Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation
Title: District-wide HAZMAT & Testing and Inspection
Deadline: 11/30/2021 2:00 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Status: Deadline Expired
Solicitation Number: RFQ 21-22/07
The Peralta Community College District (“District”) is seeking well qualified Hazardous Material Assessment Firms (“Applicants”) to provide Hazardous Material Assessment services (“Hazmat”) and/or Testing & Inspection services to the District for the Measure A and Measure G Bond Programs (“Program”) and projects identified in the District’s Bond Project List and Long-Range Facilities Master Plan (“Projects”).
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 11/2/2021 10:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting.Myisha Lewis-Reed is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: RFQ 21-22/07 District-wide HAZMAT and Testing and Inspection Services Time: Nov 2, 2021 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Password: 911440 Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,92950309053# or +13462487799,92950309053#
Addition 1
Posted: 11/12/2021
Type of Addition: Addendum 1
Deadline: 11/30/2021 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFQ 21-22/07
Question 1
Posted: 10/28/2021
Question: Good Morning BuildPeralta Team! Can we please get a copy to review of (1) the District's Professional Services Agreement, as well as (2) the Insurance Requirements specific to this contract? I will noodle around to see if I can find it on the BuildPeralta website, though I don't see it posted on the portal specific to this contract. Thank you!
Response: See Attachment
Question 2
Posted: 10/29/2021
Question: Is there a Project Labor Agreement which would be applicable to the Quality Assurance materials testing and inspection services part of the procurement's scope?
Response: See Attachment
Question 3
Posted: 10/29/2021
Question: If my math is correct, when I add up the number of referenced projects that you would like the submitters to show = it equals 20/22 projects. Can these be overlapping projects, or maybe it is ok to show the same project but a different reference, or would the District like to see different projects and references for each submitted?
Response: See Attachment
Question 4
Posted: 10/29/2021
Question: Can a firm be a prime on one team and then a sub on a different team, and vice versa?
Response: See Attachment
Question 5
Posted: 10/29/2021
Question: If we are submitting for both haz mat AND materials testing services, does the District wish to see both services combined into one SOQ, or do you want to receive separate SOQ's per service submitted? If both haz mat and materials testing combined into ONE document is permissible, we would like to ask for a higher page count as 12 pages of 12 point type will make it a huge challenge to address all of the items required to show responsiveness.
Response: See Attachment
Question 6
Posted: 11/1/2021
Question: SOQ Content Requirements: Tab 1 - Cover Letter, letter E. ask the proposer to verify that they received a copy of the District's form of Hazardous Materials Assessment (Agreement) attached. Where can we find that agreement? Under the vendor registry the only Documents include: HazmatTestingInspection_RFQ_21 22 07_10.20.21_FINAL.pdf RFQP 21 22_07 Form packet.pdf 2021Oct26-001119-RFQP 21 22_07 Form packet.pdf TEMPLATE - Team Experience - Updated 8.10.21.docx 07.pdf None of these forms include an Agreement.
Response: See Attachment
Question 7
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Good morning. Ninyo & Moore is preparing our response to this RFP, and we notice that Agreement (contract) is missing from the RFP. Can the District please provide a copy for review? Thank you!
Response: See Attachment
Question 8
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: pg 14- state if firm is proposing on Hazmat, Testing & Inspection, or both. Confirming we can propose on one scope OR both scopes.
Response: See Attachment
Question 9
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The question about splitting the RFQ up into two different submittals (Haz Mat vs. Specialty Testing) came up several times. When does the District expect to make that decision? The timing of that decision impacts teaming; do you foresee making that decision and sharing it with prospective bidders well in advance of the current deadline to respond to questions the Friday before the SOQs are due?
Response: See Attachment
Question 10
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The question about splitting the RFQ up into two different submittals (Haz Mat vs. Specialty Testing) came up several times. When does the District expect to make that decision? The timing of that decision impacts teaming; do you foresee making that decision and sharing it with prospective bidders well in advance of the current deadline to respond to questions the Friday before the SOQs are due?
Response: See Attachment
Question 11
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Project Labor Agreement- Operating Engineers Local 3 (OE3) signed on to the Peralta CCD PLA in 2009 and there is a 2014 side letter on the District website: Please confirm this PLA is in place for projects under this RFQ.
Response: See Attachment
Question 12
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Please advise if Tab 6-Litigation History and Tab 8 - Authorized Signature count toward the 12-page limit. We hope that if we have no litigation history and provide a statement as such and provide all signed statements and signatures as requested, these sections would not count toward the 12-page limit for company and staff qualifications.
Response: See Attachment
Question 13
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Regarding the pending sample agreement: May we submit any comments in response to the sample agreement as an appendix that is not included in the overall page count?
Response: See Attachment
Question 14
Posted: 11/2/2021
Response: See Attachment
Question 15
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Please confirm that respondents must provide both Hazmat AND (not OR) Construction Materials testing even though the RFP on page 1 it says "provide full Hazardous Material Assessment services AND/OR Testing & Inspection".
