Knoxville's Community Development Corporation Sealed Solicitation

Title: Restoration Services for 1521 Daylily Drive Q2505

Deadline: 11/4/2024 11:00 AM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: Q2505

Description: KCDC will receive bids (on its forms) for Restoration Services for 1521 Daylily Drive UPLOADED as ONE document as detailed in the solicitation document.

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: KCDC highly recommends that suppliers visit the site to gain a complete understanding of the restoration needs. You may visit the site on October 29 and 30th from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come to the property office to gain access to the site.


Documents as of 10/18/2024
Addition 1

Posted: 11/4/2024

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: KCDC received four responses-see the attached for details. The review/analysis is underway.


Addition 2

Posted: 11/21/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: KCDC has decided to award to the lowest bidder, Clark Enterprises.

Addition 3

Posted: 11/21/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information

Question 1

Posted: 10/22/2024

Question: What is the estimated project value?

Response: <$75,000 is estimated.

Question 2

Posted: 10/22/2024

Question: What is the project schedule?

Response: KCDC wants the work to start as soon as possible.

Question 3

Posted: 11/1/2024

Question: Does all flooring need to be removed/replaced? Or just the damaged areas?

Response: Flooring would only need replaced in affected areas. If the flooring can not be matched, it would need to be replaced with similar material as close of a match in color as possible. Flooring would need to be installed from the affected area to the next available transition area. Example: A doorway, stairs, et cetera. All flooring is likely smoke damaged and will need to be cleaned. Our vision is restoration to pre-fire conditions. A site visit is always the best option to see what is affected

Question 4

Posted: 11/1/2024

Question: TENCO Services Inc. estimate only documents the 2nd floor for Area & noted repair. Is any work on the 1st floor included in the Scope of Work? If yes, what type of work?

Response: The downstairs areas will need tenant contents cleared and recovery from smoke damage. If smoke damage is present it would need to be cleaned and repainted to restore the surfaces to the conditions of the surfaces prior to the fire.

Posted: 11/4/2024

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: KCDC received four responses-see the attached for details. The review/analysis is underway.


Posted: 11/21/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information

Overview: KCDC has decided to award to the lowest bidder, Clark Enterprises.

Posted: 11/21/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information

Posted: 10/22/2024

Question: What is the estimated project value?

Response: <$75,000 is estimated.

Posted: 10/22/2024

Question: What is the project schedule?

Response: KCDC wants the work to start as soon as possible.

Posted: 11/1/2024

Question: Does all flooring need to be removed/replaced? Or just the damaged areas?

Response: Flooring would only need replaced in affected areas. If the flooring can not be matched, it would need to be replaced with similar material as close of a match in color as possible. Flooring would need to be installed from the affected area to the next available transition area. Example: A doorway, stairs, et cetera. All flooring is likely smoke damaged and will need to be cleaned. Our vision is restoration to pre-fire conditions. A site visit is always the best option to see what is affected

Posted: 11/1/2024

Question: TENCO Services Inc. estimate only documents the 2nd floor for Area & noted repair. Is any work on the 1st floor included in the Scope of Work? If yes, what type of work?

Response: The downstairs areas will need tenant contents cleared and recovery from smoke damage. If smoke damage is present it would need to be cleaned and repainted to restore the surfaces to the conditions of the surfaces prior to the fire.