City of Alamogordo Sealed Solicitation

Title: Canyon Road Water Line Extension

Deadline: 4/2/2019 1:30 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: PW Bid 2019-001

Description: The Work will consist of installing 18-inch C-900 PVC (approximately 690 linear feet) waterline from the south side of McKinley Channel along Canyon Road (parking lot) crossing Washington Avenue, Washington Park, 1st Street, and finally connecting to an existing 18-inch waterline located within the Cemetery.  The installation will cross existing utilities (gas, electric lines, fiber optic lines, potable water, reuse water, and sanitary sewer); the existing crossing reuse and potable waterlines will be lowered concurrently with the 18-inch line installation.  The sanitary sewer line(s) are expected to be at sufficient depth to avoid potential vertical conflicts.  Installation across paved streets and parking lots will require pavement removal and patching, sidewalk removal and replacement, curb and gutter removal and replacement, and concrete median removal and replacement, within the city limits of Alamogordo, New Mexico.  

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 3/13/2019 1:30 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 1:30 pm March 13, 2019, in the Commission Chambers, 1376 E. Ninth Street, Alamogordo, New Mexico.


Documents as of 2/21/2019
Canyon Road Water Line Extension - Construction Plans.pdf
Canyon Road Water Line Extension - Contract Documents.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 3/22/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum #1


Addendum Number 1 is issued to provide changes and/or clarifications to the referenced Public Works Bid.   Each bidder is required to acknowledge receipt of each addendum in Section 3 of the Bid Proposal, failure to do so could render the bid non-responsive.

Deadline: 4/2/2019 1:30 PM

Solicitation #: PW Bid 2019-001


Addition 2

Posted: 9/14/2021

Type of Addition: Award Information PW Bid 2019-001 Canyon Road Water Line Extension

Overview: City of Alamogordo’s Commission has awarded above referenced project to General Hydronics Utilities, LLC at the meeting of April 9, 2019.

Amount: $189,315.19

Addition 3

Posted: 9/14/2021

Type of Addition: Award Information PW Bid 2019-001 Canyon Road Water Line Extension

Overview: City of Alamogordo’s Commission has awarded above referenced project to General Hydronics Utilities, LLC at the meeting of April 9, 2019.

Amount: $189,315.19


Posted: 3/22/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum #1


Addendum Number 1 is issued to provide changes and/or clarifications to the referenced Public Works Bid.   Each bidder is required to acknowledge receipt of each addendum in Section 3 of the Bid Proposal, failure to do so could render the bid non-responsive.

Deadline: 4/2/2019 1:30 PM

Solicitation #: PW Bid 2019-001


Posted: 9/14/2021

Type of Addition: Award Information PW Bid 2019-001 Canyon Road Water Line Extension

Overview: City of Alamogordo’s Commission has awarded above referenced project to General Hydronics Utilities, LLC at the meeting of April 9, 2019.

Amount: $189,315.19

Posted: 9/14/2021

Type of Addition: Award Information PW Bid 2019-001 Canyon Road Water Line Extension

Overview: City of Alamogordo’s Commission has awarded above referenced project to General Hydronics Utilities, LLC at the meeting of April 9, 2019.

Amount: $189,315.19
