City of Spartanburg Sealed Solicitation

Title: Asbestos and Lead Base Paint Abatement & Building Demolition

Deadline: 8/23/2016 3:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: In Review

Solicitation Number: Proposal No: 1617-08-23-01

Description: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN – The City of Spartanburg is seeking proposal from vendors to provide construction services for the removal of asbestos and lead base paint materials and demolition of the Oakview Apartment Complex – Building Suite 401-406 at 650 Howard Street in Spartanburg S.C. The bid will consist of the abatement and demolition of one (1) – six 6-unit apartment. Alternate # 1 Providing demolition cost for the remaining five (5) - twelve 12 units, one (1) ten 10-unit, five (5) – six 6 unit apartments and one (1) laundry/office building. Alternate # 2 Provide total cost for the complete removal of remaining asphalt streets, concrete curbs and gutters, any remaining porches or debris that are within the area per the scope of work clarification.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/2/2016 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A Mandatory Pre-bid will take place on August 2, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the building location on 650 Howard Street- Suite 401- 406.


Documents as of 7/29/2016
RFP for Abatement-Demolition Revised (Autosaved).pdf
Scope of Work for Oak View.pdf
Oakview Apartments Hazardous Materials Report.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 8/1/2016

Type of Addition: Addendum

Overview: ADDENDUM # 1 Clarification: Please disregard the language “Mandatory Prebid”. Because of the short time period from the RFP posting date, the bid will be consider “ Non Mandatory”. Contractor may contact the City Construction Management Office for times to visit the site.


Addition 2

Posted: 8/2/2016

Type of Addition: Sign In Sheet


Addition 3

Posted: 8/3/2016

Type of Addition: Addendum II


Addition 4

Posted: 8/9/2016

Type of Addition: Price Sheet


Addition 5

Posted: 8/18/2016

Type of Addition: Addendum II - BID BOND AND SQ. FOOTAGE


Addition 6

Posted: 9/1/2016

Type of Addition: Award letter



Posted: 8/1/2016

Type of Addition: Addendum

Overview: ADDENDUM # 1 Clarification: Please disregard the language “Mandatory Prebid”. Because of the short time period from the RFP posting date, the bid will be consider “ Non Mandatory”. Contractor may contact the City Construction Management Office for times to visit the site.


Posted: 8/2/2016

Type of Addition: Sign In Sheet


Posted: 8/3/2016

Type of Addition: Addendum II


Posted: 8/9/2016

Type of Addition: Price Sheet


Posted: 8/18/2016

Type of Addition: Addendum II - BID BOND AND SQ. FOOTAGE


Posted: 9/1/2016

Type of Addition: Award letter

