Belle Meade Sealed Solicitation
Title: 2022-2024 Janitorial Services Contract with the City of Belle Meade
Deadline: 7/19/2022 10:00 AM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Description: Provide cleaning services on a daily basis, Mon-Fri, for the Belle Meade City Hall Building, which houses administrative offices as well as the Police Department. City Hall is a one-story building with 8.450 sq. feet of offices, meeting rooms, lobby and waiting room area, four restrooms, staff kitchen, copier and mail room and two storage rooms. Please see the bid specifications for additional details.
Documents as of 7/1/2022 |
Bid Notice-Janitorial Svcs 6-30-22.pdf |
BID SPECS-City Hall Janitorial Svcs 2022-24.pdf |
CONTRACT-City Hall Janitorial Svcs 2022-2024.pdf |