Response: See Attachment
Question 16
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: If a firm submits as a JV, what JV documentation will the district require?
Response: See Attachment
Question 17
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Given the amount of questions and uncertainty of the extent of the scope, may we request a 1 week extension for the due date of our responses?
Response: See Attachment
Question 18
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The RFQ asks us to describe how our firm has incorporated the use of energy savings in design and our experience with sustainable design, LEED and CHPS in the context of similar facilities. This seems more applicable to a design-firm. Is this question relevant to this RFQ ?
Response: See Attachment
Question 19
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The RFQ asks us to describe our experience with lease/lease-back projects. This seems more applicable to construction services, and is not typically applicable to special inspections and or hazmat services. Is this question relevant to this RFQ ?
Response: See Attachment
Question 20
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The RFP asks us to describe our experience with the Project Commissioning process. This seems inapplicable to the requested scopes of services. Please clarify.
Response: See Attachment
Question 21
Posted: 11/3/2021
Question: The RFQ asks us to describe our experience with pre-checked designs, giving specific project details. This seems more applicable to a design-firm. Is this question relevant to this RFQ ?
Response: See Attachment
Question 22
Posted: 11/3/2021
Question: If we are not a SLBE/SELBE we required to include subconsultant SLBE/SELBE firms?
Response: See Attachment
Question 23
Posted: 11/3/2021
Response: See Attachment
Question 24
Posted: 11/3/2021
Response: See Attachment
Question 25
Posted: 11/3/2021
Question: 5 Questions Noted Below: Page 8 – Please define ‘relatively short notice’. Page 10 – Please expand upon the mention of lab tests for roofing and plumbing inspections. Page 14 – Is there negotiation of language in the professional services agreement? Page 16 j – ‘Experience with lease – lease back projects’ - Can you please expand how this type of experience would be important to this contract? Page 16 n – ‘Experience with the project commissioning process’ – Can you please expand how this would relate to this contract? Are you referring to the ability of the firm to close out projects through DSA?
Response: See Attachment
Question 26
Posted: 11/3/2021
Question: - Can header and footer font be smaller than 12 pt? - Should text in captions, graphics, and tables be 12 pt font as well or can it be smaller? - Tab 4, RELEVANT K-14 PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES, project information and references, and the Matrix for Tab 5, HAZMAT AND T & I TEAM SUMMARY AND QUALIFICATIONS appear to request duplicate information. Please clarify: o In the Team Experience Matrix, is it the intention of the District to only have six staff featured or should we expand the table, as appropriate, to include additional staff? o In the Team Experience Matrix, Past Project Experience, are these to be firm project experience? Are these examples in addition to those required under Tab 4 or should the project experience described under Tab 4, item e.v., be included in Tab 5 in the Matrix? As written, it appears as if project experience should be included under Tab 4 and Tab 5 but this does not align with the 12-page limit of the package. o In the Team Experience Matrix, Owner/Client Reference – are these references in addition to the references requested under Tab 4 or are they specific to an individual team member or should the firm references under Tab 4 be included in the Tab 5 Team Experience Matrix? Duplicating the information in both tabs would not align with the 12-page limit of the package. o Should the Team Experience Matrix be included under Tab 5 or under Tab 10? Does the Team Experience Matrix count against the page limit? - How many total project examples are required for Tab 4 (and possibly Tab 5 depending on the response to previous questions)? - How many references are required for each team member’s resume in Tab 5?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/12/2021
Type of Addition: Addendum 1
Deadline: 11/30/2021 2:00 PM
Solicitation #: RFQ 21-22/07
Posted: 10/28/2021
Question: Good Morning BuildPeralta Team! Can we please get a copy to review of (1) the District's Professional Services Agreement, as well as (2) the Insurance Requirements specific to this contract? I will noodle around to see if I can find it on the BuildPeralta website, though I don't see it posted on the portal specific to this contract. Thank you!
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 10/29/2021
Question: Is there a Project Labor Agreement which would be applicable to the Quality Assurance materials testing and inspection services part of the procurement's scope?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 10/29/2021
Question: If my math is correct, when I add up the number of referenced projects that you would like the submitters to show = it equals 20/22 projects. Can these be overlapping projects, or maybe it is ok to show the same project but a different reference, or would the District like to see different projects and references for each submitted?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 10/29/2021
Question: Can a firm be a prime on one team and then a sub on a different team, and vice versa?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 10/29/2021
Question: If we are submitting for both haz mat AND materials testing services, does the District wish to see both services combined into one SOQ, or do you want to receive separate SOQ's per service submitted? If both haz mat and materials testing combined into ONE document is permissible, we would like to ask for a higher page count as 12 pages of 12 point type will make it a huge challenge to address all of the items required to show responsiveness.
