Rejected, RDT Cat6A does not perform same or higher than SST Cat6A 11101842. Provide per design document.
Question 96
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Section 313213 2.2 A.1. Multi-shaft mixing equipment (machines with at least two soil mixing shafts with overlapping augers and blades) shall be used. a. states that diameter shall be minimum 3 feet and maximum 6 feet in diameter. There have been numerous soil mixing projects in the bay area and Oakland specifically that have utilized single axis mixing with diameters as large as 8 feet. Please confirm single axis mixing is acceptable and a larger diameter (e.g. 8ft) can be utilized?
Response: No. Per the project geotechnical report “we do not recommend using single shaft soil mixing equipment for creating deep mixed shear walls and grids because, in our experience, uniform mixing is more difficult to control when using single shaft soil mixing equipment.” Ninyo & Moore recommends that the existing specification for multi-shaft mixing equipment be followed.
Question 97
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Regarding Section 004546.09 'Buy American Certification' in the Project Manual: Please confirm whether this project requires this certification or not.
Response: This State funded project requires compliance with Document 00 45 46.09, Buy American Certification.
Question 98
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Section 095113, 2.5.A.3 states, ‘The panels shall be installed into the extruded aluminum grid system…’ However, the next paragraph lists (3) types of standard non-aluminum grid systems. Usually, aluminum grid systems are used in MRI rooms/swimming pools, etc. and might significantly affect the overall pricing. Please confirm that this project does not require any aluminum grid systems for acoustical ceilings. Otherwise, please specify the rooms that are to receive it.
Response: Confirmed, there is no requirement for alum grid systems. See Specification Section 09 51 13, Acoustical Panel Ceilings. See Item ADD-3.09
Question 99
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Regarding APC-1: Section 090000 'Finish & Material List' specifies the Acoustibuilt system by Armstrong and refers to section 092313. However, Section 092313 provides a description of a different BASWAphon acoustical plaster system. Additionally, many details (see 15, 18, 19, 20, etc./A8.32) state that APC-1 is a ‘Typical Acoustibuilt panel’. Please confirm that the Acoustibuilt Seamless Acoustical Ceiling System by Armstrong is to be used for APC-1 in this project.
Response: Basis of Design is Armstrong Acoustibuilt system. See Specification Section 09 23 13, Acoustical Gypsum Plastering. See Item ADD-3.08
Question 100
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Regarding WP-3: Addendum 2 added WP-3 to 062023 Section. However, similar product Wood Panel Grill WP-1, by the same manufacturer Rulon, are specified in 090000 'Material list' and also called out in Section 095426 updated in Addendum2 along with another Rulon product WP-2. Please advise who is responsible for furnishing and installing WP-3 (as well as WP-1, WP-3): the Acoustical Ceiling trade or Millwork trade.
Response: WP-1 and WP-2 are specified in 09 54 26. WP-3 is listed in 06 20 23 Interior Finish Carpentry. Rulon would be allowed to provide WP-3 given they provide the custom design per the construction documents. GC to the determine respective subcontractor procurement and coordination.
Question 101
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Regarding ACT-1: Section 090000 'Finish & Material List' for ACT-1 specifies Dune 2x2 – Tegular 9/16" grid. To provide more accurate pricing, please advise which acoustical tile to use: #1775 (regular) or #1775HRC (with high recycled content - more expensive option).
Response: ACT-1 changed to Armstrong ULTIMA LEC tile. Product code is 1912LEC.
Question 102
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: RCP Finish Legend (see A2.41, etc.) lists (3) types of Architectural Reveal. We would like to get clarification on these reveals, their locations and specs: 1) Architectural Reveal Type 1: Detail 14/A8.32 shows the usage of this Reveal in the APC-1 Acoustical Plaster System. However, many marked areas are within the acoustical T-grid system (as marked below). Please advise on the locations and specs for the Type1 Architectural Reveal. 2) Architectural Reveal Type 2: We couldn’t locate it on the drawings. Please provide clarification on the locations, specs, and details for the Type 2 Architectural Reveal. 3) Architectural Reveal Type 3: Is the location marked below on A2.43 RCP the only place where the Type 3 Reveal is required? Please provide clarification on the locations, specs, and details for the Type 3 Architectural Reveal.
Response: "See 090000 and 064023 for specification of the Architectural Reveals, the hanging rail system for artwork. See See Addendum 03 for RCP's A2.41, A2.42, A2.43 clarifying reveal types. 1) See Addendum 03, flush reveals are limited to acoustical plaster APC-1 conditions 2) Surface mounted reveal Type 2 was only shown at one location, and has been changed to wall mounted Type 3 in Addendum 03. 3) Reveals at ACT ceilings have now been revised to wall-mounted reveal Type 3 in Addendum 03"
Question 103
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Spec 281300 paragraph 1.4.D.2 Question: Spec 281300 paragraph 1.4.D.2 calls out to provide Request-to-Exit motion detectors for card reader controlled doors. Paragraph 3.1.E of the same spec calls out for Request-to-Exit motion detectors, however the Secure All part number for this device is not provided. Drawings 5/T9.10 and 6/T9.10 call out these devices, however the T series drawings do not show location for any of these REX motion detectors. Please clarify.
Response: The spec does contain language for access control reader doors which are to be physically connected that require a REX motion detector. Since all of the door location readers are to be intelligent devices and connected via a wireless network there would be no requirement for the physical REX motion detector. On sheet T9.10, details 5 and 6, do show an intelligent lock and reader device for the doors which is complete with reader, door contact, rex switch and lock all built into a unitized device. So, no requirement for the physical REX motion detector for the mentioned details.
Question 104
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Drawing: FA0.3, Sheet Note #9 Quesiton: Sheet Note #9 in drawing FA0.3 calls out to for door holders for three double doors, while Sheet Note #7 in drawing FA0.4 calls out to for door holders for one double door. Door holders are not listed in the BOM drawing FA0.0, is the fire alarm contractor providing and installing the door holders?
Response: The doors in question have the Fire/Life Magnetic Holders listed in the 087100 Door Hardware Sets. GC to the determine respective subcontractor procurement and coordination.
Question 105
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Scope of Work: BioPlant Boxes 1&2 Interor Waterproofing Materials Drawing: 1,3,4/C7.01 Question: On page C7.01 Details 1,3&4 BIO Planter boxes 1 & 2 call out for 10 mill plastic sheet for interior floor & wall waterproofing. We believe this is the wrong material for these areas . Please confirm these details & Spec location. "
Response: The plastic moisture barrier is a planter liner and is intended to help preserve the exterior concrete planter. It is not waterproofing for the building. See 7.11 for waterproofing between the concrete planter and the building foundation, including changes in Addendum 03. See Addendum 03 update to C7.01 revised to liner thickness and section 32 91 14 Bioretention Soils for the specification of the liner product.
Question 106
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Are there raw CPT data available (excel or csv format)? (Geotech)
Response: See Appendix F, CPT Raw Data File Folder, posted here under project documents.
Question 107
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - The Panasonic PT-RZ570 projector that is called out in section 274116 has been discontinued. Please provide an updated model number.
Response: PT-FRZ50
Question 108
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - Please provide a mounting detail for the wall mounted Ultra-short throw projectors that are called out in section 274116.
Response: See Sheet T9.21, Installation Details – Audiovisual (Item ADD-3.127) and Spec Section 274116, Integrated Audiovisual Systems (Item ADD-3.128)
Question 109
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - What type of projection screen surface should be provided for the DaLite Tensioned Contour Electrol projection screens?
Response: DaMat
Question 110
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - The 274116 specs are calling out for wall mounted projection screens in the Type 4 Classrooms and the Library. However the plans are showing these spaces with ceiling recessed projection screens. Please clarify which is correct.
Response: Specified Dalite Contour screen can be wall or ceiling. Provide ceiling mount as indicated on sheet T5.19
Question 111
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - The 274116 specs are calling out for an wall mounted Ultra-Short Throw projector with a wall mounted drop down projection screen in Classrooms Type 1 and Classrooms Type 3. However this will not work because they are both mounted on the same wall and it would put the mount and connection plate directly behind the screen and would not be functional. This is shown on sheets T5.16A and T5.18. Please clarify how this is intended to work.
Response: 274116 requires a wall mounted projection screens in types 1 and 3. Refer to 1.5/E/2 and 1.5/G/2. T5.16A and T5.18 equipment schedules indicate wall mounted screens are required for these spaces. Locate projector connection plate above projection screen case.
Question 112
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - Please provide a wiring diagram that shows how the paging system should be connected.
Response: Refer to Addendum 03 update to T0.22
Question 113
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - Where should the paging head end equipment be installed?
Response: BDF rack 3, Refer to Addendum 03 update to T0.22
Question 114
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - Should an equipment rack be provided for the paging head end equipment? IF YES, please clarify size of rack.
