Central Florida Expressway Authority Sealed Solicitation


Deadline: 7/15/2024 1:30 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Awarded

Solicitation Number: ITB - 002108

Description: The work consists of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals for the conversion of all existing lighting equipment at the CFX headquarters building (4974 ORL Tower Road, Orlando, FL 32807) to LED fixtures with associated controls. The work includes the removal of the existing lighting equipment.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 6/6/2024 10:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: A mandatory pre-bid meeting and mandatory site visit will be held on June 06, 2024, beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the CFX Headquarters Building located at 4974 ORL Tower Road, Orlando, Florida, 32807. Interested parties must attend in person. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss requirements of the project in an open forum. The pre-bid meeting and site visit are mandatory, attendance is required to bid on the project.


Documents as of 5/24/2024
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Date Company Name
5/27/2024 8:27:27 AM SecworldWide&Associates LLC
5/28/2024 6:30:37 AM The Arnold Group of Florida, Inc.
5/28/2024 8:38:45 AM The Arnold Group
5/28/2024 9:04:02 AM DRMP Inc.
5/28/2024 9:22:41 AM HBC Engineering Company
5/28/2024 9:25:42 AM Alternative Energy Services, Inc
5/28/2024 9:49:49 AM GRAEF
5/28/2024 10:38:41 AM Parsons Transportation Group
5/28/2024 1:57:22 PM Construction Journal
5/28/2024 4:16:08 PM WBG Engineering DBA GenXC Engineering
5/28/2024 5:25:33 PM dodge data and analytics
5/29/2024 1:22:49 PM Tampa Electric Company
5/30/2024 4:38:24 AM Dodge Data
5/30/2024 9:06:33 AM OCI Associates, LLC
5/31/2024 8:53:31 AM Orange Hills Consulting Group LLC
6/3/2024 10:44:47 AM Gomez Construction Company
6/3/2024 10:50:09 AM Superior Rigging & Erecting Co
6/3/2024 1:55:50 PM EPG Engineering, Inc.
6/6/2024 2:53:58 PM Gibbs & Register, Inc.
6/7/2024 4:24:32 PM CTR III Enterprise, Inc.
6/10/2024 2:23:35 PM Central Florida Expressway Authority
6/10/2024 2:37:07 PM Gomez Construction Company
6/10/2024 2:43:08 PM W1s3 LLC
6/10/2024 4:06:03 PM SGM Engineering, Inc.
6/11/2024 1:00:05 AM North America Procurement Council Inc., PBC
6/11/2024 7:20:57 AM The Fishel Company
6/14/2024 7:47:02 AM exp U.S. services inc
6/19/2024 2:20:28 PM Blackridge Research & consulting
6/20/2024 12:19:31 PM Highway Safety Devices, Inc.
6/24/2024 4:09:19 PM Southeast Highway
6/26/2024 8:27:05 AM TShayEnterprise
7/3/2024 4:58:44 PM S.A. Casey Construction
7/4/2024 2:39:47 AM AG Ltd
7/4/2024 6:06:48 AM Link Systems, LLC
7/8/2024 7:42:55 AM HBC Eng.
7/15/2024 3:43:25 PM EcoLite LED
7/15/2024 3:58:19 PM SICE, Inc.
7/15/2024 4:57:57 PM Florida Industrial Electric
7/15/2024 6:46:08 PM PI Consulting Services LLC
7/16/2024 7:10:04 AM Dodge Data & Analytics
7/16/2024 10:40:19 AM Dewberry Engineers Inc
7/16/2024 11:18:43 AM Dewberry
7/16/2024 1:22:39 PM Chinchor Electric, Inc.
7/22/2024 12:42:54 PM Dewberry
7/23/2024 10:57:08 AM Integrated Synergy Inc.
8/1/2024 12:28:02 PM Commercial Lighting & Electrical Inc.
8/5/2024 4:03:31 PM PI Consulting Services, LLC
8/6/2024 12:57:18 PM Transportation Systems Inc.
8/8/2024 11:45:18 AM Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
8/8/2024 11:52:22 AM D'NOVO Services, LLC
8/8/2024 11:52:52 AM Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
8/8/2024 11:53:01 AM Avant Engineering Group
8/8/2024 12:24:21 PM Precast Specialties
8/8/2024 1:24:13 PM Southern Manufacturing/ Earnest Products
8/8/2024 1:32:33 PM SESCO Lighting
8/8/2024 3:15:05 PM ConstructConnect
8/8/2024 4:41:59 PM Boru & Associates
8/12/2024 10:30:59 AM Dodge Data & Analytics
8/13/2024 10:43:34 AM DRMP Inc.
8/14/2024 1:52:09 PM Balfour Beatty
8/19/2024 2:11:09 PM Sesco Lighting, Inc.
9/9/2024 2:25:39 PM Parsons
9/26/2024 12:46:47 AM PWXPress
10/11/2024 12:03:04 PM Ardurra Group, Inc.
11/21/2024 2:16:10 PM Dewberry
1/11/2025 2:39:09 AM Deltek
Addition 1

Posted: 5/28/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum

Addition 2

Posted: 5/28/2024

Type of Addition: Public Notices 002108


Addition 3

Posted: 6/7/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum No. 1

Overview: This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original bidding documents dated May 2024, as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Proposal form. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This Addendum consists of 2 pages. 

