City of Alamogordo Sealed Solicitation
Title: Alamogordo Fire Station 6 Addition
Deadline: 8/9/2023 2:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Solicitation Number: PW Bid 2023-003
Description: Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Alamogordo at 1376 E. Ninth Street, Alamogordo, New Mexico, 88310, Attn: Engineering Department for the construction of the Project known as "Alamogordo Fire Station 6 Addition”, Public Works Bid No. 2023-003. The Work will consist of an approximate 3,800 sf addition to Fire Station 6 including site preparation, concrete, asphalt paving, finishes, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical upgrades.
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 7/19/2023 10:00 AM
Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 10:00 am on July 19, 2023, in the Commission Chambers, 1376 E. Ninth Street, Alamogordo, New Mexico.
Documents as of 7/7/2023 |
Bid Package - PWB 2023 - 003.pdf |
Final Plans.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 8/2/2023
Type of Addition: Addendum #1
Overview: Addendum Number 01 is issued to provide changes and/or clarifications to the questions asked on the referenced bid. Date, Time, and Location of submitting this bid remains unchanged. All other provisions of the Contract Documents shall remain unchanged. This addendum is hereby made part of the Contract Documents to the same extent as though contained in the original documents and itemized listings thereof.
Solicitation #: PW Bid 2023-003
Addition 2
Posted: 9/29/2023
Type of Addition: All Bids rejected
Overview: It was determined on September 29, 2023 to reject all bid and reassess the project and go back out for bid.
Posted: 8/2/2023
Type of Addition: Addendum #1
Overview: Addendum Number 01 is issued to provide changes and/or clarifications to the questions asked on the referenced bid. Date, Time, and Location of submitting this bid remains unchanged. All other provisions of the Contract Documents shall remain unchanged. This addendum is hereby made part of the Contract Documents to the same extent as though contained in the original documents and itemized listings thereof.
Solicitation #: PW Bid 2023-003
Posted: 9/29/2023
Type of Addition: All Bids rejected
Overview: It was determined on September 29, 2023 to reject all bid and reassess the project and go back out for bid.