Response: BDF Rack 3 will be provided under telecom.
Question 115
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Detail 2/C7.01 calls for pavers to be set over 1" of sand (ASTM C33). However, spec 32 14 13 calls for pavers to be mortar set. Can you clarify which should be followed?
Response: Pavers are to be mortar set. See update to C7.01 in Addendum.
Question 116
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Who is your current Fire Alarm Maintenance Contractor?
Response: Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP is the maintenance provider for the proprietary Simplex System.
Question 117
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Any recommendations on Fire Alarm Contractor?
Response: District cannot provide recommendations, however, a list of eligible SLBE contractors has been uploaded to Vendor Registry as Appendix E, SLBE Eligible Contractor List. District's Purchasing website also has a list of subcontractors for consideration.
Question 118
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Please Advise if the use of MC cable and Luminary MC cable in furred walls and accessible ceilings for branch circuit connection to fixtures and lighting controls is acceptable. EMT conduit at all exposed locations, attic spaces, electrical/mechanical rooms and all home runs to remain?
Response: All new wiring to be installed in Conduit per specification 262700, 2.2, A.
Question 119
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Project Manual, Page 60. Please confirm the bid bond is for the GC.
Response: Yes.
Question 120
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Drawings IFB, A9.11-Finish Plan. Area at 7.3 & A6 shows finish at stair landing as carpet tile. This doesn’t coincide with stair detail #17 on page A4.18, which shows same area as terrazzo. Please confirm area is terrazzo.
Response: Top landing area at Stair C is to be terrazzo.
Question 121
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Per 1-line E5.01, sheet note 1 is calling out 350MCM Copper 15KV cable. Per 261202, The 3-phase padmounted transformer is calling out 200A bushing wells. The 350MCM Copper 15KV cable will not fit on 200A bushing well. Please advise. (*Suggestion – Reduce cable size or add 600A bushing wells)
Response: Add 600Amp Bushing Wells in transformer. See revised specification 261202 in Addendum 03
Question 122
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: As per detail 13/A8.53 Acoustical Sealant is 1/2" wide. However, the sealant mentioned in spec #079200 2.7B is offered in 1" width. Please confirm this is acceptable and if not please let us know the alternative product which you would like us to include in our bid.
Response: The acoustical sealant should be as noted in 079200 – 2.6.
Question 123
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Per sheets L6.11 and L6.12, each plant type and planter layout is given. What are the specified plant sizes?
Response: See Response to Bidder Questions 059 & 069
Question 124
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Page A6.22 is called out for multiple times on page A3.13 but is missing in the plans, would we be able to receive a copy of that page?
Response: After checking Vendor Registry, the District has confirmed that both Sheets A3.13 and A6.22 are included in the PDF "23_24_03_Drawings" package.
Question 125
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Do you have a plan/ layout for the pavers on the second floor?
Response: See Addendum 03 updates to A9.12
Question 126
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Please confirm if we can use lightweight cellular concrete to backfill above the footings and grade beams to get to the bottom of AB for the slab on grade?
Response: The SEOR does not object to lightweight cellular concrete above footings & grade beams provided that its compressive strength is greater than 7100 psf (50 psi) and meets the standards for this material of the Portland Cement Association.
Question 127
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: For Staircase # 1 & 02. Floor finishes are not given. Can you please specify.
Response: See response to Bid RFI #12 and Addendum 03 for Stair A and Stair B floor finishes.
Question 128
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: For Elevator cabs, floor finishes are not given can you please specify.
Response: Elevator floor finish to be RTF-1
Question 129
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: For Polished Concrete Topping slab. Thickness of Slab and Polished concrete grit level and topping material name is not given.
Response: For Topping Slab Assembly, see 18/A8.42 and 8/S4.22. Polish progressively to 800 grit level. Architect to evaluate concrete finish at 400 grit level and provide authorization to proceed to finer polish.
Question 130
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Please confirm the SLBE credit for materials purchased from a SLBE vendor.
Response: Non-SLBE/SELBE Prime Contractors who use subcontractors, who meet the district definitions of SLBE and SELBE, may receive a maximum of 4% bidding preference if the conditions outlined in Document 00 45 46.13 are met. A revised Document 00 45 46.13 was issued in Addendum One.
Question 131
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Sheets L1.01, L2.01, L5.01 show a scale of 1"=10'. Sheet L7.01 has a scale of 1"=20' but no change in plan. Which scale is correct?
Response: L7.01 is 10' = 1'-0" scale. See updated sheet in Addendum 03
Question 132
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Reference: ‘T’ series drawings Question: No site plan provided. Please confirm the pathway between new library building BDF and MDF in college campus tower building.
Response: See Appendix Item D: Conduit Survey added in Addendum 01.
Question 133
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Detail #3 on E5.03 states multiple times to "provide & install" various motorized shade system components. Please confirm: (A) that all motorized shade system components (controller, bus power supply, outdoor sensor box, sensors, wall switches, data hubs, motorized shades, RJ9 to RJ45 cabling, M12 connector cabling, CAT5e cabling, #14 2/c cable, etc...) are to be provided and installed by Division 122413. (B) the electrical contractor is to supply interconnecting line voltage conduit/wire to the controller & between the JB's at the shade motors. (C) the electrical contractor is to supply interconnecting low voltage conduit only between the controller <-> data hubs, data hub <-> data hub, controller <-> bus power supply, bus power supply <-> outdoor sensor box & outdoor sensor box <-> sensors.
Response: GC to the determine respective subcontractor procurement and coordination.
Question 134
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: Please indicate the location of the Generator network connection to BAS.
Response: The generator is located at Building AA equipment yard, see E4.02, note 29 for BAS connection.
Question 135
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: What if any is the R-value minimum showed on 11/A7.71? Thanks.
Response: 2" Minimum. See RFI 034 for additional information
Question 136
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: From 08 71 00 – Please confirm the SecureALL electronic locks & exit device trims are owner furnished/contractor installed.
Response: SecureALL devices are contractor furnished/ contractor installed. See response to RFI 072.d.
Question 137
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: E5.01 shows future conduit for future PV Feeders; E5.04 shows PV Feeders, fused disconnect and conduct to PV system. These drawings do not show conduit size, fused disconnect size nor any conduit routing to PV system. Are these required on this project, if so, what size conduits, disconnect and what routing for the conduit to the PV system? Is the PV system future?
Response: The PV system feeders, and disconnect are future. Provide and install two (2) 4” conduits with pull ropes from the roof to the main electrical room on level 1. See Addendum 03 sheet E3.35
Question 138
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: Laney Central Utility Plant project, Sheet C4.0, Keynotes 1, 2 and 3, call our for installation of electrical conduits from the CUP to the “Future LRC Building”. The Laney Library & Resource Center project, Sheet E1.01 shows for these conduits to be installed under this project. Question 1: what project are these conduits being installed under? Question 2: if the conduits are installed under the Utility Plant contract, will they be stubbed within 5’ of the LRC building?
Response: Question 1: Per E1.01, note 19 the conduits between the LRC and the central utility plant building are installed as part central plant project. Question 2: For the conduit stub locations at the LRC, please see 1/E4.01. For the conduit stub scope at the Central Plant please see Bid Add Alternate #1 in Addendum 03.
Posted: 4/19/2024
Type of Addition: Addendum One
Overview: Addendum One contains response to RFI and other project information.
Posted: 5/3/2024
Type of Addition: Addendum Two
Overview: Responses to RFI and an updated pre-qualified list.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Type of Addition: Addendum Four
Overview: Addendum Four changes the final date that questions can be submitted.
Posted: 5/24/2024
Type of Addition: Addendum Three
Overview: Answers to RFI and extending the bid due date to June 6th, 2024.
Posted: 6/10/2024
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: See attached bid results.
Posted: 6/10/2024
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: Rodan subcontractor list
Posted: 6/10/2024
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: BHM subcontractor list
Posted: 7/1/2024
Type of Addition: Reject all bids
Overview: The district is rejecting all bids.
Posted: 4/10/2024
Question: Can I get a copy of the attendees on the pre-bid call April 9th? Thank you!
Response: The sign-in sheet was posted here this morning. Thank you.
Posted: 4/11/2024
Question: Can you please confirm, that only bidders whom have been prequalified at our above the project value, will be eligible to bid the project? Additionally, will the district be providing an approved contractors listing that includes the prequalification limits for each firm?
Response: Response can be found in Addendum One.
Posted: 4/16/2024
Question: Should RFIs be individually submitted or can we attach an RFI Log with compiled questions?
Response: RFI should be submitted individually.
Posted: 4/19/2024
Question: Addendum #1 states that "Bidders are required to meet the District's twenty-five percent (25%) goal." Please confirm this means that the bidder will be considered non-responsive if this requirement is not met, and not just that they will not receive the discount.