Deadline: 7/15/2024 1:30 PM

Solicitation #: 002108


Addition 4

Posted: 6/10/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum No. 2

Overview: This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original bidding documents dated May 2024, as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Proposal form. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This Addendum consists of 2 pages and the following attachment: Revised Page P-2. 

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 6/17/2024 11:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: For any interested parties who did not attend the first mandatory pre-bid meeting / site visit, a second mandatory pre-bid meeting / site visit will be held on June 17, 2024, beginning at 11:00 a.m. in the CFX Headquarters Building located at 4974 ORL Tower Road, Orlando, Florida, 32807. Interested parties must attend in person. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss requirements of the project in an open forum. The pre-bid meeting and site visit are mandatory, attendance is required to bid on the project.

Solicitation #: 002108


Addition 5

Posted: 7/3/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum No. 3

Overview: This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original bidding documents dated May 2024, as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Proposal form. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This Addendum consists of 6 pages and the following attachments: Florida Vendor Forms (P-9 through P-9E).

Solicitation #: 002108


Addition 6

Posted: 7/4/2024

Type of Addition: Notification of Email Address constructionproject408-428@ Technical Difficulties

Overview: Please be aware that as of Tuesday, July 02, 2024, at approximately 4pm,  our email address, constructionproject408-428@cfxway.com began experiencing technical difficulties and is currently no longer was accepting emails. We are actively in the process of resolving this issue and expect resolution no later than Monday, July 8, 2024.  A notification will be sent out once the technical issues have been resolved and emails are again being accepted through constructionproject408-428@cfxway.com.  Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused, we look forward to your continued participation in the solicitation process. The CFX Procurement Team 

Solicitation #: 002108

Addition 7

Posted: 7/15/2024

Type of Addition: Bid Opening Minutes 002108



Addition 8

Posted: 8/8/2024

Type of Addition: Bid Tabulation 002108



Addition 9

Posted: 8/8/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information 002108

Overview: Bids for this project were received and opened on July 15, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. The bid tabulation is attached hereto. On August 8, 2024, the CFX Board members awarded the Contract to the following firm, contingent upon final execution of the contract by both parties: Transportation Systems, Inc., 575 Cooper Industrial Parkway, Apopka, Florida 32703

Amount: $684,310.00


Posted: 5/28/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum

Posted: 5/28/2024

Type of Addition: Public Notices 002108


Posted: 6/7/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum No. 1

Overview: This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original bidding documents dated May 2024, as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Proposal form. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This Addendum consists of 2 pages. 

Deadline: 7/15/2024 1:30 PM

Solicitation #: 002108


Posted: 6/10/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum No. 2

Overview: This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original bidding documents dated May 2024, as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Proposal form. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This Addendum consists of 2 pages and the following attachment: Revised Page P-2. 

Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 6/17/2024 11:00 AM

Pre-Bid Meeting Details: For any interested parties who did not attend the first mandatory pre-bid meeting / site visit, a second mandatory pre-bid meeting / site visit will be held on June 17, 2024, beginning at 11:00 a.m. in the CFX Headquarters Building located at 4974 ORL Tower Road, Orlando, Florida, 32807. Interested parties must attend in person. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss requirements of the project in an open forum. The pre-bid meeting and site visit are mandatory, attendance is required to bid on the project.

Solicitation #: 002108


Posted: 7/3/2024

Type of Addition: Addendum No. 3

Overview: This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original bidding documents dated May 2024, as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Proposal form. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. This Addendum consists of 6 pages and the following attachments: Florida Vendor Forms (P-9 through P-9E).

Solicitation #: 002108


Posted: 7/4/2024

Type of Addition: Notification of Email Address constructionproject408-428@ Technical Difficulties

Overview: Please be aware that as of Tuesday, July 02, 2024, at approximately 4pm,  our email address, constructionproject408-428@cfxway.com began experiencing technical difficulties and is currently no longer was accepting emails. We are actively in the process of resolving this issue and expect resolution no later than Monday, July 8, 2024.  A notification will be sent out once the technical issues have been resolved and emails are again being accepted through constructionproject408-428@cfxway.com.  Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused, we look forward to your continued participation in the solicitation process. The CFX Procurement Team 

Solicitation #: 002108

Posted: 7/15/2024

Type of Addition: Bid Opening Minutes 002108



Posted: 8/8/2024

Type of Addition: Bid Tabulation 002108



Posted: 8/8/2024

Type of Addition: Award Information 002108

Overview: Bids for this project were received and opened on July 15, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. The bid tabulation is attached hereto. On August 8, 2024, the CFX Board members awarded the Contract to the following firm, contingent upon final execution of the contract by both parties: Transportation Systems, Inc., 575 Cooper Industrial Parkway, Apopka, Florida 32703

Amount: $684,310.00