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/1/2021
Question: SOQ Content Requirements: Tab 1 - Cover Letter, letter E. ask the proposer to verify that they received a copy of the District's form of Hazardous Materials Assessment (Agreement) attached. Where can we find that agreement? Under the vendor registry the only Documents include: HazmatTestingInspection_RFQ_21 22 07_10.20.21_FINAL.pdf RFQP 21 22_07 Form packet.pdf 2021Oct26-001119-RFQP 21 22_07 Form packet.pdf TEMPLATE - Team Experience - Updated 8.10.21.docx 07.pdf None of these forms include an Agreement.
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Good morning. Ninyo & Moore is preparing our response to this RFP, and we notice that Agreement (contract) is missing from the RFP. Can the District please provide a copy for review? Thank you!
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: pg 14- state if firm is proposing on Hazmat, Testing & Inspection, or both. Confirming we can propose on one scope OR both scopes.
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The question about splitting the RFQ up into two different submittals (Haz Mat vs. Specialty Testing) came up several times. When does the District expect to make that decision? The timing of that decision impacts teaming; do you foresee making that decision and sharing it with prospective bidders well in advance of the current deadline to respond to questions the Friday before the SOQs are due?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The question about splitting the RFQ up into two different submittals (Haz Mat vs. Specialty Testing) came up several times. When does the District expect to make that decision? The timing of that decision impacts teaming; do you foresee making that decision and sharing it with prospective bidders well in advance of the current deadline to respond to questions the Friday before the SOQs are due?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Project Labor Agreement- Operating Engineers Local 3 (OE3) signed on to the Peralta CCD PLA in 2009 and there is a 2014 side letter on the District website: Please confirm this PLA is in place for projects under this RFQ.
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Please advise if Tab 6-Litigation History and Tab 8 - Authorized Signature count toward the 12-page limit. We hope that if we have no litigation history and provide a statement as such and provide all signed statements and signatures as requested, these sections would not count toward the 12-page limit for company and staff qualifications.
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Regarding the pending sample agreement: May we submit any comments in response to the sample agreement as an appendix that is not included in the overall page count?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Please confirm that respondents must provide both Hazmat AND (not OR) Construction Materials testing even though the RFP on page 1 it says "provide full Hazardous Material Assessment services AND/OR Testing & Inspection".
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: If a firm submits as a JV, what JV documentation will the district require?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: Given the amount of questions and uncertainty of the extent of the scope, may we request a 1 week extension for the due date of our responses?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The RFQ asks us to describe how our firm has incorporated the use of energy savings in design and our experience with sustainable design, LEED and CHPS in the context of similar facilities. This seems more applicable to a design-firm. Is this question relevant to this RFQ ?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The RFQ asks us to describe our experience with lease/lease-back projects. This seems more applicable to construction services, and is not typically applicable to special inspections and or hazmat services. Is this question relevant to this RFQ ?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/2/2021
Question: The RFP asks us to describe our experience with the Project Commissioning process. This seems inapplicable to the requested scopes of services. Please clarify.
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/3/2021
Question: The RFQ asks us to describe our experience with pre-checked designs, giving specific project details. This seems more applicable to a design-firm. Is this question relevant to this RFQ ?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/3/2021
Question: If we are not a SLBE/SELBE we required to include subconsultant SLBE/SELBE firms?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/3/2021
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/3/2021
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/3/2021
Question: 5 Questions Noted Below: Page 8 – Please define ‘relatively short notice’. Page 10 – Please expand upon the mention of lab tests for roofing and plumbing inspections. Page 14 – Is there negotiation of language in the professional services agreement? Page 16 j – ‘Experience with lease – lease back projects’ - Can you please expand how this type of experience would be important to this contract? Page 16 n – ‘Experience with the project commissioning process’ – Can you please expand how this would relate to this contract? Are you referring to the ability of the firm to close out projects through DSA?
Response: See Attachment
Posted: 11/3/2021
Question: - Can header and footer font be smaller than 12 pt? - Should text in captions, graphics, and tables be 12 pt font as well or can it be smaller? - Tab 4, RELEVANT K-14 PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES, project information and references, and the Matrix for Tab 5, HAZMAT AND T & I TEAM SUMMARY AND QUALIFICATIONS appear to request duplicate information. Please clarify: o In the Team Experience Matrix, is it the intention of the District to only have six staff featured or should we expand the table, as appropriate, to include additional staff? o In the Team Experience Matrix, Past Project Experience, are these to be firm project experience? Are these examples in addition to those required under Tab 4 or should the project experience described under Tab 4, item e.v., be included in Tab 5 in the Matrix? As written, it appears as if project experience should be included under Tab 4 and Tab 5 but this does not align with the 12-page limit of the package. o In the Team Experience Matrix, Owner/Client Reference – are these references in addition to the references requested under Tab 4 or are they specific to an individual team member or should the firm references under Tab 4 be included in the Tab 5 Team Experience Matrix? Duplicating the information in both tabs would not align with the 12-page limit of the package. o Should the Team Experience Matrix be included under Tab 5 or under Tab 10? Does the Team Experience Matrix count against the page limit? - How many total project examples are required for Tab 4 (and possibly Tab 5 depending on the response to previous questions)? - How many references are required for each team member’s resume in Tab 5?
Response: See Attachment