Response: Yes, bidders who do not meet the District’s twenty-five(25%)goal will be considered non-responsive. Here is the link to the board policy.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Specification table of contents lists spec 321316 - site concrete however the spec provided was 311316 - Site Concrete. Please clarify which is correct and make consitent.
Response: The correct spec number is 321316. Title Number on page 1 of the section will have "311316" corrected to "321316" in Addendum 02.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify where spec 070921 - Site water repellents is applicable and where 071900 - water and Graffiti repellents is applied differently. These appear to be redundant specs with conflicting direction
Response: 071900 applies to the building exterior, and 070921 applies to the exterior site concrete elements.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Reference A/5.12 Spec 062023 - wood slat return louver is listed on the plans but not in the spec book. Please provide
Response: See 16/A8.16 for custom Wood Slat Wall Panel WP-3. See Addendum 02 where Wood Panel Type 3 (WP-3) is added to 06 20 23 and reference to WP-3 is added to 09 54 26. See forthcoming Addendum 03 for revisions to 09 00 00 Interior Finish & Materials List.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify where spec 054000 - cold-formed metal framing is applicable and where 092216 -Non-structural metal framing is applied differently. These appear to be redundant specs with conflicting direction
Response: 092216 applies to cold-rolled furring channels and 054000 applies to all other cold-formed metal framing.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify where spec 066400 - plastic paneling is applicable and where 102600 - Wall and Door Protection is applied differently. These appear to be redundant specs with conflicting direction
Response: Plastic Wall Paneling is fiber-reinforce plastic panel (FRP) per 066400 and indicated in interior elevations and A9.10 Finish Schedule. See Addendum 02 where wall protection is removed from 102600. See forthcoming Addendum 03 for updates to A9.10 Finish Schedule
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Clarify where spec 102213 - Wire Mesh Partitions is applicable. The basis of design appears to more for of a fixed cage used for storage.
Response: Wire mesh partitions and gates are located at the IT Delivery Cage at Level 1 Rm 180A - see interior elevations 1E+1S/A5.16 and IT Cage Gate (Door # 180A.1 on A2.51)
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify the overhead coiling door vs the overhead wire mesh security curtain. A2.31 shows two curtains. A2.51 shows two curtains. A9.31 shows 1 of each. Was the Overhead coiling door switched for a curtain?
Response: "Doors 105.3 & 120.4 are wire mesh security curtains per section 108211 PRE-ENGINEERED SECURITY GATES AND SCREENS and details on A8.36. Note for GRILLE on A9.31 to be deleted."
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please confirm the floor finishes of the Stairs are correct on the Finish Schedule A9.10. The Floorplans A9.11, A9.12, and A9.13 are not consistent with the schedule. Such as RF-1
Response: Stair A - sealed concrete in steel pan Stair B - sealed concrete in steel pan Stair C - precast epoxy terrazzo treads & landings
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please confirm all appliances are OFOI, as per the drawings. Spec 113100 identified CFCI.
Response: See Addendum 02 Detail 5/A8.75 showing procurement for the Staff Room kitchen appliances.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Please clarify SecureALL Corporation is the existing system to tie into.
Response: SecureALL is the product used at the Laney campus.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: "The finishes noted in specification 090000 are not shown in plan or elevation views. Please confirm the following: PL-1 – Laminate - Typical at all P-Lam Casework? SS-1 – Corian Quartz - Typical at all Solid Surface Counters? SS-2 – 3form Chroma - Not Used? WV-1 – White Oak - Typical at all Veneer Casework/Paneling/Trim? WD-1 – White Oak - Typical at all Solid Trim?"
Response: See Addendum 03 for updates. See revised finish schedule, A9.10, for updates. See revised A8.75 for clarification of which casework is PL-1 and WV-1. See Finish Plans, A9.11-A9.13, for callout of solid surface types. Yes, WV-1 and WD-1 White Oak are typical wherever veneer and solid wood are called out. See spec sections 064023, 066116, 115123
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: A rectangular object is depicted in “Coffee Cart 101A” but is not shown in elevation or detail. Will there be millwork scope at Coffee Cart 101A? (A2.31)
Response: Coffee Cart is Not In Contract.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: The plan view of “Tutoring Space 170” appears to depict a millwork item on the west wall. However, no millwork is shown on elevation 2W/A5.15. Will there be millwork in this location? If so, please clarify configuration and finishes.
Response: Furnishing at front of Rm 170 is NIC.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Atrium elevations on A5.12 depict solid wood slats at the return louver assembly at the penthouse level. Will scaffolding be provided at the at the atrium for access?
Response: During construction, the bidder is to provide scaffolding to install and access the return louver assembly at the penthouse level.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 4E/A5.14 depicts a cubby below the tackboard. Is this a millwork item? If so, please clarify the finishes.
Response: Cubbies shown in Rm 140 are NIC.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 7S/A5.14 depicts tall cabinets with a unique shading pattern that is not represented on the legend. Will these tall cabinets be millwork item? If so, please clarify the finishes.
Response: Movable cabinets in Rm 133A are NIC.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 8/A5.14 depicts what appears to be a credenza. Will this be a millwork item? If so, please clarify finishes.
Response: Credenza in Rm 131 is NIC.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 2S/A5.18 depicts tall cabinets with a unique shading pattern that is not represented on the legend. Will these tall cabinets be millwork item? If so, please clarify the finishes.
Response: Movable cabinets in Rm 202A are NIC.
Posted: 4/22/2024
Question: Elevation 6W/A5.18 depicts tall cabinets with a unique shading pattern that is not represented on the legend. Will these tall cabinets be millwork item? If so, please clarify the finishes.
Response: There is no 6W/A5.18. Assume 6W/A5.22 is was meant. Movable cabinets in Rm 311 are NIC.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Detail 24/A7.11 shows sheet waterproofing only at elevator wall and vapor retarder at elevator underslab. Please clarify sheet waterproofing is not required at elevator underslab. Please provide a map/ highlight sheet showing WP extents.
Response: See updates to 24/A7.11 and 1/A4.21
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Detail 6/A7.81 shows self-adhering sheet waterproofing at entry door sill. Please clarify that the sheet waterproofing is required only at entry door area or all along the grid line 2. Please provide a map/ highlight sheet showing WP extents.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: In detail 3/A7.11, the call-out mentions that Two layers of sheet membrane at below grade wall adjacent to planter wall. Please clarify if the two layers of sheet membrane is required only at perimeter wall adjacent to planter wall or at all the perimeter walls. Please provide a map/ highlight sheet showing WP extents.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Per detail 25/A7.11, please provide the locations of the columns base which needs PMMA waterproofing.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please clarify if HRA waterproofing is needed at the planter along grid line 1 and at the planter along grid line D1 between grid line A1 & B1. Please provide a map/ highlight sheet showing WP extents.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please provide the waterproofing detail for rainwater pop-up at planter.
Response: See updates on A7.11
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: The detail 6/A7.81 shows traffic coating at interior of entry door sill. Please clarify that the traffic coating is needed only at entrance grilles area or at the whole public entrance & lobby area. Please provide the specification and details for traffic coating.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please clarify if the traffic coating is required at level 2 overhang concrete area per 4/A7.21. Please provide the specification and details for traffic coating.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please clarify if the reading room (255) at level 2 has HRA waterproofing and Pavers over pedestals per the call-out on slab plan 1/A2.12.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: In roof plan A2.35, the call-out mentions that the modified bituminous roofing assembly w/ sloped structure below for skylight atrium roof. Please clarify if the skylight atrium roof is with tapered insulation or with lightweight concrete.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please provide the R-value of Main Roof, Penthouse Roofs, Stair Roof, and Skylight Atrium Roof.
Posted: 4/23/2024
Question: Please clarify that the penetrations shown on P2.03M are penetrated through the penthouse roof.
Response: If the comment is referring to the roof drains at gridlines A2.5/4 and gridlines A2.5/6 on the penthouse roof P2.03M, yes, these drains serve the penthouse roof and will require penthouse roof penetrations.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: I am reviewing the 18 page Peralta Community College District Approved Contractor List Updated 04/25/2024 that is available on the Peralta Community College District web site. Please clarify if the district requires the general contractor to award contracts to PCCD prequalified Mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors and if this document is to be used to verify if the Mechanical, electrical and plumbing subcontractors are prequalified.
Response: No, the district does not require the general contractor to award contracts to PCCD prequalified mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors. However, it is to the benefit of the MEP subcontractor to be prequalified with the district but not required.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Formed Aluminum Panels Drawings: A6.11, A7.22, A7.61 Spec Section: None Question: There is "FORMED ALUMINUM PANELS" noted on detail drawing but there is no spec section provided. Please provide spec section.
