Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFP 22-23/06 BCC WEST Geotech & CEQA Services

Deadline: 10/26/2022 4:00 PM   (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: RFP22-23/06

Description: The project involves the demolition of an existing three story building and the construction of a new six story 60,000 sq. ft. building.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 10/17/2022 11:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A Mandatory Pre-proposal video conference meeting will be held on October 17, 2022 at 11:00A.M. via Zoom: Conference Meeting ID 884 0214 0248. Register in advance here:


Documents as of 10/17/2022
Advertisement - Request for Proposals 22 23 06 BCC West Geotech & CEQA.pdf
RFP 22 23 06 BCC West Geotech & CEQA Services.pdf
Exhibit 2 - SLBE Program & Affidavit.pdf
Exhibit 2.1 - SLBE Participation Template.pdf
Exhibit 3 - Team Experience_BCC IOR.pdf
Exhibit 4 - Sample Staffing Proposal Worksheet.xlsx
Exhibit 5.1.1 2118 MILVIA ST DEMOLITION 3-30-22 FULL SET - REDUCED.pdf
Exhibit 5.1.2 220718 - BCC Milivia - DSA Submittal _ Bid Set.pdf
Exhibit 5.2 220718 DSA Bid Specs.pdf
Exhibit 5.3.1 Addendum 01.pdf
Exhibit 5.3.2 Addendum 02.pdf
Exhibit 5.3.3 Addendmum 03.pdf
Exhibit 5.3.4 Addendum 04.pdf
Exhibit 5.3.5 Addendum 05.pdf
Exhibit 5.3.6 Addendum 06.pdf
Exhibit 5.4.1 Exhibit A - DSA Form 103 T&I.pdf
Exhibit 5.4.2 Exhibit B - EnviroNova 21-186 2118 Milvia Street Berkeley Limited ACM Pb PCBs Survey.._.pdf
Exhibit 5.4.3 Exhibit B.1 - EnviroNova 22-167 2118 Milvia Street Berkeley Limited ACM Pb PCBs Survey Report-REVISED 6.28.22-FINAL.pdf
Exhibit 5.4.4 Exhibit C - Project Schedule - Revised 071122.pdf
Exhibit 5.4.5 Exhibit D - A3GEO_Berkeley CC_Geotech Investigation Rpt_2022.01.21_Secured.pdf
Exhibit 5.4.6 Exhibit D.1 - Attachment 3 - rpt Geotech Investigation _ Design - 2118 Milvia St, Berkeley Ca 6-9-17.pdf
Exhibit 5.4.7 Exhibit E - Phase I ESA - Draft.pdf
Exhibit 5.5.1 Public Notice for CEQA IS _ MND - signed.pdf
Exhibit 5.5.2 BCC Final Study and Mitigated Neg Delcaration.pdf
Exhibit 5.5.3 10.12.2021_Resolution_2118 Milvia_CEQA IS MND.CMP.pdf
Exhibit 6 - Independent Consultant Agreement - Geotechnical Engineering.3.22.2022_3817051_1(DMS).pdf
RFP 22 23 06 Pre-Proposal Video Meeting Sign-In.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 10/26/2022

Type of Addition: In Review

Addition 2

Posted: 2/16/2023

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Awarded to A3GEO, Inc.

Amount: $250,128.00


Question 1

Posted: 10/19/2022

Question: 1. Are the vapor sample points still in place? 2. Are we providing pricing for the add alternates? 3. Are we providing resume(s) for the add alternates? 4. Is the contract value based on time and material not to exceed since rates/hours are requested? Thank you!

Response: 1) Are the vapor sample points still in place? a. Answer: No. For this project assume six (6) new soil vapor borings to a depth of 15 feet below ground surface will be required. Please remember there is limited access into the building as described in the RFP. 2) Are we providing pricing for the add alternates? a. Answer: Yes. Please provide hourly rates and a T&M not to exceed price for each additive alternate. 3) Are we providing resume(s) for the add alternates? a. Answer: No, resumes for the additive alternates are not required. 4) Is the contract value based on time and material not to exceed since rates/hours are requested? a. Answer: Yes, please provide hourly rates and a T&M not to exceed price for the base scope and each additive alternate.

Question 2

Posted: 10/19/2022

Question: 1. Are you requesting a lump-sum fee, not-to-exceed fee, or just hourly rates? 2. The level of effort required for cultural resource observation and geotechnical-related observation, testing and inspection is highly dependent on what is encountered during excavation, the contractor’s means and methods, weather, quantity of failing tests/inspections, etc., which makes it difficult to provide a lump sum fee (even with a preliminary construction schedule). Each proposing firm will make different assumptions which we assume will be considered during the fee evaluation process. Please advise. 3. Please provide an estimate for the amount of archaeological and Native American monitoring under Alternate #3. 4. Please confirm if Paleontological Observation is required, and if so, please provide an estimate for the amount.

