Jasper County Sealed Solicitation

Title: Church Road Drainage Improvements (CDBG No. 4-CI-20-010)

Deadline: 10/25/2021 11:00 AM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: Church Road Drainage Improvements

Description: Jasper County will accept sealed bids for Church Road Drainage Improvements until 11 A.M. Monday, October 25, 2021 at the Jasper County Government Building located at 358 Third Avenue, Ridgeland, SC  29936 or via Vendor Registry.  The bid opening will be held virtually. All bids should be addressed to Kim Burgess, Director of Administrative Services. 


Documents as of 10/14/2021
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Addition 1

Posted: 10/22/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum #1


See attached documents and the Zoom link included in this overview.  

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Meeting ID: 856 7559 5932
Passcode: 930990
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+19294362866,,85675595932# US (New York)
+13017158592,,85675595932# US (Washington DC)

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        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 856 7559 5932
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcDKgCqxOB


Deadline: 10/25/2021 11:00 AM

Solicitation #: 2021-1


Question 1

Posted: 9/23/2021

Question: Will the CAD file be provided for bidding?

Response: CAD files can be obtained from Thomas & Hutton upon request.

Question 2

Posted: 10/8/2021

Question: After initially reviewing the Specs/Plans for the project we have some questions (5) 1) Can you confirm that all Testing will be paid for by the Contractor and not the County? 2) Are Contractors required to Purchase Specs/Plans from Thomas and Hutton in order to be eligible to bid on this project? 3) Are all questions to be submitted directly to the Engineer or on the Jasper County site? 4) How will addendums for this project be issued; via email or via Jasper County Site? 5) The specs reference usage of DBE/WBE/SBE/MBE - is there a Required Percentage? Thank you

Response: QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS: A. QUESTIONS: Question 1: Can you confirm that all Testing will be paid for by the Contractor and not the County? Answer: All testing will be paid for by the contractor. Question 2: Are Contractors required to Purchase Specs/Plans from Thomas and Hutton in order to be eligible to bid on this project? Answer: Contractors are not required to purchase plans or specs from Thomas & Hutton to be eligible to bid on the project. Question 3: Are all questions to be submitted directly to the Engineer or on the Jasper County site? Answer: Questions must be submitted through the Vendor Registry site. Question 4: How will addendums for this project be issued; via email or via Jasper County Site? Answer: Addendums will be issued through the Vender Registry site. Question 5: The specs reference usage of DBE/WBE/SBE/MBE - is there a Required Percentage? Answer: DBE/WBE/SBE/MBE participation is highly encouraged but is not required. Question 6: Can the CAD files be made available for bidding? Answer: CAD files can be obtained from Thomas & Hutton upon request. THOMAS & HUTTON Jennifer A. Roach, PE Project Manager

Question 3

Posted: 10/15/2021

Question: 1) What type of material is to be used for "In Kind Material Driveway" (crusher run, milling, etc). Is this the equivalent of what the SCDOT calls maintenance stone? If it is maintenance stone, typically paid by the ton. 2) Do you anticipate any clearing & grubbing and / or tree pruning to install the storm lines. There is no pay item for this. I have not visited the site, but it appears that some clearing & tree limbing will be required to install the storm drainage pipe. 3) Please provide CAD file to Jackerman@JRWilsonConstruction.com. 4) Due to the depth and size of some of the storm drainage pipe, it appears there will be conflicts with some (or all) of the existing utilities. What conversations have the owner / design team had with the utility providers. Are they on board to relocate there lines if necessary? It is our experience that road projects that don't have SCDOT involvement, the utility providers are reluctant to relocate there lines. This can add a significant amount of time to the overall project duration. 5) Please provide clarification on why you are requiring asphalt pavement & flowable fill replacement the entire length of the project at 2' on both sides of the road, when most of the pipe is going to be installed well off of the edge of pavement. There is no new pipe installation on the south side of Church road except the waterline relocation which is being relocated behind the new sidewalk. 6) Will there be any CSX rail road involvement? Are we required to carry any special railroad protective liability insurance? Are CSX flaggers be needed?

Response: See Addendum #1

Question 4

Posted: 10/18/2021

Question: Is the Bidders Qualification SECTION 01 45 13 required to be submitted with our bid package or will the low bidder only be required to submit this information?

Response: See addendum #1

Question 5

Posted: 10/19/2021

Question: Could you please provide detail/typical section on the full depth patching?

Response: See addendum #1

Question 6

Posted: 10/20/2021

Question: Are bids to be Submitted via "Hard Copy" or online via Vendor Registry for Jasper County? The documents state "will accept sealed bids for Church Road Drainage Improvements until 11 A.M. Monday, October 25, 2021 at the Jasper County Government Building located at 358 Third Avenue, Ridgeland, SC 29936 or via Vendor Registry", but the bid opening will be held virtually. All bids should be addressed to Kim Burgess, Director of Administrative Services. Can you please clarify how Bid must be submitted? Also, how will the Virtual Bid invites be provided ?

