City of Avondale Sealed Solicitation

Title: Traffic and Street Light Supplies

Deadline: 9/30/2021 5:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Arizona

Status: Cancelled

Solicitation Number: EN 21-025

Description: The purpose of this IFB is to secure a qualified Vendor(s) to provide the City with traffic and street light supplies (the “Materials”) as more particularly described in the Specifications/Price Sheet.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 7/13/2021 9:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Zoom Video Conference Meeting Details. Loretta Browning is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Pre-Bidder's Conference Time: Jul 13, 2021 09:00 AM Arizona Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 664 123 5408 Passcode: EN21-025 One tap mobile +16699009128,,6641235408# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,6641235408# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 664 123 5408 Find your local number:


Documents as of 7/1/2021
Traffic and Street Light Supplies Final l.pdf
How to respond to an online bid.pdf
IFB Instructions Checklist EN 21-025 Traffic and Street Light Supplies.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 7/16/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum 1 Questions and Answers

Overview: Addendum 1 to the IFB provides answers to vendor questions.  Addendum 2 is forthcoming.

Deadline: 7/29/2021 5:00 PM

Solicitation #: EN 21-025


Addition 2

Posted: 7/29/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Overview: Addendum 2 extends the Questions due date,  bid due date to September 30, 2021 and revises the Specifications and Price sheet.

Deadline: 9/30/2021 5:00 PM

Solicitation #: EN 21-025


Addition 3

Posted: 9/23/2021

Type of Addition: Notice of Cancellation

Overview: This notice is to inform all potential bidders that it has been determined to be in the best interest of the City to cancel this RFP, due to a significant amount of revisions to the requirements and specifications. The City may revise the requirements and/or specifications and issue a solicitation at a future date. Should a solicitation be issued, all documents will be available through the City’s Procurement solicitation webpage: Thank you, we appreciate your interest in doing business with the City of Avondale.


Question 1

Posted: 7/1/2021

Question: Since this project is a purchase-only, does section 2.B., 2.D, 2.G., be applicable?

Response: Please respond to those sections of the form with No or N/A as it applies to the question.

Question 2

Posted: 7/1/2021

Question: Since this project is a purchase-only, does section 2.B., 2.D, 2.G. of the substitution request form, be applicable?

Response: Please respond to those sections of the form with No or N/A as it applies to the question.

Question 3

Posted: 7/1/2021

Question: Can you clarify model item number 26, will the drive current of 525 be the same as item 25? 4000K CCT?

Response: Yes, the drive range is 525- 750.

Question 4

Posted: 7/7/2021

Question: On the price sheet, 50-63, 66, 67, 74-86 refer to "attached details" which are assumed to be spec sheets of these products. However, there were only 1 set of spec sheets attached to the RFP. Can the City provide all the other spec sheets referenced?

Response: I will issue a response after conferring with my team. Any additional specs that are added will be completed through the Addendum process.

Question 5

Posted: 7/7/2021

Question: Is it required to for the vendors to quote on all items? Can we skip or provide "no quote" any products?

Response: It is always in the City's best interest to secure the most competitive pricing and from an administrative perspective award the fewest contracts for the scope/specifications needed. For those reasons we prefer that the price sheet be completed comprehensively and if you do not offer the specific product mark the price sheet in EACH of those item(s) as No Bid. DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK.

Question 6

Posted: 7/9/2021

Question: What quantity needs to be quoted for Item #55?

Response: An Addendum to the price sheet will correct this. Please be on the lookout for the forthcoming Addendum 1.

Question 7

Posted: 7/9/2021

Question: Bid item #87: In reference to detail A1710, on note #10 on the spec it shows the location of the (4) knockouts on the short sides, but we would need to know the locations for the (6) knockouts called for on the long sides. Can you advise?

Response: I will have an answer to you momentarily.

Question 8

Posted: 7/14/2021

Question: Regarding tax calculations: Should the tax to be charged be included on the specific line item for the product? For instance, if item #1 is $1 with a tax rate of 9%, should we enter a price of $1.09 each? Or just enter $1 and add tax at time of invoice?

Response: Please provide pricing without taxes. The last section of the Price Sheet provides a place for you to provide the tax rate to be applied at the time of invoice.