Response: REFER TO SECTION 07 42 13
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawings: E2.41; E2.42; E2.43 Spec: None Questions: "Sheet Note 35 on E2.41, Note 18 on E2.42, and Note 23 on E2.43 all state to “See power plans for fan and light circuit” but these circuits are not shown on the power plan. Please indicate paneland circuits."
Response: The circuits are indicated on drawings E3.6, E3.7, and E3.8. The light and the fan are on the same circuit per 8/E5.03.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical, Low Voltage Drawing: T304; E304 Spec: None Question: Low Voltage – Drawings T304 and E304 (Instructional Media Room 130). The outlet floor boxes do not match between the electrical drawings and telecom set. Which set are we to follow for floor box quantities and locations, the "T" drawings or "E" drawings? In addition, Tech Drawings show floor boxes with AV locations but Electrical drawings do not, please clarify.
Response: See Addendum 03 for updates to Power & Signal plans, Telecom/AV plans and arch slab plans coordinating floor boxes. If conflicts remain use the folloing rules for scope: - AV floorboxes per the T plans - Power & Data floorbox quantity per the E plans - Layout locations per Arch Slab Plans
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawings: E3.31; E3.32; E3.33 T2.01, T2.02: T2.03; T5.12; T5.19; T5.21A Spec: None Question: The outlet floor boxes do not match between the Electrical Drawings and Telecom Drawings. Which are we to follow, Electrical or Telecom?"
Response: See response to Bid RFI #39
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: None Specs: 27 15 13, Section 2.1 Question: Spec Section 27 15 13 – 2.1 Products – References the required manufacture be Berk-Tek Leviton Technologies. Whereas the Indoor/Outdoor cable calls for General Cable Part Number (7141001). Would it be acceptable to use Berk-Tek/Leviton for the In/Out CMP cable Part Number (11142753)?
Response: No exceptions taken to proposed Berk-Tek/Leviton Indoor/Outdoor CAT6A cable.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T9.03 Spec: None Question: T9.03 – WAP Procurement – Per detail 8 on T9.03 Note 3 – “WAP unit and mounting brackets are shown as examples. These may differ from owner furnished components” – are the WAP devices Owner Furnished Contractor Installed?
Response: WAP devices along with brackets are Contractor furnished and Contractor installed per specification 272133.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.22 Specification: 27 41 16, Section 1.1E Question: Low Voltage/Audio Visual - Specification 27 41 16 1.1 E calls for the contractor to provide “Network Switches with Power over Ethernet (PoE).” Drawing T0.22 Diagram – Audio Paging Sheet Note one states, “The owner will provide the network, including network switches in equipment rooms.” Is the owner to provide all network related switches and equipment, and if so, is the Owner’s IT department responsible for the racking and stacking of that equipment?
Response: "The network switch for the audio paging system is CFCI per 274116/2.2/M and there is a comment that the contractor needs to coordinate model selection with owner IT. Room schedulers and the other AV components are connected to the campus network, as needed. Meaning these devices will connect to the main campus switches provided by IT. "
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Metal Decking Drawing: None Specification: 05 30 00 & 00 11 16 Question: Specification section 053000 Steel Deck allow for Epic Metals and Verco Manufacturing Co. products; however, NOTICE TO BIDDERS Document 00 11 16 section 17(1)(a) states "Division 05, Metal: Epic Structural Deck; no known equal." Confirm Epic Structural Deck is the only manufacturer to be used for specification section 05 30 00.
Response: "The decks exposed in the final view for Laney LLRC have been designed for Epic Metals products, but we are open to review substitutions provided the following is true: 1. The proposed decks have current 3rd party evaluation reports (ESR, IAPMO). 2. Calculations by a structural engineer licensed in Calif are provided confirming the proposed decks match the gravity and seismic capacity of the Epic decks in the CDs. 3. Design Team approves of the decks architecturally, including for acoustic performance. 4. DSA provides full acceptance of the product and engineering. 5. Design Team review and the product substitution process as required by section 01 25 13 occurs after bid is awarded.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: ACT Drawing: None Specification: 09 51 13-2.6 Question: Spec section 095113 2.6 I Ceilings Hangers calls out for Mason Industries INC. "WHD" (isolators), but there are no details in the plans showing said isolators, confirm if these are required.
Response: WHD spring isolators are not required for the typical suspended ceilings.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: ACT Drawing: 16/A8.30 Specification: None Question: Due to the current design being atypical - Referencing the mentioned detail, can the grid ceiling be installed with expansion anchors/pin and clip wires (shot to the deck) in lieu of wedge anchors and isolators?
Response: Expansion anchors do not work for the acoustic deck in the drawings: see detail 9/S5.10. If a shot pin system for support of grid ceiling is submitted per the substitution request process listed in the Bid Documents, the Design Team will review. Note that the shot pins would be connected to perf metal at the deck soffit, and unless the 3rd party evaluation report for the shot pin addresses perf metal, it is likely that reduced capacities will have to be assumed. The substitution would be subject to DSA approval.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Pantry Appliances Drawing: None Specification: 11 31 00 Question: Please confirm specification 11 31 00 pantry appliances does not apply to this project as all appliances are denoted as OFOI.
Response: See Response to Bidder Question #13; Addendum 02
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Item: Substitutions Specification: 01 25 13-2, Section 1.02, D Questions: Since we cannot upload documents in the Submit Question platform, what is the protocol for submitting request for substitution forms and/or any supporting documents to RFIs?
Response: See Document 01 25 16, Substitution Request Procedures in the Documents section of this project and in the forthcoming Addendum Two.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Insulated Metal Panels Drawing: A7.41 Specification: 07 42 13 Question: Contract documents do not specify color for Exterior Metal Panels. Please specify the color for Insulated Metal Wall Panels and Corrugated Metal Wall Panels.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Coiling Doors Drawings: A2.51, A2.31, A8.36 Specification: 083326 2.1 A Question: Per Finish Schedule on A2.51, Doorways 120.4 and 150.3 are commented as "OVERHEAD WIRE MESH SECURITY CURTAIN" but specified as Type V Side Coiled Wire Security Door. Please confirm Doorways 120.4 and 150.3 are Side Security Curtain mesh under Spec 10 81 11 for Pre-engineered Security Gate and Screens."
Response: Confirmed.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Coiling Doors Drawing: A2.51 Specification: 08 33 26 2.1 A Question: Please confirm that there are no Overhead Coiling Doors with Spec 083326 2.1A.
Response: Confirmed
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawings:T0.03, T2.01, T2.02, T2.03, T9.10 Specification: None Question: Drawing set T0.03 does not identify the Security Detail required for each door listed below. Should we follow the security detail listed for each door on drawing sets, T2.01, T2.02, T2.03? 105.1 205.3 280.1 284.1 289.1 294.1 350.1 383B.1 390.1 116.1 217.1 281.1 285.1 289.2 270.1 380.1 383C.1 391.1 161.1 241.1 282.1 286.1 290.1 270.2 380.2 383D.1 181.1 242.1 282.2 288.1 291.1 310.1 381.1 386.1 183A.1 250.2 283.1 289A.1 292.1 317.1 383A.1 388.1
Response: Door numbers 100.1, 100.2, 180.1, 183.1, 294.1, 280E.1, 211.1, 350.1, 311.1 shall use door detail T9.10/5, door numbers 112.1, 270.3 shall use door detail T9.10/4 and everything else shall be T9.10/6. See Sheet T0.03 Security Door Schedule. See Item ADD-3.06
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.03, T2.01 Specification: None Question: Door 112.1 on drawing set T0.03 calls for a Security Detail 6, which is a Wireless Integrated lockset. However the security detail on drawing set T2.01 calls for a wired door contact. Which drawing set (T0.03 or T2.01) reflects the correct security detail?
Response: Sheet T2.01 reflects the correct security detail for door number 112.1, which shall use door detail T9.10/4.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.03, T9.10 Specification: None Question: Door 161 on drawing set T0.03 calls for a Security Detail 7. However Security Detail 7 does not exist or is not identified on drawing set T9.10. Which security detail do we identify this door as?
Response: Sheet T2.01 reflects the correct security detail for door number 161.1, which shall use door detail T9.10/6.
