Clayton County Water Authority Sealed Solicitation

Title: W.B. Casey Water Resources Recovery Facility Influent Pump Stations Improvements

Deadline: 3/8/2022 10:00 AM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 2022-WR-04

Description: Separate sealed Bids for the construction of the W.B. Casey Water Resource Recovery Facility Influent Pump Stations Improvements project will be received by the Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA) at 1600 Battle Creek Road, Morrow, Georgia 30260 until 10:00 a.m. local time, the 8th day of March 2022, and then at said office opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the specified time will not be considered.
A non-mandatory pre-bid conference for the Project will be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. local time to discuss the Project. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is encouraged but not required.
Due to the ongoing concerns with the COVID-19 pandemic, the CCWA has decided to host the bid opening and the pre-bid conference as conference call meetings.
To join the pre-bid conference call, use the below Microsoft Teams link or call-in number:
Join Pre-Bid Microsoft Teams Meeting
Phone number: +1 912-483-5368
Conference ID: 416 015 159#

To join the bid opening conference call, use the below Microsoft Teams link or call-in number:
Join Bid Opening Microsoft Teams Meeting
Phone number: +1 912-483-5368
Conference ID: 416 015 159#
Bidders are required to visit the Site and conduct a thorough visual examination of the Site and adjacent areas. Each Bidder shall schedule a Site visit on either Wednesday, February 16th or Thursday, February 17th, 2022, between 9:00 a.m. and12:00 p.m. local time each day at W.B. Casey Water Resource Recovery Facility, 688 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA 30238. Bidder shall schedule the Site visit at least 24 hours in advance by contacting Andrew Tartaglia at . If Bidder cannot, for reasons outside of their control, attend on February 16th or February 17th, they will need to contact the Engineer directly for other availability. Under no circumstances will site visits be scheduled on or after the date listed as the deadline for questions. Each Bidder shall be limited to a maximum of 2 visitors during the Site visit. Site visits will be limited to 60-minutes maximum duration. Bids will not be accepted from Bidders who do not schedule and attend the Site visit. It is each Bidder’s responsibility to sign in at the Site visit with the Engineer to verify its participation. Bidders must sign in using the name of the organization that will be submitting a Bid. During the visit, the Bidder must not disturb any ongoing operations at the Site.
As part of the effort to maintain the health and safety of CCWA personnel – as well as visitors – CCWA has put in place the following procedures, practices and protocols:
A: Each visitor shall complete the COVID-19 Health Assessment via DOCS Health Works. Download the DOCS Health Works app based on your device by going to the Apple Store or Google Play and download DOCS HealthWorks app. If you do not choose to download the app, DOCS Health Works is also available by internet at
B: Once the DOCS Health Works app is installed, click the icon to open the program. Complete the fields as follows:
b. Location Code is GTW3
c. Click Next. Enter your personal email and telephone number
d. Create a 4-digit pin. Click Submit
e. You are now registered in the system
C: Complete the COVID-19 health assessment on the app or website. If everything is within normal parameters, you will receive a QR code (this QR code is good for 24 hours).
D: When you arrive to the facility, present the QR code.
E: Visitor(s) shall provide, wear, and use their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE – face mask/covering, gloves, disinfectant) while in public areas for the duration of the Site visit. The entire property of the project sites are considered a ‘public area’.
F: Visitor(s) shall practice physical (social) distancing while at the Facility by providing others a personal space of at least six (6) feet during the visit.
G: Visitor(s) will not have access to the Administration Building and public rest rooms.
The Project includes, but is not limited to, the following upgrades:
A: Improvements to the Jackson RSPS:
a. One (1) new submersible sewage pump including VFD, wiring and MAS pump protection module
b. New air release valve, check valve, isolation valve, pressure gauge with isolation ring and piping for the new pump
c. New pressure gauges with isolation rings on the discharge of all three (3) existing pumps and modification of the discharge piping as needed to accommodate the isolation rings
d. New protective coating in the splitter box and wetwells
e. New OSHA compliant fall protection at existing hatch openings
f. New automatic transfer switch and motor control cables
g. New replacement VFDs and MAS pump monitoring modules for three (3) existing pumps
h. Miscellaneous minor improvements:
i. Trimming tree limbs overhanging and leaning on fencing to the northeast
ii. Recoat intersecting manhole upstream of splitter box
iii. Concrete repair at exposed reinforcement
iv. Repaint the exterior steel frame supporting ductwork at generator
v. New stairs at generator access
vi. Clean gutters of the electrical building
