Town of Bluffton Sealed Solicitation

Title: Historic Resource Survey Update RFP

Deadline: 3/6/2025 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: In Review

Solicitation Number: 2025-46

Description: The Town of Bluffton, South Carolina (Town) is seeking proposals from interested and qualified firms with past, proven, positive experiences in providing historic resources surveys, including researching, interviewing, and writing justification under the South Carolina Department of Archives and History standards under a fixed price contract. This will be an update to two prior surveys. The target start date for performing these services is May, 2025.


Documents as of 2/13/2025
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Date Company Name
2/13/2025 11:02:00 AM envirobidnet
2/13/2025 10:41:34 PM PWXPress
2/14/2025 7:03:01 AM SevenOutsource
2/16/2025 11:55:42 PM School Wholesale Supplies LLC
2/17/2025 7:40:08 AM SLCstudios
2/17/2025 9:18:52 AM Richard Grubb and Associates, Inc.
2/17/2025 11:49:49 AM Terracon
2/17/2025 10:40:31 PM IMS
2/18/2025 10:56:53 AM S&ME Inc
2/18/2025 11:16:38 AM S&ME, Inc.
2/18/2025 11:42:50 AM Nandina Inc.
2/18/2025 2:08:55 PM Colliers Engineering & Design
2/18/2025 7:38:23 PM Edwards-Pitman
2/19/2025 6:34:10 AM Terracon
2/19/2025 8:38:00 AM Axias
2/19/2025 11:40:18 AM Ayuda Companies
2/19/2025 5:48:12 PM Bowman Consulting Group Ltd
2/24/2025 10:02:52 AM TerraXplorations, Inc.
2/27/2025 2:51:42 PM Eocene Environmental Group
2/28/2025 1:28:53 PM Brockington and Associates, Inc.
2/28/2025 9:00:03 PM AG Ltd
3/1/2025 6:59:27 AM Incircle Architecture
3/3/2025 7:42:59 AM PaleoWest, LLC
3/3/2025 9:20:42 AM Stantec
3/3/2025 2:20:21 PM WLA Studio
3/3/2025 5:12:20 PM SWCA, Incorporated
3/3/2025 11:46:04 PM Help for Small Museums
3/4/2025 12:03:11 PM Ethos Preservation
3/5/2025 11:17:49 AM Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
3/5/2025 3:03:39 PM Loggia Preservation
3/6/2025 5:24:33 AM Deltek
3/6/2025 9:22:39 AM New South Associates, Inc.
Addition 1

Posted: 2/28/2025

Type of Addition: Addendum 1

Overview: Question and Answer.


Addition 2

Posted: 3/12/2025

Type of Addition: In Review

Posted: 2/28/2025

Type of Addition: Addendum 1

Overview: Question and Answer.


Posted: 3/12/2025

Type of Addition: In Review