Pittsburg Community Schools Unified School District 250 Sealed Solicitation

Title: UVC Lighting Bid 2020

Deadline: 11/16/2020 12:00 PM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Description: USD 250 would like to install UVC lights in classrooms, cafeterias, nurses office areas, office areas, and other student work spaces.  The UVC light will be used as a mitigating tool to help disinfect and sanitize student contact areas. Specifications are listed on the attached document.

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: There will not be a pre-bid meeting, but you may schedule an appointment for a walk thru with Tom Stegman by calling 620-235-3100.


Documents as of 11/9/2020
UVC Lighting Bid Specifications Request Sheet for USD 250 - 11.3.20 (4).pdf
deviations uv lighting.pdf