Posted: 4/25/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.03, T2.01, T2.02, T2.03, T9.10 Specification: None Question: Drawing set T0.03 calls for each door listed below to have a hard wired/cabled Security Detail 8. However the security detail on each floor plan calls for for a wireless security system, ""symbol IL"". Which drawing set (T0.03 or Floor Plans T2.01, T2.02, T2.03) reflect the correct security detail? 120.1 141.1 166.1 203.1 263.1 321.2 364.1 120.2 142.1 167.1 203.2 264.1 331.1 383.1 130.1 143.1 168.1 221.1 265.1 332.1 383.2 130.2 150.2 169.1 221.2 270.4 341.1 383E.1 131.1 160.1 183B.1 231.1 283A.1 342.1 392.1 133.1 160.2 183B.2 232.1 286A.1 351.1 393.1 133A.1 162.1 183C.1 251.1 303.1 351.2 394.1 135.1 163.1 201.1 251.2 303.2 361.1 396.1 135A.1 164.1 201.2 261.1 304.1 362.1 140.1 165.1 202.1 262.1 321.1 363.1"
Response: Floor plan sheet T2.01, T2.02 and T2.03 shall reflect the correct security details. Additional door detail references clarifications as follows. Door numbers 100.1, 100.2, 180.1, 183.1, 294.1, 280E.1, 211.1, 350.1, 311.1 shall use door detail T9.10/5, door numbers 112.1, 270.3 shall use door detail T9.10/4 and everything else shall be T9.10/6. See Sheet T0.03 Security Door Schedule. See Item ADD-3.06
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical Drawing: T0.03, T2.01, T2.02, T2.03, T9.10 Specification: None Question: Drawing set T0.03 calls for each door listed below to have a hard wired/cabled Security Detail 8. However the security detail on each floor plan calls for for a wireless security system, ""symbol IL"". Which drawing set (T0.03 or Floor Plans T2.01, T2.02, T2.03) reflect the correct security detail? 120.1 141.1 166.1 203.1 263.1 321.2 364.1 120.2 142.1 167.1 203.2 264.1 331.1 383.1 130.1 143.1 168.1 221.1 265.1 332.1 383.2 130.2 150.2 169.1 221.2 270.4 341.1 383E.1 131.1 160.1 183B.1 231.1 283A.1 342.1 392.1 133.1 160.2 183B.2 232.1 286A.1 351.1 393.1 133A.1 162.1 183C.1 251.1 303.1 351.2 394.1 135.1 163.1 201.1 251.2 303.2 361.1 396.1 135A.1 164.1 201.2 261.1 304.1 362.1 140.1 165.1 202.1 262.1 321.1 363.1"
Response: Design Team will response to this RFI 056 in RFI 055. This is a duplicate of RFI 055. See response to RFI 055.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Landscaping Drawing: L6.11 Question: 1). Please clarify plant sizes. 2). Please clarify soil import quantities.
Response: 1) See L6.11 and L6.12 for clarifications of plant sizes. 2) Landscape Architect does not provide quantities for soil. See L5.01 in Addendum 03 for detail key clarifications on soil depth by plant type and area.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: ACT Question: Will we receive any CAD files for this project? Specifically, any depicting the specialty ceiling, ACT-3?
Response: Once Bid is awarded, CAD files can be provided.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Waterpoofing Drawing: 6/A7.81 Specification: None Question: Detail 6 calls for traffic coating at the walk-off mat. Their is no specification for traffic coating? Should this be one of the products listed in Water and Graffiti Repellents? If so please confirm or provide the specification for this Traffic Coating.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Structural Steel Drawing: None Specification: 05 12 00 Question: In the specifications it calls for AISC Certification for Structural Steel fabrication and AISC Advanced Certification for Installation. Please confirm if this is a required.
Response: It is required.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 section the wording of this section “To have contractor’s insurance limit apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought" is not possible. No insurance company can/will comply with this as written. We request this section to be removed.
Response: The intent here is that the Contractor’s insurance limit would apply separately to each insured listed on the policy against whom a claim is made or suit is brought. For example, if the ABC Construction policy lists ABC Construction, the owner as an individual and an employee, claims brought against each of the three would able to access the full policy limit. Any insurance proceeds available to Contractor that are broader than or in excess of the specified minimum insurance coverage and/or limits shall be available to the College as an additional insured. Furthermore, the requirements for coverage and limits shall be (1) the minimum coverage and limits specified in the Contract or Agreement, or (2) the broader coverage and maximum limits of coverage of any insurance policy or proceeds available to the Named Insured, whichever is greater.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 section We request approval for Contractor’s deductible or self-insured retention for its Commercial General Liability Insurance policy shall not exceed $1M.
Response: Contractors requesting approval to change the Commercial General Liability Insurance deductible from not exceeding $25,000 to a higher amount will need to provide their deductible and additional information to Peralta College. To ensure the General Contractor is able to meet the higher deductible financially, the College will request financial information and/or deductible funding details.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 section 13.1.3- it is uncommon to hold subcontractors to the level of insurance coverage to that of the General Contractor. This would be a financial burden on subcontractors that would require them to secure a one time policy for this project. It is requested that the District reconsider their position on this matter.
Response: The College has reviewed the insurance coverages and limits required for the General Contractor and believe those amounts are appropriate for the subcontractors as well.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 sections & & & & & 14.2.6; it is requested the reference to “Architects(s)” be stricken from each noted section.
Response: The College will be maintaining the requirements within sections 00 72 13 sections & & & & & 14.2.6.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Reference General Conditions document 00 72 13 section It is recommended that subcontractors be able to provide insurance with insurance companies with an A.M. Best rating of no less than A:V1. General Contractors no less than A:V11
Response: The College will be maintaining its requirement within section that “all of Contractor’s insurance, shall be with insurance companies with and A.M. Best rating of no less than A:VII.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Insulated Metal Panels Drawings: None Specification: 07 42 13 Question: The Spec calls out the panel material to be 20-gauge aluminum, but the finish on the same Spec - Section 2.9, is called out to be stainless steel, which is not available according to Kingspan. Please help clarify what should be the correct panel finish.
Posted: 4/26/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Flooring Drawing: A9.10 Specification: 09 00 00 Questions: Finish schedule A9.10 shows multiple 1st floor rooms receiving flooring RSF-1 (Rubber sheet flooring) Spec 09 00 00 Material list does not include RSF-1 but does show an RTF-1 which is a Rubber tile product and not a sheet product. Please clarify.
Response: All resilient flooring to be tile and type RTF-1.
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Plant Legend and Shrubs on L6.11 do not show the sizes of the plant material. Please provide plant material size for each shrub.
Response: See response to Bid RFI #57
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: L6.11 and L6.12 Planting plan sheets and plant layout sheets have groundcovers, perennial, cactus and shrubs planting intermingled together within the planters. Detail 2 on L5.01 shows 6" depth for groundcovers, 12" depth for perennials and 18" Depth for cactus, perennials and shrubs. Please confirm the following depths. Planter on detail 3 L6.11 is 18" depth soil, Planter on detail 2 L6.11 is 12" depth soil, Planter on detail 21 L6.11 is 18" depth soil, and Planter on detail 3 L6.12 is 18" depth soil.
Response: See Bid Addendum 3, Detail 2/Sht L5.01 for clarification on required planting soil depths by plant type. Landscape Architect takes no exception to contractor setting a uniform soil depth for planters based on plant type that will require the deepest soil profile versus varying the depth within the planter at each individual plant.
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Structural Concrete Drawing: 2/S4.21 & 1/S4.23 Specification: None Question: Architectural details has put limits on tie spacing and tie sizing. Currently when incorporating Self Consolidating Concrete with the wall height from TOF to level 2 pan deck elevation, it results in formwork pressure in excess of 3,750 PSF. To reduce formwork pressure on the architectural walls, closer to 2,250 PSF, it is recommended to pour from top of footing to top of SOG (all non-architectural). Please confirm that terminating wall pour from top of footing to top of slab on grade is acceptable. Additionally, are CJ locations required to be located as shown or is there flexibility in location?
Response: Cold joints at the top of slab at shear walls will not be acceptable. Follow design documents.
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Specialty Doors Drawing: None Specification: 08_33_26 or 10_81_11 Question: Please clarify the correct dimensions of Door 105.3, 120.4, & 205.2. Per Floor Plans these doorways separate spaces, however the door schedule only provides a dimension less than 2 feet wide.
Response: Door 105.3: For Width, see 16/A8.36, Height = 12'-4"""" Door 120.4: For Width, see 14/A8.36, Height = 11'-6"""" Door 205.2: For Width, see 1/A8.37, Height = 9'-7"""
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Storefront Door Hardware Specification: 08 71 00, 08 44 13, 08 41 28 Drawing: None Question: a. Please provide hardware set for door 250.3 b. Doors 392.1, 394.1, and 396.1 call for hardware group 15. Hardware group 15 says “not used” in the spec. Please provide hardware group 15 or specify a different hardware group for these doors c. Door 280.1 calls for hardware group 30. Hardware group 30 says “not used” in the spec. Please provide hardware group 30 or specify a different hardware group for this door. d. Please confirm all “SecureAll” door hardware can be provided by Div 28 or owner. Manufacturer is nonresponsive and we are unable to get pricing on these items. "
Response: Reference Addendum 03 revisions to A2.51 Door Schedule. a. Door 250.3, Hardware Set = ## (See additional notes on A2.51) b. Door 392.1, Hardware Set = 11 Door 394.1, Hardware Set = 11 Door 396.1, Hardware Set = 11 c. Door 280.1, Hardware Set = 31 d. SecureAll door hardware is to be CFCI (contractor furnished, contractor installed). The local SecureAll representative is Rick Schaffzin, 650-704-2725
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Interior Storefront Specification: 08 41 28 Drawing: A8.52 Question: Please confirm the frame type/manufacturer for fixed window W1 on A8.52
Response: Fixed window type W1 to be system GS-4, reference 08 11 16 and 09 00 00
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Interior Storefront Specification: 08 41 28 Question: Frame marks SF19 and SF9 call for G7 glass type (3/8” clear tp) but have 5/8” shown in frame type column. Please confirm if these frames are to receive 5/8” (G9 or G10) laminated or 3/8” clear TP glazing (G7)"
Response: SF9 to have G7. SF19 to have G9.