Response: 5) Are you requesting a lump-sum fee, not-to-exceed fee, or just hourly rates? a. Answer: See answer to question # 4 from Ninyo & Moore below. 6) The level of effort required for cultural resource observation and geotechnical-related observation, testing and inspection is highly dependent on what is encountered during excavation, the contractor’s means and methods, weather, quantity of failing tests/inspections, etc., which makes it difficult to provide a lump sum fee (even with a preliminary construction schedule). Each proposing firm will make different assumptions which we assume will be considered during the fee evaluation process. Please advise. a. Answer: Each firm needs to review the construction schedule that was provided from the Design-Build Entity, see Exhibit 5.4.C, along with the CEQA and Geotechnical Reports and provide their professional assessment of the level of effort that they feel will be required to complete this work, while also taking into consideration that this is a DSA project located in an urban setting on a zero-lot line property in downtown Berkeley. b. Please note that we are looking for hourly rates and a T&M not to exceed fee for the base scope and each additive alternate. 7) Please provide an estimate for archaeological and Native American monitoring under Alternate #3. a. Answer: Please reference the construction schedule provided from the Design-Build Entity, in Exhibit 5.4.C. Assume from the beginning of Grading Subcontractor Mobilization through the completion of Pier Installation plus any time that is required during the Extended Phase I (XPI) archaeological testing program (CUL-1). 8) Please confirm if Paleontological Observation is required, and if so, please provide an estimate for the amount. a. Answer: Please include an allowance of 20 hours of standby time for a Paleontologist as Mitigation Measure GEO-3 does not require continues monitoring during ground disturbing activities.

Posted: 10/26/2022

Type of Addition: In Review

Posted: 2/16/2023

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: Awarded to A3GEO, Inc.

Amount: $250,128.00


Posted: 10/19/2022

Question: 1. Are the vapor sample points still in place? 2. Are we providing pricing for the add alternates? 3. Are we providing resume(s) for the add alternates? 4. Is the contract value based on time and material not to exceed since rates/hours are requested? Thank you!

Response: 1) Are the vapor sample points still in place? a. Answer: No. For this project assume six (6) new soil vapor borings to a depth of 15 feet below ground surface will be required. Please remember there is limited access into the building as described in the RFP. 2) Are we providing pricing for the add alternates? a. Answer: Yes. Please provide hourly rates and a T&M not to exceed price for each additive alternate. 3) Are we providing resume(s) for the add alternates? a. Answer: No, resumes for the additive alternates are not required. 4) Is the contract value based on time and material not to exceed since rates/hours are requested? a. Answer: Yes, please provide hourly rates and a T&M not to exceed price for the base scope and each additive alternate.

Posted: 10/19/2022

Question: 1. Are you requesting a lump-sum fee, not-to-exceed fee, or just hourly rates? 2. The level of effort required for cultural resource observation and geotechnical-related observation, testing and inspection is highly dependent on what is encountered during excavation, the contractor’s means and methods, weather, quantity of failing tests/inspections, etc., which makes it difficult to provide a lump sum fee (even with a preliminary construction schedule). Each proposing firm will make different assumptions which we assume will be considered during the fee evaluation process. Please advise. 3. Please provide an estimate for the amount of archaeological and Native American monitoring under Alternate #3. 4. Please confirm if Paleontological Observation is required, and if so, please provide an estimate for the amount.

Response: 5) Are you requesting a lump-sum fee, not-to-exceed fee, or just hourly rates? a. Answer: See answer to question # 4 from Ninyo & Moore below. 6) The level of effort required for cultural resource observation and geotechnical-related observation, testing and inspection is highly dependent on what is encountered during excavation, the contractor’s means and methods, weather, quantity of failing tests/inspections, etc., which makes it difficult to provide a lump sum fee (even with a preliminary construction schedule). Each proposing firm will make different assumptions which we assume will be considered during the fee evaluation process. Please advise. a. Answer: Each firm needs to review the construction schedule that was provided from the Design-Build Entity, see Exhibit 5.4.C, along with the CEQA and Geotechnical Reports and provide their professional assessment of the level of effort that they feel will be required to complete this work, while also taking into consideration that this is a DSA project located in an urban setting on a zero-lot line property in downtown Berkeley. b. Please note that we are looking for hourly rates and a T&M not to exceed fee for the base scope and each additive alternate. 7) Please provide an estimate for archaeological and Native American monitoring under Alternate #3. a. Answer: Please reference the construction schedule provided from the Design-Build Entity, in Exhibit 5.4.C. Assume from the beginning of Grading Subcontractor Mobilization through the completion of Pier Installation plus any time that is required during the Extended Phase I (XPI) archaeological testing program (CUL-1). 8) Please confirm if Paleontological Observation is required, and if so, please provide an estimate for the amount. a. Answer: Please include an allowance of 20 hours of standby time for a Paleontologist as Mitigation Measure GEO-3 does not require continues monitoring during ground disturbing activities.