Peralta Community College District Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFQ 20-21/06 Design Build Construction Services for the Berkeley City College 2118 Milvia Expansion Project

Deadline: 11/6/2020 2:00 PM   (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: RFQ 20-21/06

Description: The scope of work includes the 2118 Milvia Street Project which involves demolition of an existing three story building (roughly 25,000 sq. ft.) and its replacement with a new six story 60,000 sq. ft. building. 

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 10/13/2020 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: Please sign up if you plan to attend the pre-bid meeting.A Mandatory Pre-qualification video conference will be held on October 13, 2020 at 10 AM via Zoom: Conference Meeting ID 962 1387 7346. Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Documents as of 11/21/2020
Advertisement - RFQ 20 21 06 BCC 2118 Milvia Street Expansion.pdf
Request For Qualifications 20-21_06 Design-Build Services 2118 Milvia Street Berkeley City College Final.pdf
Exhibit A-1.1 - Design Build Project Reference Table.xlsx
Exhibit A-2.1 - Community College Project Reference Table.xlsx
Exhibit B - Key Personel Experience.xlsx
RFQ 20 21 06 Pre-Qualification Meeting Sign-In Sheet.pdf
201013 BCC_RFQ 20 21 06 Pre-Qual Meeting_.pptx
RFQ 20 21 06 Pre-Qualification Mtg Zoom Participant Report.pdf
RFQ 20 21_06 Addendum One (Final).pdf
Addendum 1 - Exhibit A-1.1 - Design Build Project Reference Table.xlsx
Addendum 1 - Exhibit A-2.1 - CA Community College Project Reference Table.xlsx
RFQ 20 21_06 Addendum Two (Final).pdf
Addendum 2 - Exhibit A-2.1 - CA Community College Project Reference Table.xlsx
RFQ 20 21_06 Addendum Three (Final).pdf
Addendum Three - Exhibit B - Key Personel Experience.xlsx
RFQ 20 21_06 Addendum Four (Final).pdf
RFQ 20 21 06 BCC 2118 Milvia Street DBE Short List.pdf
Question 1

Posted: 10/5/2020

Question: Can you please provide directions to register in advance for the pre-bid meeting? The Zoom link provided does not have a registration option. Thank you.

Response: Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Question 2

Posted: 10/6/2020

Question: How will the Systems Commissioning Authority be sourced for this project?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Question 3

Posted: 10/13/2020

Question: Is there a security guard opportunity on this?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Question 4

Posted: 10/13/2020

Question: In Exhibit G – It mentions use of Peralta Community College District SLBE criteria only. Is there going to be a proposal to also accept Alameda County Certification with a higher dollar threshold so the college can be more inclusive in this process?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Question 5

Posted: 10/13/2020

Question: On page 15 of Appendix B, Section VI. Item 1, the RFQ requests for community college projects from the past 5 years. However, in Exhibit A-1 “Design-Build References” and Exhibit-2 “CA Community College References” it asks for projects within the past 10 years. Our question is how flexible is the timeline for the list of community college related projects? Would we be able to include community college projects within the past 12 years?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Question 6

Posted: 10/14/2020

Question: Do you intend to hold a supplemental mandatory pre-bid conference for those who had difficulties joining the zoom conference. Also are subs bound by the same requirements?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Question 7

Posted: 10/14/2020

Question: We are registered as an SLBE in San Francisco which is outside of the market's District Area. Would we still qualify for partial points as an SLBE? Thank you.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Question 8

Posted: 10/16/2020

Question: For the sections that ask for project experience and references specific to Community College projects, may we include project experience and references from other Higher Education clients, such as University of California and California State University?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Question 9

Posted: 10/16/2020

Question: May we submit information and qualifications for additional consultants and subcontractors not explicitly requested in the RFQ?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Question 10

Posted: 10/20/2020

Question: Thank you for the answer to the question about how Commissioning will be solicited: "The Commissioning Authority will be sourced by the District for this project." Please clarify: will solicitation be via Vendor Registry, and when can that be expected?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Question 11

Posted: 10/21/2020

Question: Can you please clarify and confirm which DBE members need to submit the following RFQ Sections. In general, various RFQ Sections request that the “DBE or any member” answer the respective questions. We were confused whether only the General Contractor (or DBE representative) are required to answer or if you are requesting that each of the 10 DBE firms should submit their own copy. a) Section 1.B – Does each DBE member need to submit their Form of Organization? b) Section 1.C.2, Section III, Section IV.B.4 – We will answer once from the perspective of all DBE members. c) Section IV Bonds – Even though it’s the General Contractor that will be and typically supplies the P&P Bonds, are you asking all Engineers and Contractors to confirm these questions? d) Section V Safety – Should each DBE member submit their own forms for this section? Note: This would not apply to the architect and engineers. e) Section IX Skilled and Trained Workforce – Should each DBE member submit Exhibit C or will the GC’s commitment suffice? Note: This would not apply to the architect and engineers.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Question 12

