Fox Valley Park District - Cole Center Administration Office Sealed Solicitation
Title: Contracted Park Mowing and Maintenance
Deadline: 2/23/2017 2:30 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: In Review
Solicitation Number: 02/02/2017-JIC
Description: Contracted Park Mowing and Maintenance of 81.9 Acres across 35 sites District-Wide LEGAL NOTICE The Fox Valley Park District is accepting bids for Contract Park Mowing and Maintenance. Bid specifications may be obtained at the following link. Bids are due at the Fox Valley Park District, Cole Center by 2:30 p.m., Thursday February 23rd 20th, 2017. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive or not to waive any informality therein or to accept the proposal considered to be in the best interest of the Fox Valley Park District. Dated this 7th day of February, 2017 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Fox Valley Park District, until the hour of 2:30pm, Thursday February 23rd, 2017 at the office of the Fox Valley Park District, 101 W. Illinois Ave., Aurora, Illinois 60506 for Contract Park Mowing and Maintenance, in accordance with instructions to bidders and specifications as attached. Bids will be opened at 2:30pm, Thursday February 23rd, 2017 in the Cole Center Linden conference room at which time and place the bids will be publicly read. Bids should be submitted, as per instructions, on the appropriate bid form. Dated this 7th day of February, 2017.
Documents as of 2/7/2017 |
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