City of Forest Hills Sealed Solicitation

Title: PW 2022-04 Kingsbury Dr - Old Hickory Blvd Entry Improvements

Deadline: 10/20/2022 10:00 AM   (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


Solicitation Number: PW 2022-08 Kingsbury Dr - Old Hickory Blvd Entry Improvements

The City of Forest Hills will accept bids for PW 2022-08 Kingsbury - Old Hickory Blvd Entry
Improvements. Bids will be received via electronic submission by the City of Forest Hills Office
on or before Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. CST, at which `me the bids will be
publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received aher that `me will not be considered.
Bids must be received by the City of Forest Hills Office on or before Thursday, October 20, 2022
at 10:00 A.M. CST (Bids received aher that `me will not be considered), at which `me the bids
will be publicly opened and read aloud.
SUBMIT BID via electronic submission using the City of Forest Hills Vendor Registry link.
Vendor Registry Link:
All bids must be made on the forms included in this solicita`on. All bids must be signed.
Unsigned bid forms or bid proposals will not be considered. The City will not accept faxed,
mailed, hand delivered, or emailed.
Bid submijals must be received and acknowledged by the City of Forest Hills on or before
Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. CST. Bids received aher the closing `me will not be
accepted and will be returned to the bidder unopened.
All bidders must sa`sfy themselves by personal examina`on of the loca`ons of the proposed
work, by examina`on of the Specifica`ons and requirements of the work and the accuracy of
the es`mate of the quan``es of the work to be done, and shall not at any `me aher the
submission of a bid dispute or complain of such es`mate nor assert that there was any
misunderstanding in regard to the nature or amount of work to be done. The City shall not be
responsible for bidders’ errors and misjudgments, nor any informa`on on local condi`ons or
general laws and regula`ons.
The Documents and Specifica`ons contain the provisions required for the construc`on of the
project. No informa`on obtained from any officer, agent, or employee of the City on any such
majers shall in any way affect the risk or obliga`on assumed by the Contractor or relieve
Contractor from fulfilling any of the condi`ons of the contract.
A Bid Bond in a commercially standard form from a Surety Company acceptable to the City,
payable to the City of Forest Hills with power of ajorney must accompany each bid for ten (10)
percent of the total amount of the Base Bid. As soon as the bid prices have been compared, the
City will return the Bid Bond of all except the three lowest responsible bidders. When the
contract is awarded, the bonds of the unsuccessful bidder(s) will be returned.
Proposals which are incomplete, unbalanced, condi`onal or obscure or which contain addi`ons
not called for, erasures, altera`ons or irregulari`es of any kind or which do not comply with the
INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS may be rejected at the op`on of the City. The City reserves the
right to reject any and all bids or to accept any bid. The City of Forest Hills may cancel this bid.
The City reserves the right to award the contract to mul`ple qualified bidders if the City
determines that such awards are in the best interest of the City.
A bidder may withdraw any proposal he has submi7ed at any 8me prior to the hour set for the
closing of the bids provided the request for withdrawal is signed in a manner iden8cal with the
proposal being withdrawn. No withdrawal or modifica8on will be permi7ed for 30 days aCer
the hour and date designated for opening the bids.
The included PROPOSAL BID TABULATION FORM lists the various divisions of construc`on
contemplated in the Specifica`ons, together with an es`mate of the units of each. With these
units as the basis, the bidder will extend each item, using the cost he inserts in the unit column.
Any total cost found inconsistent with the unit cost when the bids are examined will be deemed
in error and corrected to agree with the unit cost that shall be considered correct.
The Bidder agrees to maintain a cumula`ve total of quan``es of work installed and work
remaining to be performed and shall take all precau`ons as necessary to prevent installa`on of
quan``es with total values exceeding the contract price. The Bidder also agrees that under no
circumstances will he be paid any sum in excess of the contract price without the execu`on of a
contract change order.
Ques)ons and Explana)ons
All ques`ons or explana`ons requested by Bidders shall be submiaed in wri)ng to the City
Manager in ample `me to permit considera`on before the bid date. Necessary replies will be
issued to all bidders or record as Addenda and receipt thereof shall be acknowledged on the
proposal. Bidders shall check with the City prior to bid opening to secure any Addenda that may
affect bidding. Oral instruc`ons will not be given and do not form a part of the Bidding
Project is a Unit Price Contract based on prices stated on PROPOSAL BID TABULATION FORM.
Contractor will be paid based on quan``es installed and measured based on these unit prices.
All bid proposals must include the following (complete and signed):
1. Proposal Signature Page
2. Addendum Acknowledgement
3. Drug Free Workplace Affidavit
4. Iran Divestment Act Affidavit
5. Bidder Qualifica)ons and References
6. Bid Bond
7. Proposal Bid Tabula)on Form
Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated Title 62, Chapter 6, Part 1, it is necessary for bidders to
provide evidence of compliance with the applicable provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated
Title 62-6-119 before any bid can be considered.
The successful bidder must provide the following, each of which shall be in accordance with the
contract documents:
1. Cer`ficate of Insurance naming the City of Forest Hills addi`onally insured with any
exclusions listed, including
• General Liability
• Worker’s Comp
• Auto Insurance
2. Proof of Worker’s Comp for all Subcontractors
3. Bid Bond for 10% of the total Base Bid amount.
4. Performance-Payment Bond for 100% of the total Base Bid amount with Power of
5. W-9 Form, if a new vendor
The successful bidder will also be responsible for the following:
1. Payment of all taxes levied under the laws of the State of Tennessee.
2. The successful bidder shall have the responsibility to ensure that all persons
employed under a contract with the City, whether directly or by subcontract, be
legal residents and be authorized to work in the United States.
3. Affirma`ve Ac`on compliance is required. 


Documents as of 10/5/2022
PW 2022-08 Kingsbury-Old Hickory Blvd Entry Improvements-mj-2022-10-03.pdf
Addition 1

Posted: 7/19/2024

Type of Addition: No Action

Posted: 7/19/2024

Type of Addition: No Action