Posted: 10/21/2020

Question: The RFQ submission is inclusive of Sections I through X. Several of these Sections require one of the Exhibits from Section X. Would Peralta like us to include the referenced Exhibits in each relevant Section or include them all in Section X?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Question 13

Posted: 10/21/2020

Question: Can you clarify what is required for Exhibit D: a) The document looks more appropriate for after award however if we are required to submit with the RFQ, can you please clarify which DBE entities/firm(s) are required to fill it out? b) If required now, on the 2nd page, the top two tables are asking for a breakdown of ethnicities however the text is cut off. Please supply an excel or revised document with full descriptions. c) Also, if required now, the last section is asking for the address for “. . . each employee, subcontractor, or apprentice for awarded contract”. As this could be quite extensive and unknown at this stage, can you please limit what employees should be included?”

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Question 14

Posted: 10/21/2020

Question: Section VII: The Relevant Experience of Key Personnel asks for the Fire Protection Contractor but not an Engineer. Typical this system is design-build. Will the District be handling the Fire Protection engineering for this project?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Question 15

Posted: 10/22/2020

Question: Exhibit A-1 requires that the GC and Architect of Record list 3 Design-Build plus 3 Community College Projects north of $50 million (3 to 6 $50M projects). This would appear to greatly limit the response pool to a few large candidates and would seem to preclude relevant Design-Bid-Build or DSA K-12 experience. As the District would benefit from increased competition can these project types be considered or can the team list 3 total Community College and/or Design Build projects in the $50M range?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Question 16

Posted: 10/23/2020

Question: As specified in the RFQ Section VI, Question 1, and in the provided Exhibit A-2, the General Contractor shall provide the most recent and comparable California Community College projects. However, due to the similarity of the DSA approval process with public CA K-12 projects, would the district allow the General Contractor to provide CA K-12 projects in lieu of CA Community College projects?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Question 17

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: In Exhibit B, please clarify the following: 1. Higher Educational Facility Experience with +/- 60,000 GSF (List GSF): Are we listing the gsf of (1) largest-sized project, or combined gsf of all applicable projects? 2. Project Experience with a Value Over $50M (List Value): Are we listing the value of (1) highest-valued project, or combined value of all applicable projects?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 18

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Exhibit G SLBE/SELBE SELF CERTIFICATION AFFIDAVIT states: I acknowledge and have been advised and hereby agree that my firm will be required to provide proof (and if applicable, my SLBE and SELBE Subcontractors will provide proof) of the status claimed on this self-certification affidavit 48 hours after bid opening. Proof of status claimed includes tax returns from the previous three years and past contracts to determine the size and geographical location of my firm. Please confirm that proof is not required until RFP phase when we submit bids.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 19

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Are Exhibits E, F, and H only for General Contractor to fill out?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 20

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: With November 3, 2020 at 2:00 P.M. as the last day for District to issue addenda or answer questions, do you plan to answer any questions this week, or possibly extend the deadline to allow for time to respond to changes in the possible November 3 addendum?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 21

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section VIII. If the DBE or any member identifies as a SLBE or SELBE, at what time (i.e. with the RFQ submission or later in the process) should we submit proof of residency and revenue to document compliance and receive appropriate credit per RFQ Appendix B, Section VIII?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 22

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section II (which is Pass/Fail), Part A, Question 8. Will an affirmative response to the General Contractor having made a minor change to its name as part of a global rebranding--but not a tax ID change--in the past five (5) years result in the General Contractor failing the requirements of Section II?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 23

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section I.C.1 (which is Pass/Fail). In assessing the General Contractor's Financial Capacity, will the District also consider the General Contractor's parent company’s financial statement and financial capability where the General Contractor’s financial statement is included within its parent company’s financial statement?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 24

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section I.C.1.a, which states, “The certificate of a licensed Certified Public Accountant will be required in all cases.” Our financial statements include an Independent Auditor’s Report on the CPA firm’s letterhead. Does this suffice for the required “certificate?” The RFQ further states that an “Accountant’s Release Letter” will be required. Does the District have a standard release letter to use? If not, please provide guidance on any specific clauses required to be included.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 25

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section IV.B.1 (which is Pass/Fail). This section asks if respondent has liability insurance with $5m per occurrence and $10m in aggregate. If we have $3m per occurrence and $10m in aggregate, will that be deemed passing? If not, then will the availability to secure $5m/$10m to the DBE be deemed passing?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 26

