Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation
Title: Studio Lighting Equipment for Electronic Media Communications Department
Deadline: 6/12/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: Bid No. 2K18-20B
Description: Alabama A&M University (“University”) is seeking bids from qualified vendors to provide the Electronic Media Communications Department with LED Lighting Studio Equipment. The brand names mentioned in the bid are established to define an acceptable standard of quality for each piece equipment to be quoted. Please note that substitutes are allowable, but Alabama A&M University retains the right to decipher what items are to be considered equal items. Bidders are recommended to quote the most cost effective equipment equal to or superior to the standard of quality established for each item in the bid. Bidders should provide a quotation of the equipment requested on the official proposal sheet found in this bid package. If bidding like items from that identified on the proposal sheet, each bidder should include in their bid response a full detailed specification of the specs of each item proposed as an equal.
Documents as of 6/15/2018 |
Bid No. 2K18-20B.pdf |
Bid No. 2K18-20B Awarded - Amitrace - File 1 of 2.pdf |
Bid No. 2K18-20B Awarded - Amitrace - File 2 of 2.pdf |
Bid No. 2K18-20B Non-Awarded - Adorama.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 6/15/2018
Type of Addition: Disqualified Bid - VSA Inc.
Overview: VSA Inc. submitted a bid to the Purchasing Department by email. Emailed bids are unallowable since they do not fulfill the State of AL Competitive Bid Law's requirement of a sealed bid.
Addition 2
Posted: 6/15/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: Awarded to lowest responsible bidder Amitrace. Adorama did not bid on two line items of the bid: (1) DMX Cabling Wire Kit or approved Equal & (2) Installation, Commissioning, Testing, & Training.
Amount: $15,069.05
Posted: 6/15/2018
Type of Addition: Disqualified Bid - VSA Inc.
Overview: VSA Inc. submitted a bid to the Purchasing Department by email. Emailed bids are unallowable since they do not fulfill the State of AL Competitive Bid Law's requirement of a sealed bid.
Posted: 6/15/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information
Overview: Awarded to lowest responsible bidder Amitrace. Adorama did not bid on two line items of the bid: (1) DMX Cabling Wire Kit or approved Equal & (2) Installation, Commissioning, Testing, & Training.
Amount: $15,069.05