Hamilton County Department of Education Sealed Solicitation

Title: RFP 24-27 Compensation and Classification Study

Deadline: 11/30/2023 2:00 PM   (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Status: Deadline Expired

Solicitation Number: 24-27

Description: The Vendor shall work with the School’s Finance and Talent teams to conduct a salary and classification survey/review in order to implement a total compensation plan structure for the District’s workforce which will provide both internal and external equity including the length of work calendars in order to establish a classification system that accurately describes the duties, knowledge, skills, abilities and minimum qualifications required for each job class, to determine and implement a program of accurate job descriptions based on job analysis, and to develop a maintenance program for job descriptions and compensation and classification recommendations.


Documents as of 11/27/2023
Final - RFP 24-27 HCS Compensation and Classification Study.pdf
Addendum 1 RFP 24-27.pdf