City of Alamogordo Sealed Solicitation

Title: Virtual Computer Servers

Deadline: 9/18/2019 2:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: IFB 2019-03

Description: The City of Alamogordo is interested in receiving sealed bids for "IFB 2019-03 Virtual Computer Servers" in accordance with the bid specifications.


Documents as of 8/14/2019
IFB 2019-03 Virtual Computer Servers.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 9/3/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum #1

Overview: Addendum Number 1 is issued to provide changes and/or clarifications to questions asked on the above referenced bid.  Changes and/or clarifications to the questions.

Deadline: 9/18/2019 2:00 PM

Solicitation #: IFB 2019-04


Addition 2

Posted: 9/15/2021

Type of Addition: Award Information IFB 2019-03 Virtual Computer Server

Overview: City of Alamogordo has awarded above referenced project to Ace Computers. Bid amount under 60K. Did not require Commission approval

Amount: $44,970.00


Posted: 9/3/2019

Type of Addition: Addendum #1

Overview: Addendum Number 1 is issued to provide changes and/or clarifications to questions asked on the above referenced bid.  Changes and/or clarifications to the questions.

Deadline: 9/18/2019 2:00 PM

Solicitation #: IFB 2019-04


Posted: 9/15/2021

Type of Addition: Award Information IFB 2019-03 Virtual Computer Server

Overview: City of Alamogordo has awarded above referenced project to Ace Computers. Bid amount under 60K. Did not require Commission approval

Amount: $44,970.00
