Clayton County Water Authority Sealed Solicitation
Title: Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals
Deadline: 1/30/2018 2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: 2018-WP-01
Description: CCWA intends to award this bid to the most responsive responsible bidder based on the specifications indicated herewith for a twelve (12) month period, from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019. By submitting a sealed bid, the bidder must agree to provide all stated goods at the bid price for the specified twelve month period per the terms and conditions contained within this bid document. All things being equal, orders will be placed by purchase order with the bidder offering the lowest unit price on a per item basis. Prompt and reliable response on each order is as equally important as the lowest price. Orders will be placed on an "as needed, when needed” basis. CCWA does not guarantee any minimum or maximum quantities under this bid. Deliveries must be made to our respective facility locations.
Documents as of 12/27/2017 |
Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals RFB.pdf |