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Interior Storefront Specification: 08 41 28 Drawing: A8.51 Question: Multiple frame marks on schedule chart (A8.51) call out for G10 glazing type, but do not show frit pattern on elevation view. Please confirm if these can be bid as G9 or if frit pattern at lower 2’6” should be included to match elevation such as SF7, SF8, etc. "
Response: See Addendum 03 for clarification of glazing film scope on frame types on A8.51 and A8.52. SF6 glazing changed to G10. Note the frosted glass is window film per 088733. See Addendum 03 for 090000 for updates to glazing film product.
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Sound Control Windows Specification: 08 51 15 Drawing: A8.52 Question: a. Please provide the STC rating required at interior acoustical window type W2. Section 08 51 15-1.6C-1 is missing this requirement. b. Please provide clarification on “tilted glass” callout on interior glazing system schedule (W2/A8.52)
Response: a. Acoustical window type W2 shall be minimum STC 42. See 08 51 15. b. Acoustical windows often have sloping glazing within the frame.
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Glazing/Glazing Film Specification: 08 80 00, 08 87 33 Question: Please confirm whether ceramic frit is needed on glazing type G10, or just glazing film. Drawings call for frit which is different than glazing film.
Response: Glazing Type G10 is to receive glazing film. Glazing film also to be at typical G8 glass guardrail at Atrium and Stair C. See Addendum 03 for elevation revisions for film scope.
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Signage Question: Please provide the missing drawings for AW3 (Building Directory), AW4 (Directional Signs), and W5.1 (Exterior Letters)
Response: AW3 = W3 AW4 = W4 W5.1 and W5.2 sign types not used
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Waterproofing Drawing: 9, 4/A7.71 Question: The Roofing details reference PMMA Waterproofing for several details, but there is no specification for PMMA Waterpoofing. Please provide this specification or clarify if one of the other specified waterproofing products should be used in these locations?
Response: Section 075216 Article 2.07.A.1 covers the fully reinforced PMMA flashing as an auxiliary material to the modified bitumen roofing.
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Signage Drawing: W4.1 Question: The Sign Message list provided on sheet W4.1 references Sign Type R1. No Sign Type R1 is found on sheets W2.1 to W3.4.
Response: Clarification to Sign typos: W1.3.1 = W1.3 W2.1 = W2 W.13.1 = W13 R1.1 = R1 R.11 = R11 R.13 = R13 R.14 = R14 See also response to Bid RFI #78
Posted: 5/2/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Structural Steel Specification: Spec Section 05 12 00 – Structural Steel. Contractor Qualifications 1.4.E, Question: Spec Section 05 12 00 – Structural Steel. Contractor Qualifications 1.4.E, The Erector shall have 10 years of successful experience erecting structural steel for structures of this type and complexity in the region of the project. At the time of bid the Erector shall be an AISC Certified Steel Erector (CSE) and must submit documentation of this qualification. At the time of bid the Erector shall be an AISC Advanced Certified Steel Erector (ACSE) and must submit documentation of this qualification.” Researching the AISC website, there is no ACSE certification offered and there are no AISC Advanced Certified Erectors (ACSE) in California. In accordance with our findings, is an AISC Certified Steel Erector (CSE) acceptable?
Response: An AISC Certified Steel Erector (CSE) is acceptable.
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of work: Ceiling Systems (ACT) Drawing: A9.10, A5.11-A5.24 Question: AWP-1 locations shown on the finish schedule on A9.10 differ from locations visually shown on elevation sheets A5.11-A5.24. Please confirm elevation sheets supersede finish schedule.
Response: Confirmed, elevation sheets supersede finish schedule
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Tile Drawing: A9.11, A5.16 Question: A9.10 Finish Schedule shows room 116 to have floor and wall tile. A9.11 Finish plan does not indicate floor tile in rm 116, 8S/A5.16 wall elevation does not show wall tile only indicates Resilient Base. Does Rm116 receive any wall or floor ceramic tile?
Response: Room 116 does not have ceramic tile.
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Tile Drawing: A8.75 Question: 3&5/A8.75 show what appears to be a tile back splash with no indication of what the material is. Is the material to be ceramic tile?
Response: Back splash is ceramic wall tile 2 (CWT-2).
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Tile Drawing: A4.31 Question: 3S, 3B & 3E/A4.31 these walls are shown without ceramic grid lines, please verify that they only receive tile base and not 9' high wainscot.
Response: CWT-1 Wall Tile to 9'-0" throughout restrooms.
Posted: 5/3/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Mechanical Drawing: M4.11, M5.01 Question: The Heating Hot water system has 2 pumps located on the 1st floor as shown on M4.11 to pump water up to AHU's on the roof. The chilled water system does not show any pumps. Are there supposed to pumps on the chilled system?
Response: No. The chilled water system does not require tertiary pumps at the building.
Posted: 5/7/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Fireproofing Drawing: A2.43, 1,2/A7.71 Question: The Details call for Intumescent Fireproofing at exposed S. Steel, and Spray Fireproofing at concealed S. Steel. Based on the RCPs, there are steel members that cross between exposed and concealed. Please confirm at these locations the fireproofing will need to change between Intumescent and Spray fireproofing and provide a detail that meets code for this condition
Response: The basis-of-design manufacturer of intumescent coating confirms this is a common occurence in the construction industry. Apply the intumescent coating first and then apply the spray fireproofing upto and overlapping the intumescent coating by 6 inches. Locate the overlap so that the transition is fully concealed from view. The typical condition where this occurs has a gyp soffit up to deck that conceals the transition.
Posted: 5/7/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Concrete Drawing: 5/S4.25, S2.02 Question: Drawings call for welding to steel of epoxy coated rebar at the Cantilevered tapered slab locations (reference 5/S4.25 & S2.02). epoxy coated rebar cannot be welded. Would it be acceptable to coat the welded sections of rebar with epoxy repair kit post installation/welding?
Response: The proposed approach is acceptable.
Posted: 5/7/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Curtain Wall Drawing: A2.22, A2.23, A6.13, A7.31 Question: The Curtain Wall on South Elevation span from Level 2 to Level 3 shows a line on each mullion of fins projected out from mullions on floor plan A2.22 and A2.23. Sheet 2/A6.13 also shows a line along the mullion that looks like a fin. I found a detail on 8/A7.31 show Aluminum Fin mounted on mullion. Please confirm detail 8/A7.31 is for South Elevation Curtain Wall? What is the width size of the Fins projected out?
Response: The shade fins per 8/A7.31 exist where shown on the plans/elevations. The fins are to project out 10" with a width of 1/4"
Posted: 5/7/2024
Question: Reference the Bid Form and Proposal Document 00 41 13-1 item #2- Allowance; states "The bidder's Base Bid and each alternate shall include a ten percent (10%) allowance for Unforeseen Conditions and complying with applicable federal, State and local requirements relating to COVID - 19 or other public health emergency/epidemic/pandemic. This direction leads to an ambiguous calculation. It is recommended the District provide a dollar amount for the value of the Allowance.
Response: Delete 10% allowance requirements, Item 2, Document 00 41 13, Bid Form and Proposal.
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - Low Voltage Question: Please confirm if Low Voltage contractor is to provide and install patch cables? If so, are we to install (2) patch cables for every cable installed, one for switch (IDF) side and one for station side?
Response: Patch cords will be provided and installed by Owner.
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Spec Section: 272133 Question: Spec section 272133 requires the LV contactor to provide and install wireless access points. Does this include programming of the WAP’s as well? Also, is the LV contractor required to provide any other type of network equipment? (switches and routers, etc.)