vii. New threshold doorstop at the electrical building double door
viii. Repair improperly connected handrail segments
ix. New odor control fan motors
x. New energy efficient LED lighting fixtures to replace existing HID pole mounted fixtures
xi. New combustible gas detection system in both wet wells
xii. New odorous air piping connection to wetwell
B: Improvements to the Casey RSPS:
a. One (1) new submersible sewage pump including VFD, wiring and MAS pump protection module
b. New air release valve, check valve, isolation valve, pressure gauge with isolation ring and piping for the new pump
c. New pressure gauges with isolation rings on the discharge of all four (4) existing pumps and modification of the discharge piping as needed to accommodate the isolation rings
d. New protective coating in the splitter box, wetwells and septage receiving tank
e. New OSHA compliant fall protection at existing hatch openings
f. New replacement VFDs for four (4) existing pumps
g. New MAS pump monitoring modules for two (2) existing pumps
h. New MAS pump monitoring components for one (1) existing backup pump in storage
i. Miscellaneous minor improvements:
i. Repaint the rusted framing and bracing supporting the biofilter
ii. Clean out and replace the expansion joint material and sealant around the biofilter foundation
iii. Realign downspout with underground drain at electrical building
iv. New odor control fan motors and fan VFDs
v. New energy efficient LED lighting fixtures to replace existing HID pole mounted fixtures
vi. New combustible gas detection system in both wet wells
vii. New odorous air opening between septage receiving tank, splitter box and wetwells
viii. Replace the odor control media and instrumentation at the biofilter
C: Provide temporary power feed at the Jackson RSPS and adjacent Transfer Pump Station during electrical improvements that interrupt power
D: Provide temporary pumping at the Jackson RSPS whenever pumping is interrupted
E: Provide temporary power feed to the Casey RPSP during electrical improvements that interrupt power
F: Provide temporary pumping at the Casey RSPS whenever pumping is interrupted
The Bidding Documents, consisting of Advertisement for Competitive Sealed Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Construction Contract, Performance Bond, Payment Bond, General and Supplementary Conditions, Specifications, Drawings, and Addenda may be examined at the main offices of the Owner at 1600 Battle Creek Road, Morrow, Georgia.
Copies of Bidding Documents are available at upon payment of $15.00, nonrefundable, for download and printing access. All Bidders are required to purchase a set of the Bidding Documents. All payments will be made online to QuestCDN. No partial sets will be sold. Bidders will be required to set up a QuestCDN account to access Bidding Documents including Addenda. Bidding Documents can be searched for in the Quest CDN project search bar under Project Number (eBidDoc#) 8104729. Contact QuestCDN at 952.233.1632 or for assistance with navigating the website and digital project information. Hard copies of Bidding Documents are the responsibility of the Bidders.
By purchasing the Bidding Documents, purchaser agrees to allow company information (company name, address, phone and email) to be published as a “planholder”. The Owner is not obligated to consider a Bidder's proposal if Bidder is not on record with QuestCDN as having received a complete set of Bidding Documents from QuestCDN.
A list of planholders may be obtained by contacting Andrew Tartaglia at
Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form and accompanied by Bid Security as prescribed in the Instructions to Bidders, payable to the Owner in an amount not less than 5 percent of the Bid Amount, and a letter from a surety company stating they are licensed to conduct business in the State of Georgia. Failure to supply the bond or to sign the proposal will be grounds for rejection.
In order to perform public work, the Bidder and its subcontractors, prior to award of Contract, shall hold or obtain such licenses as required by state statutes, and federal and local laws and regulations. Bidder and its Subcontractors, where required by law, prior to award of Contract, shall hold or obtain a Georgia Utility Contractors License. All firms must be licensed in Georgia and have a registered agent in Georgia.
CCWA encourages Small Local, Minority and Women-Owned businesses to participate and respond to this bid request.
All questions related to the Project shall be submitted by email no later than 2:00 p.m., local time, on Thursday, February 24th, 2022 to Andrew Tartaglia at Questions, if answered, will be addressed by Addenda to the Contract Documents via the Q&A tab on the QuestCDN website for the project. Receipt of any Addenda or amendment to this Advertisement for Bids shall be acknowledged, in writing, and shall be submitted with the Bid.
Owner shall make an award, if an award is made, to the lowest responsible responsive Bidder.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish the additional Bonds and Insurance prescribed in the Contract Documents.
Owner’s right is reserved to reject all Bids or any Bid not conforming to the intent and purpose of the Bidding Documents.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 2/15/2022 10:00 AM


Documents as of 2/22/2022