City of Carlsbad Sealed Solicitation
Title: Golf Cart Lease
Deadline: 1/26/2018 2:30 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: 2018-01
Description: The City of Carlsbad is soliciting formal competitive sealed bids for the lease of 40 golf carts to be used by the public at Lake Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. The City is seeking a one year initial lease term.
Documents as of 2/15/2018 |
Bid2018-01.pdf |
2018Jan11-230634-Bid2018-01.pdf |
Bid2018-01awd.doc |
Bid2018-01tabulation.xlsx |
Addition 1
Posted: 1/31/2018
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: Bids have been received and are currently under review pending award.
Addition 2
Posted: 2/15/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: This bid was awarded to Masek Rocky Mountain Golf Cars in the amount of $3,076.50 per month.
Amount: $3,076.50
Addition 3
Posted: 2/15/2018
Type of Addition: Least Terms Addendum
Overview: The original lease terms were to be 1 year. The City was presented with a 4 year lease option at a much reduced monthly cost. The City amended the lease terms to 4 years.
Posted: 1/31/2018
Type of Addition: In Review
Overview: Bids have been received and are currently under review pending award.
Posted: 2/15/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: This bid was awarded to Masek Rocky Mountain Golf Cars in the amount of $3,076.50 per month.
Amount: $3,076.50
Posted: 2/15/2018
Type of Addition: Least Terms Addendum
Overview: The original lease terms were to be 1 year. The City was presented with a 4 year lease option at a much reduced monthly cost. The City amended the lease terms to 4 years.