Response: Equipment within 272133 contractors scope: 1. WAPs 2. Mounting brackets 3. Licenses 4. In-line lightning arrestors (for exterior WAPs or antenna) Spec 272133 section 3.2 describes the scope of the installation effort of the contractor. They include the following: 1. Procure WAPs and mounting brackets 2. Deliver the Wireless Access Points (WAPs) to project site 3. Coordinate installation 4. Mount the WAPs 5. Patch the WAPs (patch cords provided by others) 6. Coordinate WAP patching with wired network integrator and owner a. Which switch port does the owner want WAPs connected? b. Licensing for the Owner’s existing controller c. Location, MAC and label of each WAP for the controller configuration 7. Coordinate WAP information with owner/network integrator a. The owner or wire network integrator will configure their existing Wi-Fi controller to add all the new WAPs b. Configuring the WAPs are excluded from the 272133 contractor’s scope 8. Verify WAPs are functional a. Review visible and communicating WAPs with owner and network integrator b. Help troubleshoot any non-functional WAPs 9. Assemble As-built information a. Inventory b. Warranty c. Maintenance contracts
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Question: Is the LV contractor required to provide and install any UPS’s or PDU’s in the equipment racks? If so, can you please provide manufacturer and part numbers.
Response: UPS’s will be provided and installed by Owner. Contractor to provide and install PDU’s in the equipment racks. The PDU part number is: Leviton – 5500-192
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Terracotta Wall Panels Specification: 07 42 29 Question: 1. Spec section 074229 calls out Terreal Piterek XS terracotta for the panels to be used for the project. This product is currently discontinued, can the architect provide an alternate product to be used for this scope of work? 2. If an alternate product is specified for the terracotta panels, will the cladding support system change as well? Horizontal & Vertical supports, installation clips & fasteners.
Response: See Addendum 03 updates to spec section 07 42 29, including additional manufacturers. Cladding attachment shall be per manufacturer specifications, backing structure designed by SEOR.
Posted: 5/8/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Spec 271513 section 2.3-H Question: Spec 271513, section 2.3-H calls out to use Berk Tek LanMark SST Cat6A blue plenum cable, # 11101842. Is it acceptable to use Berk Tek RDT Cat6A blue plenum cable?
Response: Rejected, RDT Cat6A does not perform same or higher than SST Cat6A 11101842. Provide per design document.
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Section 313213 2.2 A.1. Multi-shaft mixing equipment (machines with at least two soil mixing shafts with overlapping augers and blades) shall be used. a. states that diameter shall be minimum 3 feet and maximum 6 feet in diameter. There have been numerous soil mixing projects in the bay area and Oakland specifically that have utilized single axis mixing with diameters as large as 8 feet. Please confirm single axis mixing is acceptable and a larger diameter (e.g. 8ft) can be utilized?
Response: No. Per the project geotechnical report “we do not recommend using single shaft soil mixing equipment for creating deep mixed shear walls and grids because, in our experience, uniform mixing is more difficult to control when using single shaft soil mixing equipment.” Ninyo & Moore recommends that the existing specification for multi-shaft mixing equipment be followed.
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Regarding Section 004546.09 'Buy American Certification' in the Project Manual: Please confirm whether this project requires this certification or not.
Response: This State funded project requires compliance with Document 00 45 46.09, Buy American Certification.
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Section 095113, 2.5.A.3 states, ‘The panels shall be installed into the extruded aluminum grid system…’ However, the next paragraph lists (3) types of standard non-aluminum grid systems. Usually, aluminum grid systems are used in MRI rooms/swimming pools, etc. and might significantly affect the overall pricing. Please confirm that this project does not require any aluminum grid systems for acoustical ceilings. Otherwise, please specify the rooms that are to receive it.
Response: Confirmed, there is no requirement for alum grid systems. See Specification Section 09 51 13, Acoustical Panel Ceilings. See Item ADD-3.09
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Regarding APC-1: Section 090000 'Finish & Material List' specifies the Acoustibuilt system by Armstrong and refers to section 092313. However, Section 092313 provides a description of a different BASWAphon acoustical plaster system. Additionally, many details (see 15, 18, 19, 20, etc./A8.32) state that APC-1 is a ‘Typical Acoustibuilt panel’. Please confirm that the Acoustibuilt Seamless Acoustical Ceiling System by Armstrong is to be used for APC-1 in this project.
Response: Basis of Design is Armstrong Acoustibuilt system. See Specification Section 09 23 13, Acoustical Gypsum Plastering. See Item ADD-3.08
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Regarding WP-3: Addendum 2 added WP-3 to 062023 Section. However, similar product Wood Panel Grill WP-1, by the same manufacturer Rulon, are specified in 090000 'Material list' and also called out in Section 095426 updated in Addendum2 along with another Rulon product WP-2. Please advise who is responsible for furnishing and installing WP-3 (as well as WP-1, WP-3): the Acoustical Ceiling trade or Millwork trade.
Response: WP-1 and WP-2 are specified in 09 54 26. WP-3 is listed in 06 20 23 Interior Finish Carpentry. Rulon would be allowed to provide WP-3 given they provide the custom design per the construction documents. GC to the determine respective subcontractor procurement and coordination.
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Regarding ACT-1: Section 090000 'Finish & Material List' for ACT-1 specifies Dune 2x2 – Tegular 9/16" grid. To provide more accurate pricing, please advise which acoustical tile to use: #1775 (regular) or #1775HRC (with high recycled content - more expensive option).
Response: ACT-1 changed to Armstrong ULTIMA LEC tile. Product code is 1912LEC.
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: RCP Finish Legend (see A2.41, etc.) lists (3) types of Architectural Reveal. We would like to get clarification on these reveals, their locations and specs: 1) Architectural Reveal Type 1: Detail 14/A8.32 shows the usage of this Reveal in the APC-1 Acoustical Plaster System. However, many marked areas are within the acoustical T-grid system (as marked below). Please advise on the locations and specs for the Type1 Architectural Reveal. 2) Architectural Reveal Type 2: We couldn’t locate it on the drawings. Please provide clarification on the locations, specs, and details for the Type 2 Architectural Reveal. 3) Architectural Reveal Type 3: Is the location marked below on A2.43 RCP the only place where the Type 3 Reveal is required? Please provide clarification on the locations, specs, and details for the Type 3 Architectural Reveal.
Response: "See 090000 and 064023 for specification of the Architectural Reveals, the hanging rail system for artwork. See See Addendum 03 for RCP's A2.41, A2.42, A2.43 clarifying reveal types. 1) See Addendum 03, flush reveals are limited to acoustical plaster APC-1 conditions 2) Surface mounted reveal Type 2 was only shown at one location, and has been changed to wall mounted Type 3 in Addendum 03. 3) Reveals at ACT ceilings have now been revised to wall-mounted reveal Type 3 in Addendum 03"
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Spec 281300 paragraph 1.4.D.2 Question: Spec 281300 paragraph 1.4.D.2 calls out to provide Request-to-Exit motion detectors for card reader controlled doors. Paragraph 3.1.E of the same spec calls out for Request-to-Exit motion detectors, however the Secure All part number for this device is not provided. Drawings 5/T9.10 and 6/T9.10 call out these devices, however the T series drawings do not show location for any of these REX motion detectors. Please clarify.
Response: The spec does contain language for access control reader doors which are to be physically connected that require a REX motion detector. Since all of the door location readers are to be intelligent devices and connected via a wireless network there would be no requirement for the physical REX motion detector. On sheet T9.10, details 5 and 6, do show an intelligent lock and reader device for the doors which is complete with reader, door contact, rex switch and lock all built into a unitized device. So, no requirement for the physical REX motion detector for the mentioned details.
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Scope of Work: Electrical - LV Drawing: FA0.3, Sheet Note #9 Quesiton: Sheet Note #9 in drawing FA0.3 calls out to for door holders for three double doors, while Sheet Note #7 in drawing FA0.4 calls out to for door holders for one double door. Door holders are not listed in the BOM drawing FA0.0, is the fire alarm contractor providing and installing the door holders?
Response: The doors in question have the Fire/Life Magnetic Holders listed in the 087100 Door Hardware Sets. GC to the determine respective subcontractor procurement and coordination.
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Scope of Work: BioPlant Boxes 1&2 Interor Waterproofing Materials Drawing: 1,3,4/C7.01 Question: On page C7.01 Details 1,3&4 BIO Planter boxes 1 & 2 call out for 10 mill plastic sheet for interior floor & wall waterproofing. We believe this is the wrong material for these areas . Please confirm these details & Spec location. "
Response: The plastic moisture barrier is a planter liner and is intended to help preserve the exterior concrete planter. It is not waterproofing for the building. See 7.11 for waterproofing between the concrete planter and the building foundation, including changes in Addendum 03. See Addendum 03 update to C7.01 revised to liner thickness and section 32 91 14 Bioretention Soils for the specification of the liner product.
Posted: 5/9/2024
Question: Are there raw CPT data available (excel or csv format)? (Geotech)
Response: See Appendix F, CPT Raw Data File Folder, posted here under project documents.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - The Panasonic PT-RZ570 projector that is called out in section 274116 has been discontinued. Please provide an updated model number.
