City of Carlsbad Sealed Solicitation
Title: Water Line Lease
Deadline: 6/21/2019 5:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Status: Cancelled
Solicitation Number: 2019-11
The City of Carlsbad owns an 8 mile section water line in the Loco Hills area.
Line Location: The line begins as T17S R32E Section 2 and runs for approximately 8 miles and terminates at T18S R31E Section 1.
(A detailed
map has been provided for reference)
Documents as of 5/31/2019 |
RFP2019-11 DE Waterline Lease.docx |
RFP2019-11 Double Eagle Water Line Lease 2 Map.pdf |
Addition 1
Posted: 7/29/2019
Type of Addition: Cancellation Information
Overview: Project will be re-bid at a later date.
Posted: 7/29/2019
Type of Addition: Cancellation Information
Overview: Project will be re-bid at a later date.