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Can you please upload an updated Exhibit B form to reflect the updated value and gsf that goes along with the updated value: Higher Educational Facility Experience with +/- 60,000 GSF (List GSF) Project Experience with a Value Over $50M (List Value)

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 27

Posted: 10/28/2020

Question: Per Section IX of Appendix B, the DBE and subcontractor requirements to use skilled and trained workforce to perform all work refers to trade work, correct? Can the District clarify if this excludes professional services such as architecture, design engineers, and specialty consulting?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Question 28

Posted: 11/2/2020

Question: The VendorRegistry website includes the following Question 23 and says that it was answered in Addendum Three; however, the question/response are NOT included in Addendum Three. Can you please review and post the answer to this question? Posted: 10/27/2020 Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section I.C.1 (which is Pass/Fail). In assessing the General Contractor's Financial Capacity, will the District also consider the General Contractor's parent company’s financial statement and financial capability where the General Contractor’s financial statement is included within its parent company’s financial statement? Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Four posted today.

Posted: 10/5/2020

Question: Can you please provide directions to register in advance for the pre-bid meeting? The Zoom link provided does not have a registration option. Thank you.

Response: Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Posted: 10/6/2020

Question: How will the Systems Commissioning Authority be sourced for this project?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Posted: 10/13/2020

Question: Is there a security guard opportunity on this?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Posted: 10/13/2020

Question: In Exhibit G – It mentions use of Peralta Community College District SLBE criteria only. Is there going to be a proposal to also accept Alameda County Certification with a higher dollar threshold so the college can be more inclusive in this process?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Posted: 10/13/2020

Question: On page 15 of Appendix B, Section VI. Item 1, the RFQ requests for community college projects from the past 5 years. However, in Exhibit A-1 “Design-Build References” and Exhibit-2 “CA Community College References” it asks for projects within the past 10 years. Our question is how flexible is the timeline for the list of community college related projects? Would we be able to include community college projects within the past 12 years?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Posted: 10/14/2020

Question: Do you intend to hold a supplemental mandatory pre-bid conference for those who had difficulties joining the zoom conference. Also are subs bound by the same requirements?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Posted: 10/14/2020

Question: We are registered as an SLBE in San Francisco which is outside of the market's District Area. Would we still qualify for partial points as an SLBE? Thank you.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Posted: 10/16/2020

Question: For the sections that ask for project experience and references specific to Community College projects, may we include project experience and references from other Higher Education clients, such as University of California and California State University?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Posted: 10/16/2020

Question: May we submit information and qualifications for additional consultants and subcontractors not explicitly requested in the RFQ?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum One posted today.

Posted: 10/20/2020

Question: Thank you for the answer to the question about how Commissioning will be solicited: "The Commissioning Authority will be sourced by the District for this project." Please clarify: will solicitation be via Vendor Registry, and when can that be expected?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Posted: 10/21/2020

Question: Can you please clarify and confirm which DBE members need to submit the following RFQ Sections. In general, various RFQ Sections request that the “DBE or any member” answer the respective questions. We were confused whether only the General Contractor (or DBE representative) are required to answer or if you are requesting that each of the 10 DBE firms should submit their own copy. a) Section 1.B – Does each DBE member need to submit their Form of Organization? b) Section 1.C.2, Section III, Section IV.B.4 – We will answer once from the perspective of all DBE members. c) Section IV Bonds – Even though it’s the General Contractor that will be and typically supplies the P&P Bonds, are you asking all Engineers and Contractors to confirm these questions? d) Section V Safety – Should each DBE member submit their own forms for this section? Note: This would not apply to the architect and engineers. e) Section IX Skilled and Trained Workforce – Should each DBE member submit Exhibit C or will the GC’s commitment suffice? Note: This would not apply to the architect and engineers.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Posted: 10/21/2020

Question: The RFQ submission is inclusive of Sections I through X. Several of these Sections require one of the Exhibits from Section X. Would Peralta like us to include the referenced Exhibits in each relevant Section or include them all in Section X?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Posted: 10/21/2020

Question: Can you clarify what is required for Exhibit D: a) The document looks more appropriate for after award however if we are required to submit with the RFQ, can you please clarify which DBE entities/firm(s) are required to fill it out? b) If required now, on the 2nd page, the top two tables are asking for a breakdown of ethnicities however the text is cut off. Please supply an excel or revised document with full descriptions. c) Also, if required now, the last section is asking for the address for “. . . each employee, subcontractor, or apprentice for awarded contract”. As this could be quite extensive and unknown at this stage, can you please limit what employees should be included?”

