Alabama A & M University Sealed Solicitation
Title: NewTek Tricaster TC1 for Electronic Media Communications Department
Deadline: 1/11/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number: Bid No. 2K18-07B
Description: Alabama A&M University (“University”) is seeking bids from qualified vendors to provide the Electronic Media Communications Department with one brand new (1) NewTek TriCaster TC1 System. Bidders must quote a NewTek TriCaster TC1 meeting all of the technical specifications provided in this bid package. The awarded vendor must also provide any auxiliary supplies necessary to operate the NewTek TriCaster TC1. Any such auxiliary supplies will be named specifically in this bid package. The awarded vendor must also provide in-person, on-site training to Alabama A&M University’s Electronic Media Communications Department staff so that they will be properly equipped to operate the device. Vendors must attach to this Invitation to Bid an agenda of topics to be covered in the official training session to be offered on-site at Alabama A&M University to the Electronic Media Communications Department. The date and time for the training session must be mutually agreed upon by both the Director of the Electronic Media Communications Department and the vendor. The Director of the Electronic Media Communications Department will contact the awarded vendor directly to arrange the date, time, and location suitable to conduct the vendor-led training session.
Addition 1
Posted: 12/13/2017
Type of Addition: Amendment # 1 - TriCaster TC1
Overview: The Electronic Media Communications Department has requested the purchase of the TriCaster TC1 rather than the TriCaster 8000 as the bid previously indicated. Effective immediately, bidders are to discontinue using the bid package that requested the purchase of the TriCaster 8000. Due to the needs of the Electronic Media Communications Department, the bid submission deadline will not be adjusted although the bid requirements have changed.
Deadline: 1/11/2018 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: Bid No. 2K18-07B - TriCaster TC1 - Amendment # 1
Addition 2
Posted: 1/25/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information - Awarded to: Amitrace
Overview: Base Bid for TriCaster TC1, On-Site Training, and Standard Warranty: $33,000.50 + Additional Warranty: $6,289.00 = ___________________________________________________________________________ $39,289.50
Amount: $39,289.50
Addition 3
Posted: 5/30/2018
Type of Addition: Awarded Bid File
Overview: Lowest responsible bidder - Amitrace
Addition 4
Posted: 6/15/2018
Type of Addition: Non-Awarded - Marshall Graphics
Overview: Non-Awarded Vendor - Marshall Graphics
Posted: 12/13/2017
Type of Addition: Amendment # 1 - TriCaster TC1
Overview: The Electronic Media Communications Department has requested the purchase of the TriCaster TC1 rather than the TriCaster 8000 as the bid previously indicated. Effective immediately, bidders are to discontinue using the bid package that requested the purchase of the TriCaster 8000. Due to the needs of the Electronic Media Communications Department, the bid submission deadline will not be adjusted although the bid requirements have changed.
Deadline: 1/11/2018 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: Bid No. 2K18-07B - TriCaster TC1 - Amendment # 1
Posted: 1/25/2018
Type of Addition: Award Information - Awarded to: Amitrace
Overview: Base Bid for TriCaster TC1, On-Site Training, and Standard Warranty: $33,000.50 + Additional Warranty: $6,289.00 = ___________________________________________________________________________ $39,289.50
Amount: $39,289.50
Posted: 5/30/2018
Type of Addition: Awarded Bid File
Overview: Lowest responsible bidder - Amitrace
Posted: 6/15/2018
Type of Addition: Non-Awarded - Marshall Graphics
Overview: Non-Awarded Vendor - Marshall Graphics