Response: Bids may be submitted in print form and delivered to the Jasper County Government Building at 358 Third Avenue, Ridgeland, SC 29936 or mailed to Kimberly Burgess, Jasper County, P O Box 1149, Ridgeland, SC 29936. Bids may also be submitted online via Vendor Registry. The bid opening will be held virtually via Zoom. The Zoom link is included in Addendum #1.

Posted: 10/22/2021

Type of Addition: Addendum #1


See attached documents and the Zoom link included in this overview.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 856 7559 5932
Passcode: 930990
One tap mobile
+19294362866,,85675595932# US (New York)
+13017158592,,85675595932# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 856 7559 5932
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcDKgCqxOB


Deadline: 10/25/2021 11:00 AM

Solicitation #: 2021-1


Posted: 9/23/2021

Question: Will the CAD file be provided for bidding?

Response: CAD files can be obtained from Thomas & Hutton upon request.

Posted: 10/8/2021

Question: After initially reviewing the Specs/Plans for the project we have some questions (5) 1) Can you confirm that all Testing will be paid for by the Contractor and not the County? 2) Are Contractors required to Purchase Specs/Plans from Thomas and Hutton in order to be eligible to bid on this project? 3) Are all questions to be submitted directly to the Engineer or on the Jasper County site? 4) How will addendums for this project be issued; via email or via Jasper County Site? 5) The specs reference usage of DBE/WBE/SBE/MBE - is there a Required Percentage? Thank you

Response: QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS: A. QUESTIONS: Question 1: Can you confirm that all Testing will be paid for by the Contractor and not the County? Answer: All testing will be paid for by the contractor. Question 2: Are Contractors required to Purchase Specs/Plans from Thomas and Hutton in order to be eligible to bid on this project? Answer: Contractors are not required to purchase plans or specs from Thomas & Hutton to be eligible to bid on the project. Question 3: Are all questions to be submitted directly to the Engineer or on the Jasper County site? Answer: Questions must be submitted through the Vendor Registry site. Question 4: How will addendums for this project be issued; via email or via Jasper County Site? Answer: Addendums will be issued through the Vender Registry site. Question 5: The specs reference usage of DBE/WBE/SBE/MBE - is there a Required Percentage? Answer: DBE/WBE/SBE/MBE participation is highly encouraged but is not required. Question 6: Can the CAD files be made available for bidding? Answer: CAD files can be obtained from Thomas & Hutton upon request. THOMAS & HUTTON Jennifer A. Roach, PE Project Manager

Posted: 10/15/2021

Question: 1) What type of material is to be used for "In Kind Material Driveway" (crusher run, milling, etc). Is this the equivalent of what the SCDOT calls maintenance stone? If it is maintenance stone, typically paid by the ton. 2) Do you anticipate any clearing & grubbing and / or tree pruning to install the storm lines. There is no pay item for this. I have not visited the site, but it appears that some clearing & tree limbing will be required to install the storm drainage pipe. 3) Please provide CAD file to Jackerman@JRWilsonConstruction.com. 4) Due to the depth and size of some of the storm drainage pipe, it appears there will be conflicts with some (or all) of the existing utilities. What conversations have the owner / design team had with the utility providers. Are they on board to relocate there lines if necessary? It is our experience that road projects that don't have SCDOT involvement, the utility providers are reluctant to relocate there lines. This can add a significant amount of time to the overall project duration. 5) Please provide clarification on why you are requiring asphalt pavement & flowable fill replacement the entire length of the project at 2' on both sides of the road, when most of the pipe is going to be installed well off of the edge of pavement. There is no new pipe installation on the south side of Church road except the waterline relocation which is being relocated behind the new sidewalk. 6) Will there be any CSX rail road involvement? Are we required to carry any special railroad protective liability insurance? Are CSX flaggers be needed?

Response: See Addendum #1

Posted: 10/18/2021

Question: Is the Bidders Qualification SECTION 01 45 13 required to be submitted with our bid package or will the low bidder only be required to submit this information?

Response: See addendum #1

Posted: 10/19/2021

Question: Could you please provide detail/typical section on the full depth patching?

Response: See addendum #1

Posted: 10/20/2021

Question: Are bids to be Submitted via "Hard Copy" or online via Vendor Registry for Jasper County? The documents state "will accept sealed bids for Church Road Drainage Improvements until 11 A.M. Monday, October 25, 2021 at the Jasper County Government Building located at 358 Third Avenue, Ridgeland, SC 29936 or via Vendor Registry", but the bid opening will be held virtually. All bids should be addressed to Kim Burgess, Director of Administrative Services. Can you please clarify how Bid must be submitted? Also, how will the Virtual Bid invites be provided ?

Response: Bids may be submitted in print form and delivered to the Jasper County Government Building at 358 Third Avenue, Ridgeland, SC 29936 or mailed to Kimberly Burgess, Jasper County, P O Box 1149, Ridgeland, SC 29936. Bids may also be submitted online via Vendor Registry. The bid opening will be held virtually via Zoom. The Zoom link is included in Addendum #1.