Title: Avondale Area Phase II Water Main Replacement Project
5/22/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Awarded
Solicitation Number:
Avondale Area Phase II Water Main Replacement Project
The City of Canton Water Department
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LEGAL NOTICE: Ordinance 91/2018
The City of Canton, Ohio Director of Public Service will accept sealed bids on or before 2:00
PM local time on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 for the purpose of securing bids for the:
Avondale Area Phase II Water Main Replacement Project
The City will disqualify any bid not received on or before 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, May
22, 2018. Shortly after the deadline for the submission of bids, bids received on time will be
publically opened and read aloud. The Sixth Floor Conference Room of Canton City Hall, 218
Cleveland Ave. SW, Canton, OH 44702 is the location for the Bid Opening.
Submit all bids to the City of Canton Purchasing Department, 218 Cleveland Avenue SW, Fourth
Floor, Canton, Ohio 44702 according to the specifications and bid documents at the City of
Canton Purchasing Department’s website at https://cantonohio.gov/purchasing/.
Each bid must contain the full name of every person or company participating in the bid.
A certified check, cashier’s check or surety bond, in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio
Revised Code, must accompany the bid. This check or bond must be made payable to the City of
Canton. Draw this check or bond from a solvent bank or bonding company satisfactory to the
Director of Public Service as a guarantee the contract and its performance are properly secured if
the bid is accepted. Said certified check or cashier’s check shall be for ten percent (10%) of the
total amount bid. Where a bid bond is used, it shall be in an amount of one hundred percent
(100%) of the total amount of the bid. The City of Canton will only accept original checks and
bid bonds. Therefore if any company and/or bidder submits a copy of its security, the City will
disqualify the bid. Bidders submitting a certified or cashier’s check will be required to provide a
surety bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract sum for faithful
performance. The Director of Public Service reserves the right to waive any technical defects in
any bid bond submitted so long as the bond is in substantial compliance with state law. Should
any bid not be awarded or be rejected, such check or bond will be returned to the bidder or
bidders after the execution of the contract.
Any bidder may withdraw his bid, by written request, at any time prior to the hour set for the bid
opening by following the instructions in the Invitation to Bid.
The Board of Control reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept the bid(s) deemed
most beneficial to the City of Canton.
The successful bidder must comply with all State of Ohio Prevailing Wage Rates.
All companies must submit their Federal ID Number.
A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is required for this project.
The cost estimate for Alternate A of this project is $1,673,611.00.
The cost estimate for Alternate B of this project is $1,777,211.00.
The bidder is responsible for monitoring the City’s website for any official addenda.
Please contact Director of Purchasing Andrew Roth at andrew.roth@cantonohio.gov if you have
any questions regarding this bid.
By order of the Canton Director of Public Service: John Highman
Addition 1
Posted: 7/18/2018
Type of Addition: Wenger Excavating, Inc.
Overview: Final award is subject to the City's contracting process and the Auditor's certification of funds.
Amount: $1,410,756.60
Posted: 7/18/2018
Type of Addition: Wenger Excavating, Inc.
Overview: Final award is subject to the City's contracting process and the Auditor's certification of funds.
Amount: $1,410,756.60