Calhoun County Sealed Solicitation
Title: 21-0236 Kimball Pines Park
Deadline: 3/29/2022 3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: 21-0236 Kimball Pines Park
Description: The project site, of approximately 117 acres, is located in the Township of Emmett, on the south side of E. Michigan Avenue. The site is owned and managed by Calhoun County. The work consists of existing gravel pavement removal and construction of a crushed aggregate road, 10’ asphalt pathway, entrance sign, two new gravel parking areas, four (4) paved ADA parking spaces, concrete walkways, vault toilet bathrooms, and bollard installation.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 3/15/2022 9:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting.A pre-bid conference will be held at the Kimball Pines Park, 1158 East Michigan Ave, Battle Creek, Michigan for the purpose of reviewing the project site. The conference will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2022; at 9:00 a.m. Bidders are to meet at the public restrooms. The meeting will be immediately followed by a tour of the project site. Representatives of Calhoun County Community Development will be present to discuss the project, bidding requirements and project sequencing requirements. Attendance at the pre-bid meeting is strongly encouraged in order for the bidder to submit a bid.
Documents as of 3/16/2022 |
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Addition 1
Posted: 3/16/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum #1
Overview: The following changes have been made to the construction/specifications/bid documents. Please review all documents. New documents have been uploaded for review.
Addition 2
Posted: 3/16/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum#2
Overview: Available CAD File for contractors to do your take offs.
Addition 3
Posted: 3/17/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum 3 - Two (2) Additional Questions/Response
Overview: Question 1: One other question that came up at the pre-bid was if we should be including the removal and disposal of the large wood and brush piles scattered around the site.
Addition 4
Posted: 3/29/2022
Type of Addition: In Review
Addition 5
Posted: 11/6/2022
Type of Addition: Award Information
Question 1
Posted: 3/7/2022
Question: Hello! Could you please send me the plans that have been omitted from the Table of Contents? C-7.2 Drainage Plan, C7.3 Drainage Plan, and C7.4 Drainage Details and Calculations? Thank you - Beth
Response: Those plans on pages 21-24 of the pdf.
Question 2
Posted: 3/9/2022
Question: I would like to know the estimated cost for this project.
Response: Cost estimates for this project were developed 3 years ago. We expect the market changes since then to increase the cost but are unsure of the extent of the increase. Our current estimate is $700,000.
Question 3
Posted: 3/15/2022
Question: At the pre-bid meeting today it was discussed that the bathroom renovations and hand pump well were not to be a part of this bid. I presume this fact will be clarified in an addendum? The bid form has specific breakouts for these to items of work within the total bid and, as far as I can tell, no other bid document makes any mention of excluding this work.
Response: On 3/16/2022 updated drawings and specifications were uploaded as an addendum. The original project scope had to be changed due to cost estimates and grant restrictions. We apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience it may have caused.
Posted: 3/16/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum #1
Overview: The following changes have been made to the construction/specifications/bid documents. Please review all documents. New documents have been uploaded for review.
Posted: 3/16/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum#2
Overview: Available CAD File for contractors to do your take offs.
Posted: 3/17/2022
Type of Addition: Addendum 3 - Two (2) Additional Questions/Response
Overview: Question 1: One other question that came up at the pre-bid was if we should be including the removal and disposal of the large wood and brush piles scattered around the site.
Posted: 3/29/2022
Type of Addition: In Review
Posted: 11/6/2022
Type of Addition: Award Information
Posted: 3/7/2022
Question: Hello! Could you please send me the plans that have been omitted from the Table of Contents? C-7.2 Drainage Plan, C7.3 Drainage Plan, and C7.4 Drainage Details and Calculations? Thank you - Beth
Response: Those plans on pages 21-24 of the pdf.
Posted: 3/9/2022
Question: I would like to know the estimated cost for this project.
Response: Cost estimates for this project were developed 3 years ago. We expect the market changes since then to increase the cost but are unsure of the extent of the increase. Our current estimate is $700,000.
Posted: 3/15/2022
Question: At the pre-bid meeting today it was discussed that the bathroom renovations and hand pump well were not to be a part of this bid. I presume this fact will be clarified in an addendum? The bid form has specific breakouts for these to items of work within the total bid and, as far as I can tell, no other bid document makes any mention of excluding this work.
Response: On 3/16/2022 updated drawings and specifications were uploaded as an addendum. The original project scope had to be changed due to cost estimates and grant restrictions. We apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience it may have caused.