Response: PT-FRZ50
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - Please provide a mounting detail for the wall mounted Ultra-short throw projectors that are called out in section 274116.
Response: See Sheet T9.21, Installation Details – Audiovisual (Item ADD-3.127) and Spec Section 274116, Integrated Audiovisual Systems (Item ADD-3.128)
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - What type of projection screen surface should be provided for the DaLite Tensioned Contour Electrol projection screens?
Response: DaMat
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - The 274116 specs are calling out for wall mounted projection screens in the Type 4 Classrooms and the Library. However the plans are showing these spaces with ceiling recessed projection screens. Please clarify which is correct.
Response: Specified Dalite Contour screen can be wall or ceiling. Provide ceiling mount as indicated on sheet T5.19
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - The 274116 specs are calling out for an wall mounted Ultra-Short Throw projector with a wall mounted drop down projection screen in Classrooms Type 1 and Classrooms Type 3. However this will not work because they are both mounted on the same wall and it would put the mount and connection plate directly behind the screen and would not be functional. This is shown on sheets T5.16A and T5.18. Please clarify how this is intended to work.
Response: 274116 requires a wall mounted projection screens in types 1 and 3. Refer to 1.5/E/2 and 1.5/G/2. T5.16A and T5.18 equipment schedules indicate wall mounted screens are required for these spaces. Locate projector connection plate above projection screen case.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - Please provide a wiring diagram that shows how the paging system should be connected.
Response: Refer to Addendum 03 update to T0.22
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - Where should the paging head end equipment be installed?
Response: BDF rack 3, Refer to Addendum 03 update to T0.22
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Spec 274116 - Should an equipment rack be provided for the paging head end equipment? IF YES, please clarify size of rack.
Response: BDF Rack 3 will be provided under telecom.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Detail 2/C7.01 calls for pavers to be set over 1" of sand (ASTM C33). However, spec 32 14 13 calls for pavers to be mortar set. Can you clarify which should be followed?
Response: Pavers are to be mortar set. See update to C7.01 in Addendum.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Who is your current Fire Alarm Maintenance Contractor?
Response: Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP is the maintenance provider for the proprietary Simplex System.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Any recommendations on Fire Alarm Contractor?
Response: District cannot provide recommendations, however, a list of eligible SLBE contractors has been uploaded to Vendor Registry as Appendix E, SLBE Eligible Contractor List. District's Purchasing website also has a list of subcontractors for consideration.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Please Advise if the use of MC cable and Luminary MC cable in furred walls and accessible ceilings for branch circuit connection to fixtures and lighting controls is acceptable. EMT conduit at all exposed locations, attic spaces, electrical/mechanical rooms and all home runs to remain?
Response: All new wiring to be installed in Conduit per specification 262700, 2.2, A.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Project Manual, Page 60. Please confirm the bid bond is for the GC.
Response: Yes.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Drawings IFB, A9.11-Finish Plan. Area at 7.3 & A6 shows finish at stair landing as carpet tile. This doesn’t coincide with stair detail #17 on page A4.18, which shows same area as terrazzo. Please confirm area is terrazzo.
Response: Top landing area at Stair C is to be terrazzo.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Per 1-line E5.01, sheet note 1 is calling out 350MCM Copper 15KV cable. Per 261202, The 3-phase padmounted transformer is calling out 200A bushing wells. The 350MCM Copper 15KV cable will not fit on 200A bushing well. Please advise. (*Suggestion – Reduce cable size or add 600A bushing wells)
Response: Add 600Amp Bushing Wells in transformer. See revised specification 261202 in Addendum 03
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: As per detail 13/A8.53 Acoustical Sealant is 1/2" wide. However, the sealant mentioned in spec #079200 2.7B is offered in 1" width. Please confirm this is acceptable and if not please let us know the alternative product which you would like us to include in our bid.
Response: The acoustical sealant should be as noted in 079200 – 2.6.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Per sheets L6.11 and L6.12, each plant type and planter layout is given. What are the specified plant sizes?
Response: See Response to Bidder Questions 059 & 069
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Page A6.22 is called out for multiple times on page A3.13 but is missing in the plans, would we be able to receive a copy of that page?
Response: After checking Vendor Registry, the District has confirmed that both Sheets A3.13 and A6.22 are included in the PDF "23_24_03_Drawings" package.
Posted: 5/16/2024
Question: Do you have a plan/ layout for the pavers on the second floor?
Response: See Addendum 03 updates to A9.12
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Please confirm if we can use lightweight cellular concrete to backfill above the footings and grade beams to get to the bottom of AB for the slab on grade?
Response: The SEOR does not object to lightweight cellular concrete above footings & grade beams provided that its compressive strength is greater than 7100 psf (50 psi) and meets the standards for this material of the Portland Cement Association.
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: For Staircase # 1 & 02. Floor finishes are not given. Can you please specify.
Response: See response to Bid RFI #12 and Addendum 03 for Stair A and Stair B floor finishes.
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: For Elevator cabs, floor finishes are not given can you please specify.
Response: Elevator floor finish to be RTF-1
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: For Polished Concrete Topping slab. Thickness of Slab and Polished concrete grit level and topping material name is not given.
Response: For Topping Slab Assembly, see 18/A8.42 and 8/S4.22. Polish progressively to 800 grit level. Architect to evaluate concrete finish at 400 grit level and provide authorization to proceed to finer polish.
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Please confirm the SLBE credit for materials purchased from a SLBE vendor.
Response: Non-SLBE/SELBE Prime Contractors who use subcontractors, who meet the district definitions of SLBE and SELBE, may receive a maximum of 4% bidding preference if the conditions outlined in Document 00 45 46.13 are met. A revised Document 00 45 46.13 was issued in Addendum One.
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Sheets L1.01, L2.01, L5.01 show a scale of 1"=10'. Sheet L7.01 has a scale of 1"=20' but no change in plan. Which scale is correct?
Response: L7.01 is 10' = 1'-0" scale. See updated sheet in Addendum 03
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Reference: ‘T’ series drawings Question: No site plan provided. Please confirm the pathway between new library building BDF and MDF in college campus tower building.
Response: See Appendix Item D: Conduit Survey added in Addendum 01.
Posted: 5/17/2024
Question: Detail #3 on E5.03 states multiple times to "provide & install" various motorized shade system components. Please confirm: (A) that all motorized shade system components (controller, bus power supply, outdoor sensor box, sensors, wall switches, data hubs, motorized shades, RJ9 to RJ45 cabling, M12 connector cabling, CAT5e cabling, #14 2/c cable, etc...) are to be provided and installed by Division 122413. (B) the electrical contractor is to supply interconnecting line voltage conduit/wire to the controller & between the JB's at the shade motors. (C) the electrical contractor is to supply interconnecting low voltage conduit only between the controller <-> data hubs, data hub <-> data hub, controller <-> bus power supply, bus power supply <-> outdoor sensor box & outdoor sensor box <-> sensors.
Response: GC to the determine respective subcontractor procurement and coordination.
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: Please indicate the location of the Generator network connection to BAS.
Response: The generator is located at Building AA equipment yard, see E4.02, note 29 for BAS connection.
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: What if any is the R-value minimum showed on 11/A7.71? Thanks.
Response: 2" Minimum. See RFI 034 for additional information
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: From 08 71 00 – Please confirm the SecureALL electronic locks & exit device trims are owner furnished/contractor installed.
Response: SecureALL devices are contractor furnished/ contractor installed. See response to RFI 072.d.
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: E5.01 shows future conduit for future PV Feeders; E5.04 shows PV Feeders, fused disconnect and conduct to PV system. These drawings do not show conduit size, fused disconnect size nor any conduit routing to PV system. Are these required on this project, if so, what size conduits, disconnect and what routing for the conduit to the PV system? Is the PV system future?
Response: The PV system feeders, and disconnect are future. Provide and install two (2) 4” conduits with pull ropes from the roof to the main electrical room on level 1. See Addendum 03 sheet E3.35
Posted: 5/20/2024
Question: Laney Central Utility Plant project, Sheet C4.0, Keynotes 1, 2 and 3, call our for installation of electrical conduits from the CUP to the “Future LRC Building”. The Laney Library & Resource Center project, Sheet E1.01 shows for these conduits to be installed under this project. Question 1: what project are these conduits being installed under? Question 2: if the conduits are installed under the Utility Plant contract, will they be stubbed within 5’ of the LRC building?
Response: Question 1: Per E1.01, note 19 the conduits between the LRC and the central utility plant building are installed as part central plant project. Question 2: For the conduit stub locations at the LRC, please see 1/E4.01. For the conduit stub scope at the Central Plant please see Bid Add Alternate #1 in Addendum 03.