Town of Mooresville Sealed Solicitation

Title: Landscaping and Mowing of Town Properties

Deadline: 5/20/2022 10:00 AM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 103-02-0022

Description: The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified Grounds Maintenance Companies to provide Grounds Maintenance, Landscaping and Pruning to four distinct sections for the Town of Mooresville. The sections are Town Facilities, Right of Way Properties, Cemeteries and Utilities Properties. Each section will be evaluated and awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. It is NOT required that you bid on each section, only the section(s) you’re interested in. Such services may include, but not limited to: (1) Mowing; (2) Aerification/Over Seeding; (3) Pruning; and (4) Mulching.  

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 5/9/2022 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on 05/09/2022 at 10:00 AM at the Mooresville Public Services Operations Center, 2523 Charlotte Hwy, Mooresville, NC 28117.


Documents as of 4/27/2022
103-02-22 Landscape and Mowing Bid.pdf