City of Avondale Sealed Solicitation

Title: Sports Officiating Services

Deadline: 6/9/2022 5:00 PM   (UTC-07:00) Arizona

Status: In Review

Solicitation Number: RFP PR22-068.2

Description: The City of Avondale is issuing this Request For Proposals seeking proposals from qualified, licensed firms interested in providing professional services consisting of any combination of indoor or outdoor, and adult or youth sports Officiating services for sports games, including but not limited to adult slow-pitch Softball; basketball, soccer, and volleyball as described in the Scope of Work. The City reserves the right to award one (1) primary contract and one (1) secondary contract for each Sports Category. 

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 5/25/2022 9:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting.Topic: Pre-Submittal Conference RFP PR 22-068.2 Sports Officiating Services Time: May 25, 2022 09:00 AM Arizona Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 878 7240 1708 Passcode: 478788 One tap mobile +17207072699,,87872401708# US (Denver) +12532158782,,87872401708# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 878 7240 1708 Find your local number:


Documents as of 5/18/2022
RFP PR 22-068.2 Sports Officiating Services final.pdf
How to respond to an online bid.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 6/8/2022

Type of Addition: Addendum 1 Questions and Answers

Overview: Addendum 1. modifies section 16. of the Scope of Work. There are zero (0) changes impacting the solicitation Due Date or schedule.

Deadline: 6/9/2022 5:00 PM

Solicitation #: RFP PR 22-068.2


Addition 2

Posted: 6/24/2022

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: A proposal was received from Campbell Sports.

Question 1

Posted: 5/25/2022

Question: CITY OF AVONDALE SUMMARY OF OFFICIATING SERVICES VIOLATIONS AND FINES Included herein is a list of fines that may be assessed to the Contractor if not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. All final fines shall be assessed at the discretion of the City. City reserves the right to use its discretion and amend/alter these fines as applicable. Description/Violation Type Fine Notes: I. Staff and Scheduling Not in Proper Uniform or On Scheduled Time 15 minutes after the start time For each offense, the Contractor will be compensated for only ½ of the Game Fee. 1st Offense N/A For each offense, the Contractor will be compensated for only ½ of the Game Fee. 2nd Offense N/A For each offense, the Contractor will be compensated for only ½ of the Game Fee 3rd Offense $20.00 per game/match For each offense, the Contractor will be compensated for only ½ of the Game Fee. On the 3rd Offense, a Cure letter will be issued to the Contractor and a $20.00 per game fine will be deducted from the Contractor’s invoice.... Are you talking about $20 per game(i.e. official has 4 games on a particular night and will be fined $20 per game? Also in one spot it states official shall arrive 10 minutes early, another spot states 15.

Response: Clarification: 3rd Offense is $20.00 per game/match. This means that on the 3rd Offense, if there are 4 games on the schedule that same day, and the Official is late by more than 15 minutes it is 1 occurrence for that day. The Contractor will be fined $20. per game (for that same Offense/Occurrence). Section 8.1.2 States that Officials are expected to be on site 10 minutes prior to game start time. Section 8.2 is stating that Contractor will not be compensated for services if the Official(s) arrive more than 15 minutes after the scheduled game start time.

Question 2

Posted: 5/27/2022

Question: I received an answer to my previous question regarding the $20 fine. While I understand what you are trying to say, that is not what the document says. The reference states $20 per game. It should not include the reference "per game" and should just read that a $20 fine will be assessed and deducted from the invoice.

Response: Clarification: This is stated correctly as-is. For example, if there are multiple games scheduled that day and the Official is not present/tardy, for 2 of the 3 games, this is considered an individual occurrence. However, because the City would have to staff the game a fee of $20. PER GAME WILL IMPOSED on the vendor.

Question 3

Posted: 5/27/2022

Question: Additionally 16. Fines and Fees for Non-Performance or Misconduct. Fines or fees may be assessed by the contractor. Should this not read "Fines or fees may be assessed by the ("City")" or " Fines or fees may be assessed ("on") the contractor." Thanks for your assistance.

Response: Clarification: Fines may be IMPOSED to the contractor. (This error was due to a grammar auto-correction and will be corrected in the final contract.)

Posted: 6/8/2022

Type of Addition: Addendum 1 Questions and Answers

Overview: Addendum 1. modifies section 16. of the Scope of Work. There are zero (0) changes impacting the solicitation Due Date or schedule.

Deadline: 6/9/2022 5:00 PM

Solicitation #: RFP PR 22-068.2


Posted: 6/24/2022

Type of Addition: In Review

Overview: A proposal was received from Campbell Sports.

Posted: 5/25/2022

Question: CITY OF AVONDALE SUMMARY OF OFFICIATING SERVICES VIOLATIONS AND FINES Included herein is a list of fines that may be assessed to the Contractor if not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. All final fines shall be assessed at the discretion of the City. City reserves the right to use its discretion and amend/alter these fines as applicable. Description/Violation Type Fine Notes: I. Staff and Scheduling Not in Proper Uniform or On Scheduled Time 15 minutes after the start time For each offense, the Contractor will be compensated for only ½ of the Game Fee. 1st Offense N/A For each offense, the Contractor will be compensated for only ½ of the Game Fee. 2nd Offense N/A For each offense, the Contractor will be compensated for only ½ of the Game Fee 3rd Offense $20.00 per game/match For each offense, the Contractor will be compensated for only ½ of the Game Fee. On the 3rd Offense, a Cure letter will be issued to the Contractor and a $20.00 per game fine will be deducted from the Contractor’s invoice.... Are you talking about $20 per game(i.e. official has 4 games on a particular night and will be fined $20 per game? Also in one spot it states official shall arrive 10 minutes early, another spot states 15.

Response: Clarification: 3rd Offense is $20.00 per game/match. This means that on the 3rd Offense, if there are 4 games on the schedule that same day, and the Official is late by more than 15 minutes it is 1 occurrence for that day. The Contractor will be fined $20. per game (for that same Offense/Occurrence). Section 8.1.2 States that Officials are expected to be on site 10 minutes prior to game start time. Section 8.2 is stating that Contractor will not be compensated for services if the Official(s) arrive more than 15 minutes after the scheduled game start time.

Posted: 5/27/2022

Question: I received an answer to my previous question regarding the $20 fine. While I understand what you are trying to say, that is not what the document says. The reference states $20 per game. It should not include the reference "per game" and should just read that a $20 fine will be assessed and deducted from the invoice.

Response: Clarification: This is stated correctly as-is. For example, if there are multiple games scheduled that day and the Official is not present/tardy, for 2 of the 3 games, this is considered an individual occurrence. However, because the City would have to staff the game a fee of $20. PER GAME WILL IMPOSED on the vendor.

Posted: 5/27/2022

Question: Additionally 16. Fines and Fees for Non-Performance or Misconduct. Fines or fees may be assessed by the contractor. Should this not read "Fines or fees may be assessed by the ("City")" or " Fines or fees may be assessed ("on") the contractor." Thanks for your assistance.

Response: Clarification: Fines may be IMPOSED to the contractor. (This error was due to a grammar auto-correction and will be corrected in the final contract.)