Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation
Title: RFP 20-21/02 District-Wide Community-Based Safety Services
Deadline: 8/26/2020 2:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: RFP 20-21/02
District-Wide Community-Based Security Services
The Peralta Community College District (District) includes Laney College in downtown Oakland, Berkeley City College in downtown Berkeley, Merritt College in the Oakland Hills, and the College of Alameda on Alameda Island. District offices are located across the street from Laney College.
The District is seeking a community-based security service that focuses on personal engagement between the security team, students, faculty, staff and administration. The ideal vendor will understand restorative justice principles and de-escalation techniques, and will earn the trust of the communities they serve. The vendor and those that they employ, will have particular sensitivity to communities of color and communities that have experienced the de-humanizing effects of institutional racism, oppression and willful neglect. The security firm will employ a team of first responders that will be dispatched through the District’s centralized dispatcher. Ideally, these first responders will come from the community and have specific knowledge of the community they serve.
Security personnel will walk the campus during daytime hours or will be stationed at the security guard’s console. Personnel will be unarmed, though a two-way radio device will be provided with connectivity to other district staff and the District’s dispatcher. The goal of this RFP is to create a non-lethal, non-traditional security layer that may respond to challenges before the traditional policing services are activated. Services provided under this contract will work with and will be integrated into the existing set of District security providers, including the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO), A-1 Protective Services (A-1), and a student safety aide program, administered by the Merritt College Criminal Justice Program (safety aides).
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 8/4/2020 10:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Myisha Lewis-Reed is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: RFP 20-21/02 DW Community-Based Safety Services Time: Aug 4, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,94434227896# or +12532158782,94434227896# Or Telephone: Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll) +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll) +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 944 3422 7896 International numbers available:
Documents as of 7/24/2020 |
RFP 20 21 02 DW_CommunityBasedSecurityServices.pdf |
Attachment 1_ Side by side comparison of security models.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 8/10/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 1
Overview: See attachment
Addition 3
Posted: 8/18/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 2
Question 1
Posted: 8/5/2020
Question: Will the private security provider work hours as per the proposed plan in the side by side attachment as opposed to the current plan?
Response: A new plan will be issued.
Question 2
Posted: 8/5/2020
Question: Can you provide clarification and/or reiteration of when A1's contract will end?
Response: A-1 provides private security, not community-based security. Their contract is renewed annually, for up to two more years.
Question 3
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Who is the current incumbent?
Response: None.
Question 4
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: When was the current incumbent awarded the contract?
Response: N/A
Question 5
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Are there any significant modifications from the previous contract to the new one? For instance, an increase in hours, a change in guard type (e.g., armed vs unarmed), a need for additional resources?
Response: Response: N/A - new procurement
Question 6
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: What was the amount spent on this contract last year?
Response: N/A
Question 7
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: What is the estimated total number of annual hours for this contract?
Response: This is a new contract without precedent for the District.
Question 8
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: What is the current bill rate for each position?
Response: Your proposal will need to include this information.
Question 9
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Are there any additional services that may be needed that are not listed in the RFP? For instance, the need of additional sites, seasonal required security, etc.
Response: No
Question 10
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Beyond the state and federal minimum wage, is there a prevailing wage, living wage ordinance, local mandated wage, or contract-specific wage?
Response: Prevailing wage is required
Question 11
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Is there a specific way you would like the response to be prepared? For example: bound, unbound, 3-ring binder(s), pages limits, paper type, etc.?
Response: This is stated in the RFP
Question 12
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Is the current contract using vehicles? If yes, how many?
Response: This is a new contract, so you may describe whether you feel vehicles are needed.
Question 13
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Is there a pricing form or format?
Response: Provide the District with your hourly staffing cost
Question 14
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Will your agency hold a public opening? If yes, can you please provide with the date, time, and location?
Response: No
Question 15
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Are there any MWBE/VS/DBE or other goals for this project? If yes, are they mandatory and will evaluation points be given?
Response: See RFP
Question 16
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: If our firm is not a registered SLBE or SELBE can we subcontract to a registered SLBE or SELBE in order to receive evaluation points?
Response: Yes, if the 25% threshold is met.
Question 17
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Could you please clarify how many originals and copies are being requested of the technical proposal and the cost proposal?
Response: See RFP
Question 18
Posted: 8/7/2020
Question: Are we able to submit our bid offer electronically through the Vendor Registry portal or only manually at the location stated in the RFP?
Response: You can submit your bid electronically through Vendor Registry which is the preferred method, or manually at the location stated in the RFP
Question 19
Posted: 8/13/2020
Question: “The District is identifying Vendor Workforce as follows:” With regards to the % of assets, is that the calculations from the percentage of the category total? For instance if we place that the Total # of Black or African-American is 4,148 and our total Employee workforce is 8,500 will that be 48% of the assets?
