Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation

Title: Bid No. 20-21/09 Laney College Locker Room Interim Housing

Deadline: 4/16/2021 2:00 PM   (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: Bid No. 20-21/09


The scope of work consists of installation of 2 locker rooms, 3 offices, 3 classrooms and 2 restrooms stockpile relocatable buildings to the existing campus tennis courts located on the10th street side of the Laney campus. The relocatable are to serve as interim housing. The project includes but not limited to - Selective Demolition, Electrical work including making an electrical connection to the existing distribution panel located in Building B, Data Work, Civil and site improvements work and Minor landscaping work.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 3/31/2021 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting.A mandatory Pre-bid meeting will be held on March 31, 2021 at 10:00 AM via Zoom Meeting ID: 962 7858 1530 A mandatory pre-bid walk will be held on April 1, 2021, at 10am at Laney College Campus, 900 Fallon St. Oakland, CA 94607 (“Site Visit”). All participants are required to sign-in. Failure to attend or tardiness will render bid ineligible. The Site Visit Certification will be provided at the end of the Site Visit and must be submitted with the Bid.


Documents as of 4/2/2021
20 21 09 Notice to Bidders.pdf
PCCD Bid Calendar Worksheet Int. Campus.pdf
SPC_Volume 1_Bidding.pdf
01-119005_SPC_Volume 1_A.pdf
01-119005_SPC_Volume 2_A.pdf
01-119005_DWG_A- Vol 1.pdf
01-119005_DWG_A - Vol 2-low res.pdf
Bid No 20-21-09 Bid-Walk 04 01 21.pdf
Bid No 20 21 09 SIGN-IN SHEET Pre-Bid Meeting Zoom.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 8/9/2021

Type of Addition: Award Information

Question 1

Posted: 3/18/2021

Question: is this project requiring PLA or PSA? and how much is the engineering estimate

Response: PLA is not required. Estimate $900,000

Question 2

Posted: 3/18/2021

Question: Where is the list of prequalified GC's? Is this a Re-Bid?

Response: There is not a prequalified GC list. This is not a Re-Bid.

Question 3

Posted: 3/18/2021

Question: Hello, MooCow Productions is wondering will there be any need for Progression, Architecture or Construction photos for this project? Or perhaps any video time-lapse needed?

Response: No

Question 4

Posted: 3/18/2021


Response: N/A

Question 5

Posted: 3/23/2021

Question: What is the engineer's estimate for this project?

Response: $900,000

Question 6

Posted: 3/23/2021

Question: Would SLBE certified by Alameda county be sufficient for the SLBE requirement?

Response: Business permanent address must be in Albany, Alameda, Berkeley, Oakland, or Piedmont.

Question 7

Posted: 3/31/2021

Question: Notice Inviting Bids states "one or more of the following State of California Contractor Licenses: [A – General Engineering Contractor, C36 – Plumbing Contractor, C42 – Sanitation System Contractor]." The Notice to Bidders in the project manual says "To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to possess one or more of the following State of California contractor license(s): B or C" Please clarify which license type is acceptable to be able to bid this project.

Response: Request a Class A license for GC, C36 minimum for the plumbing sub and C42 minimum for the Sanitation System Contractor.

Posted: 8/9/2021

Type of Addition: Award Information

Posted: 3/18/2021

Question: is this project requiring PLA or PSA? and how much is the engineering estimate

Response: PLA is not required. Estimate $900,000

Posted: 3/18/2021

Question: Where is the list of prequalified GC's? Is this a Re-Bid?

Response: There is not a prequalified GC list. This is not a Re-Bid.

Posted: 3/18/2021

Question: Hello, MooCow Productions is wondering will there be any need for Progression, Architecture or Construction photos for this project? Or perhaps any video time-lapse needed?

Response: No

Posted: 3/18/2021


Response: N/A

Posted: 3/23/2021

Question: What is the engineer's estimate for this project?

Response: $900,000

Posted: 3/23/2021

Question: Would SLBE certified by Alameda county be sufficient for the SLBE requirement?

Response: Business permanent address must be in Albany, Alameda, Berkeley, Oakland, or Piedmont.

Posted: 3/31/2021

Question: Notice Inviting Bids states "one or more of the following State of California Contractor Licenses: [A – General Engineering Contractor, C36 – Plumbing Contractor, C42 – Sanitation System Contractor]." The Notice to Bidders in the project manual says "To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to possess one or more of the following State of California contractor license(s): B or C" Please clarify which license type is acceptable to be able to bid this project.

Response: Request a Class A license for GC, C36 minimum for the plumbing sub and C42 minimum for the Sanitation System Contractor.