Clayton County Water Authority Sealed Solicitation

Title: Flint River Outfall Replacement - Phase 1B

Deadline: 3/29/2016 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 2016-PME-02

Description: The Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA) intends to contract with an experienced contractor to complete the Flint River Outfall Replacement – Phase 1B Project. The purpose of the project is to install approximately 6,400 linear feet of new 60-inch gravity-flow sanitary sewer and manholes which will combine the flow and replace two existing parallel 48-inch and 24-inch gravity-flow sanitary sewers. Multiple reconnections of smaller existing sewers will be required to complete the work. The majority of the new 60-inch sewer work will be completed in the same location and alignment as the existing 24-inch sewer. A contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive responsible bidder whose bid conforms to the Request for Bid specifications, and will be the most advantageous to the CCWA. An evaluation will also be performed to ensure bidder complies with the required submittals. Determination of best responsive responsible bidder will be the sole judgment of the CCWA. To be considered responsive to this bid, bidders are required to bid on all work items listed on the “Bid Form”, and complete and provide all required bid submittals as listed on the “Bid Submittal Requirements”. A hard copy bid package can also be requested at a cost of $100.00 by calling 770-960-5223 from M-F from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., or via email at

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 3/15/2016 2:00 PM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting followed by a non-mandatory site visit will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. (local time) at 688 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA 30238.


Documents as of 2/17/2016
Flint River Outfall Replacement-Phase 1B-link.pdf