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Posted: 10/21/2020

Question: Section VII: The Relevant Experience of Key Personnel asks for the Fire Protection Contractor but not an Engineer. Typical this system is design-build. Will the District be handling the Fire Protection engineering for this project?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Posted: 10/22/2020

Question: Exhibit A-1 requires that the GC and Architect of Record list 3 Design-Build plus 3 Community College Projects north of $50 million (3 to 6 $50M projects). This would appear to greatly limit the response pool to a few large candidates and would seem to preclude relevant Design-Bid-Build or DSA K-12 experience. As the District would benefit from increased competition can these project types be considered or can the team list 3 total Community College and/or Design Build projects in the $50M range?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Posted: 10/23/2020

Question: As specified in the RFQ Section VI, Question 1, and in the provided Exhibit A-2, the General Contractor shall provide the most recent and comparable California Community College projects. However, due to the similarity of the DSA approval process with public CA K-12 projects, would the district allow the General Contractor to provide CA K-12 projects in lieu of CA Community College projects?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Two posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: In Exhibit B, please clarify the following: 1. Higher Educational Facility Experience with +/- 60,000 GSF (List GSF): Are we listing the gsf of (1) largest-sized project, or combined gsf of all applicable projects? 2. Project Experience with a Value Over $50M (List Value): Are we listing the value of (1) highest-valued project, or combined value of all applicable projects?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Exhibit G SLBE/SELBE SELF CERTIFICATION AFFIDAVIT states: I acknowledge and have been advised and hereby agree that my firm will be required to provide proof (and if applicable, my SLBE and SELBE Subcontractors will provide proof) of the status claimed on this self-certification affidavit 48 hours after bid opening. Proof of status claimed includes tax returns from the previous three years and past contracts to determine the size and geographical location of my firm. Please confirm that proof is not required until RFP phase when we submit bids.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Are Exhibits E, F, and H only for General Contractor to fill out?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: With November 3, 2020 at 2:00 P.M. as the last day for District to issue addenda or answer questions, do you plan to answer any questions this week, or possibly extend the deadline to allow for time to respond to changes in the possible November 3 addendum?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section VIII. If the DBE or any member identifies as a SLBE or SELBE, at what time (i.e. with the RFQ submission or later in the process) should we submit proof of residency and revenue to document compliance and receive appropriate credit per RFQ Appendix B, Section VIII?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section II (which is Pass/Fail), Part A, Question 8. Will an affirmative response to the General Contractor having made a minor change to its name as part of a global rebranding--but not a tax ID change--in the past five (5) years result in the General Contractor failing the requirements of Section II?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section I.C.1 (which is Pass/Fail). In assessing the General Contractor's Financial Capacity, will the District also consider the General Contractor's parent company’s financial statement and financial capability where the General Contractor’s financial statement is included within its parent company’s financial statement?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section I.C.1.a, which states, “The certificate of a licensed Certified Public Accountant will be required in all cases.” Our financial statements include an Independent Auditor’s Report on the CPA firm’s letterhead. Does this suffice for the required “certificate?” The RFQ further states that an “Accountant’s Release Letter” will be required. Does the District have a standard release letter to use? If not, please provide guidance on any specific clauses required to be included.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section IV.B.1 (which is Pass/Fail). This section asks if respondent has liability insurance with $5m per occurrence and $10m in aggregate. If we have $3m per occurrence and $10m in aggregate, will that be deemed passing? If not, then will the availability to secure $5m/$10m to the DBE be deemed passing?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/27/2020

Question: Can you please upload an updated Exhibit B form to reflect the updated value and gsf that goes along with the updated value: Higher Educational Facility Experience with +/- 60,000 GSF (List GSF) Project Experience with a Value Over $50M (List Value)

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 10/28/2020

Question: Per Section IX of Appendix B, the DBE and subcontractor requirements to use skilled and trained workforce to perform all work refers to trade work, correct? Can the District clarify if this excludes professional services such as architecture, design engineers, and specialty consulting?

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Posted: 11/2/2020

Question: The VendorRegistry website includes the following Question 23 and says that it was answered in Addendum Three; however, the question/response are NOT included in Addendum Three. Can you please review and post the answer to this question? Posted: 10/27/2020 Question: Reference RFQ Appendix B, Section I.C.1 (which is Pass/Fail). In assessing the General Contractor's Financial Capacity, will the District also consider the General Contractor's parent company’s financial statement and financial capability where the General Contractor’s financial statement is included within its parent company’s financial statement? Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Three posted today.

Response: This question has been answered in Addendum Four posted today.