City of Spartanburg Sealed Solicitation
Title: Demolish Residential Structures
Deadline: 7/26/2017 3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: Proposal No: 1718-07-18-03
Description: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN – The City of Spartanburg is requesting proposals to demolish a residential structure in the City of Spartanburg, located at 369 Farley Street - Spartanburg, SC.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 7/11/2017 10:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Pre-Bid: The pre-bid tour is scheduled July 11, 2017 at 10:00AM at the site – 369 Farley Street – Spartanburg, SC.
Documents as of 6/29/2017 |
RFP DEMO 369 Farley St. -.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 7/14/2017
Type of Addition: Addendum I
Overview: Changed bid opening date. We are looking at pre-bid tour on July 18, at 9:00 AM starting at 328 Brown Street, then 592 Farley Avenue, then 10:00 AM at 369 Farley Street. Bid openings would occur on July 26, at 3:00 PM for all properties.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 7/18/2017 9:00 AM
Addition 2
Posted: 7/26/2017
Type of Addition: Award letter
Addition 3
Posted: 7/26/2017
Type of Addition: Award letter
Posted: 7/14/2017
Type of Addition: Addendum I
Overview: Changed bid opening date. We are looking at pre-bid tour on July 18, at 9:00 AM starting at 328 Brown Street, then 592 Farley Avenue, then 10:00 AM at 369 Farley Street. Bid openings would occur on July 26, at 3:00 PM for all properties.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 7/18/2017 9:00 AM
Posted: 7/26/2017
Type of Addition: Award letter