Response: Vendor Workforce is informational. The District will review the diversity demonstrated in your company and will look to the selected vendor to provide a workforce with that percentage level (or greater) of competent diverse employees to service the District
Question 20
Posted: 8/13/2020
Question: With regards to the page count, the question was answered that the “Proposer shall not exceed 12 pages in length,” and that will include forms, attachments, and our response narratives to the RFP proposal. After we calculate the necessary forms in RFP to complete, the number of pages is a total of 8 pages, and the response narratives to the RFP is 7, therefore that is 15 pages. In addition, we must include key staff resumes that is about an additional 6 pages, in addition to our licenses and proof of insurance that totals to about two-three additional pages. With all the page calculations that exceeds the amount of the bid response. Please advise if we are able to have more than the required 14 pages, in order to fully respond to the RFP?
Response: The 12 page count does not include the required forms requested by the District.
Posted: 8/10/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 1
Overview: See attachment
Posted: 8/18/2020
Type of Addition: Addendum 2
Posted: 8/5/2020
Question: Will the private security provider work hours as per the proposed plan in the side by side attachment as opposed to the current plan?
Response: A new plan will be issued.
Posted: 8/5/2020
Question: Can you provide clarification and/or reiteration of when A1's contract will end?
Response: A-1 provides private security, not community-based security. Their contract is renewed annually, for up to two more years.
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Who is the current incumbent?
Response: None.
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: When was the current incumbent awarded the contract?
Response: N/A
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Are there any significant modifications from the previous contract to the new one? For instance, an increase in hours, a change in guard type (e.g., armed vs unarmed), a need for additional resources?
Response: Response: N/A - new procurement
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: What was the amount spent on this contract last year?
Response: N/A
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: What is the estimated total number of annual hours for this contract?
Response: This is a new contract without precedent for the District.
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: What is the current bill rate for each position?
Response: Your proposal will need to include this information.
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Are there any additional services that may be needed that are not listed in the RFP? For instance, the need of additional sites, seasonal required security, etc.
Response: No
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Beyond the state and federal minimum wage, is there a prevailing wage, living wage ordinance, local mandated wage, or contract-specific wage?
Response: Prevailing wage is required
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Is there a specific way you would like the response to be prepared? For example: bound, unbound, 3-ring binder(s), pages limits, paper type, etc.?
Response: This is stated in the RFP
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Is the current contract using vehicles? If yes, how many?
Response: This is a new contract, so you may describe whether you feel vehicles are needed.
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Is there a pricing form or format?
Response: Provide the District with your hourly staffing cost
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Will your agency hold a public opening? If yes, can you please provide with the date, time, and location?
Response: No
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Are there any MWBE/VS/DBE or other goals for this project? If yes, are they mandatory and will evaluation points be given?
Response: See RFP
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: If our firm is not a registered SLBE or SELBE can we subcontract to a registered SLBE or SELBE in order to receive evaluation points?
Response: Yes, if the 25% threshold is met.
Posted: 8/6/2020
Question: Could you please clarify how many originals and copies are being requested of the technical proposal and the cost proposal?
Response: See RFP
Posted: 8/7/2020
Question: Are we able to submit our bid offer electronically through the Vendor Registry portal or only manually at the location stated in the RFP?
Response: You can submit your bid electronically through Vendor Registry which is the preferred method, or manually at the location stated in the RFP
Posted: 8/13/2020
Question: “The District is identifying Vendor Workforce as follows:” With regards to the % of assets, is that the calculations from the percentage of the category total? For instance if we place that the Total # of Black or African-American is 4,148 and our total Employee workforce is 8,500 will that be 48% of the assets?
Response: Vendor Workforce is informational. The District will review the diversity demonstrated in your company and will look to the selected vendor to provide a workforce with that percentage level (or greater) of competent diverse employees to service the District
Posted: 8/13/2020
Question: With regards to the page count, the question was answered that the “Proposer shall not exceed 12 pages in length,” and that will include forms, attachments, and our response narratives to the RFP proposal. After we calculate the necessary forms in RFP to complete, the number of pages is a total of 8 pages, and the response narratives to the RFP is 7, therefore that is 15 pages. In addition, we must include key staff resumes that is about an additional 6 pages, in addition to our licenses and proof of insurance that totals to about two-three additional pages. With all the page calculations that exceeds the amount of the bid response. Please advise if we are able to have more than the required 14 pages, in order to fully respond to the RFP?
Response: The 12 page count does not include the required forms requested by the District.