Question 9

Posted: 7/15/2021

Question: Asking for extension on the Deadline for questions and request to extend deadline for bid. As of today, 7/15/21 we have not received any addendum or requested spec sheets. We might have further questions once spec sheets are received. Might need additional time to complete bid once spec sheets are received.

Response: The Addendum 1 will be posted 7/15/2021 which will provide responses to all questions received. Addendum 2 to revise the bid due date to July 29, 2021 and revise sections of the IFB and price sheet is forthcoming.

Posted: 7/16/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum 1 Questions and Answers

Overview: Addendum 1 to the IFB provides answers to vendor questions.  Addendum 2 is forthcoming.

Deadline: 7/29/2021 5:00 PM

Solicitation #: EN 21-025


Posted: 7/29/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum 2

Overview: Addendum 2 extends the Questions due date,  bid due date to September 30, 2021 and revises the Specifications and Price sheet.

Deadline: 9/30/2021 5:00 PM

Solicitation #: EN 21-025


Posted: 9/23/2021

Type of Addition: Notice of Cancellation

Overview: This notice is to inform all potential bidders that it has been determined to be in the best interest of the City to cancel this RFP, due to a significant amount of revisions to the requirements and specifications. The City may revise the requirements and/or specifications and issue a solicitation at a future date. Should a solicitation be issued, all documents will be available through the City’s Procurement solicitation webpage: Thank you, we appreciate your interest in doing business with the City of Avondale.


Posted: 7/1/2021

Question: Since this project is a purchase-only, does section 2.B., 2.D, 2.G., be applicable?

Response: Please respond to those sections of the form with No or N/A as it applies to the question.

Posted: 7/1/2021

Question: Since this project is a purchase-only, does section 2.B., 2.D, 2.G. of the substitution request form, be applicable?

Response: Please respond to those sections of the form with No or N/A as it applies to the question.

Posted: 7/1/2021

Question: Can you clarify model item number 26, will the drive current of 525 be the same as item 25? 4000K CCT?

Response: Yes, the drive range is 525- 750.

Posted: 7/7/2021

Question: On the price sheet, 50-63, 66, 67, 74-86 refer to "attached details" which are assumed to be spec sheets of these products. However, there were only 1 set of spec sheets attached to the RFP. Can the City provide all the other spec sheets referenced?

Response: I will issue a response after conferring with my team. Any additional specs that are added will be completed through the Addendum process.

Posted: 7/7/2021

Question: Is it required to for the vendors to quote on all items? Can we skip or provide "no quote" any products?

Response: It is always in the City's best interest to secure the most competitive pricing and from an administrative perspective award the fewest contracts for the scope/specifications needed. For those reasons we prefer that the price sheet be completed comprehensively and if you do not offer the specific product mark the price sheet in EACH of those item(s) as No Bid. DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK.

Posted: 7/9/2021

Question: What quantity needs to be quoted for Item #55?

Response: An Addendum to the price sheet will correct this. Please be on the lookout for the forthcoming Addendum 1.

Posted: 7/9/2021

Question: Bid item #87: In reference to detail A1710, on note #10 on the spec it shows the location of the (4) knockouts on the short sides, but we would need to know the locations for the (6) knockouts called for on the long sides. Can you advise?

Response: I will have an answer to you momentarily.

Posted: 7/14/2021

Question: Regarding tax calculations: Should the tax to be charged be included on the specific line item for the product? For instance, if item #1 is $1 with a tax rate of 9%, should we enter a price of $1.09 each? Or just enter $1 and add tax at time of invoice?

Response: Please provide pricing without taxes. The last section of the Price Sheet provides a place for you to provide the tax rate to be applied at the time of invoice.

Posted: 7/15/2021

Question: Asking for extension on the Deadline for questions and request to extend deadline for bid. As of today, 7/15/21 we have not received any addendum or requested spec sheets. We might have further questions once spec sheets are received. Might need additional time to complete bid once spec sheets are received.

Response: The Addendum 1 will be posted 7/15/2021 which will provide responses to all questions received. Addendum 2 to revise the bid due date to July 29, 2021 and revise sections of the IFB and price sheet is forthcoming.